There is an old saying that a really good conspiracy can not be proven.  There is also an old saying that "where there's smoke, there's fire".  I see a whole lot of smoke.  What I would like to do with this message is to try focus on the fire, or the root cause of the smoke, which is, in part, what my books are about.  What follows is excerpted from my first book, "Bible Slave Law" (1993). Serious, scholarly comments and replies are welcome (see web and e-mail addresses at the end of this message).


"...God has raised up the United States for two purposes only: to protect Israel from all enemies and to serve as a base for evangelizing the entire world. Except for these two purposes, America has no `right or reason for existence'."

JERRY FALWELL (Christianity Today Sept 4, 1981, p. 25 Quoted from reprint in The Southern Baptist Holy War, by Joe Edward Barnhart, p. 170)


According to a report on CNN television the average American taxpayer must work 123 days per year in order to pay his TAXES (see endnote on p.224). Based on a 5 day, 40 hour work week, that comes to 24.6 work weeks. If the average taxpayer gets 2.8 weeks holiday time each year that means that exactly HALF OF THE AVERAGE TAXPAYER'S LABOUR GOES TO PAY TAXES. When one takes into consideration the amount of labour hours required to pay the INTEREST on the home mortgage, the INTEREST on the car payments, the INTEREST on the credit card, and the INTEREST on the multitude of other consumer purchases made; and, when one considers the built-in price increases added on to the market prices of products to pay the INTEREST on corporate and other business DEBT; and, when one considers the amount of money taken out of the take-home packet of labour to pay the DEBT on the home mortgage, the DEBT on the car, DEBT on the credit card, and the DEBT on the multitude of other consumer and capital acquisition debts owed by labour to the MONEYCHANGERS, the only logical conclusion one can come to is that INTEREST, DEBT AND TAXES ARE PURE UNADULTERATED SLAVERY OF LABOUR.

The idea that "Marxism is a theory of liberation or it is nothing" is rooted in the Marxian theory of the exploitation of labour, a theory which is supposedly rooted in the fundamental rejection of all forms of slavery, including financial slavery, tax slavery and, indeed, all forms of debt/tax slavery. As the world watches the Russian system of STATE CAPITALISM being converted back into PRIMITIVE CAPITALISM, it becomes readily apparent that Marxism has never existed at any time in the Soviet Union nor does Marxism exist anywhere in the world today, and, that merely swinging the pendulum back and forth between vulgar communism and primitive capitalism is not going to solve the problem of the exploitation of labour.

Raya Dunayevskaya made a profoundly important statement in her book "Marxism and Freedom" when she said that "there is a veritable conspiracy to identify Marxism, a theory of liberation, with its opposite, Communism" (meaning what Karl Marx called "Vulgar Communism"). While the general awakening to the idea of vulgar communism seems to have served as a guiding light for the rejection of State Capitalism in the now defunct Soviet Union, from the way things have been developing in Eastern Europe and Russia, however, the struggle for freedom has resulted more in opening up the freedom for the debt/tax slavemasters of the earth to exploit and enslave the working class than to free the working class from exploitation and slavery.

Blaming Nationalism as the villain in the Balkan dilemma (or in any of the other struggles by peoples for freedom and independence from exploitation and slavery) is, at best, a propaganda ploy necessary to keep the IMF/World Bank/International Corporate System in global control of the exploitation and debt/tax slavery of all peoples and nations. However, there is no reason on God's earth why each nation or state (or union of nations or states) can not print their own debt free and tax free money for the creation of debt free and tax free business and industrial TRADE with one another and other nations. It is profoundly important, however, to make it unquestionably clear that FAIR trade between nations is an impossibility when "foreign investment" owns and controls the land, labour and capital of those nations and peoples who would otherwise be free.

In fact, rather than Nationalism being the villain, the villain preventing the creation of genuine economic freedom for all people, not only in Russia and the Balkans but everywhere else as well, is the global debt/tax slavery money system which has its roots deeply embedded in Bible Slave Law.

Of course, the IMF/World Bank/International Corporate Interlock COULD voluntarily convert into a debt free and tax free money system for the financing of a GLOBAL UNIVERSAL private property economic system but expecting such a miracle would be rather like expecting Israel and its puppet state of America to unilaterally abandon Bible Slave Law.

Using the Bible to keep people in slavery and servitude is not limited to keeping only blacks in slavery. The debt/tax slavery imposed on the American people (regardless of race) by Section 4 of the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution (enacted about a year after the assassination of Abraham Lincoln) comes directly from Bible Slave Law.

During the 1992 Presidential debates on TV Admiral Stockdale (Ross Perot's Vice Presidential Candidate) asked the American people to read the Lincoln/Douglas debates. How many Americans understand how our local banks print the money they loan or why Abraham Lincoln was assassinated for issuing the debt free and tax free "greenback dollar", or why America is sending troops all over the world to secure the "New World Order" to GLOBALIZE SLAVERY under the control of the world bank debt/tax slavery money system mandated by the Law of Moses?

During the American Civil War, the "Battle of the Bibles" was in high gear. In support of Steven A. Douglas and the "South" were writers and preachers by the hundreds, like the Rev. Fredrick A. Ross, who were declaring that "God Ordained Slavery". In support of Abraham Lincoln and the "North", the voice of writers and preachers rang out against slavery, like the book by the Rev. George B. Cheevers entitled "God Against Slavery". And all the while, behind the scenes, the battle for the power of money reigned supreme.

Abraham Lincoln understood the Biblical rules on slavery very well but rather than get involved in confusing theological debate, Lincoln simply stood on the "Moral Light Around Us" when he said in his famous "House Divided Speech" in Springfield, Illinois on June 16, 1858 that there was a "concert FROM THE BEGINNING" to "NATIONALIZE SLAVERY" (emphases mine).

Benjamin Franklin told the American people at the time of the American Constitutional Convention 204 years ago that "There is a grave danger for the United States of America....This great danger is the Jew....IN THE COUNTING HOUSES (emphasis mine)...gleefully rubbing their hands....If Jews are not excluded (from America)...WITHIN 200 YEARS (emphasis mine) ...they will imperil our institutions".

Thomas Jefferson simply said that Judeo-christianity is "an engine for enslaving mankind" (p. 84, "A Covenanted People: The Religious Traditions and the Origins of American Constitutionalism", by Lutz and Warren, Brown University).

Martin Luther said,


(emphasis mine)

Today, according to Jerry Falwell (supported by millions of Judeo-christians), "...God has raised up the United States for two purposes only: to protect Israel from all enemies and to serve as a base for evangelizing the entire world. Except for these two purposes, America has no 'right or reason for existence'."

On March 20, 1991, the American Congress passed House Joint Resolution 104 which states that America was founded on the Seven Noahide Laws of the Old Testament which "have been the bedrock of society from the dawn of civilization". "From the dawn of civilization" or "from the beginning" (as Lincoln put it), a rose is a rose.

Those who do not understand the "Lincoln Conspiracy Theory" to "Nationalize Slavery" can hardly be expected to understand that the REAL REASON America and the unholy UN/US/Russian/Israeli alliance are sending troops all over the world is to GLOBALIZE SLAVERY UNDER BIBLE SLAVE LAW and to solidify support for the global conspiracy to create a "New World Order" using Bible Slave Law to keep people (regardless of race) in slavery, especially debt/tax slavery.

The Gospel of Jesus is a Gospel of Liberation from Bible Slave Law or it is a Gospel of nothing. "Do not allow yourselves to become slaves again" - Gal. 5:1.

L. Clifford Cheney


Was Abraham Lincoln ignorant of the global struggle for freedom that was transpiring in his day, particularly as it was taking place in the form of communism in Europe? Was the American State Department Intelligence Service, which was, even in the mid-1800's a global network, ignorant of what was going on in the world? Could the Supreme Court of the United States have passed the Dred Scott decision without knowing that even while America struggled for freedom at home, across the Atlantic the struggles for freedom from exploitation and oppression was giving birth to communism and what was later to emerge as fascism?

Keeping in mind that the U.S. Supreme Court had just passed the Dred Scott decision declaring that citizenship was not the right of blacks, and that the Civil War was looming on the horizon as Abraham Lincoln stepped from podium to podium, his message rang true in the hearts and minds of millions of Americans...there was a conspiracy afoot to nationalize slavery in defiance of freedom fighters everywhere. Was this "conspiracy theory" of Old Honest Abe's nothing more than the ill-conceived imaginings of a backwoods lawyer who was a mentally ill hypochondriac and who, in addition to suffering from depression was suffering delusions? After all, who in his right mind would conceive of such fanciful notions? Conspiracy, indeed! Have the Jews ever conspired to anything in all their history?

Keeping in mind that Lincoln was soon to plunge this young nation into war, is it conceivable that such a venture could be achieved by the railings of one deluded soul who was going around stumping his way to the Presidency by concocting some hair-brained idea that there was an international conspiracy to nationalize slavery?

Keeping in mind that Lincoln was soon to openly defy the International Jews by printing the debt free and tax free "greenback dollar", it is difficult to imagine that Lincoln was the sort of fool he is so often made out to be by supposedly respectable, authoritative and "accepted" historians. Of course we must ask ourselves who are the people who are accepting these histories that denounce Lincoln's Conspiracy Theory?

They couldn't possibly be Jews and their proselytes could they? American historical societies and American history books abound with accounts of the assassination of Lincoln that make mockery of the Lincoln Conspiracy Theory and it is these accounts that the Jews find "acceptable". In fact even the Cuomo/Holzer Book "Lincoln On Democracy" fails to make clear that it was Lincoln's June 16, 1858 speech in Springfield in which Lincoln repeatedly charged that the Dred Scott decision was merely part of a larger conspiracy to nationalize slavery. The real underlying reasons for the existence of the American freedom fighters (freesoilers as they were called then) has long been removed from the history shelves. And, of course, very little is ever said about the Lincoln "greenback dollar" and the importance of the "abolitionist movement" and the Republican Party, which Lincoln was soon to head as President. Yet, it is quite unimaginable to think for a moment that Old Honest Abe could possibly have gained the Presidential nomination, much less won the election, if there had not been very widespread and general understanding and agreement with the Conspiracy Theory being vocalized by Mr. Lincoln. Clearly, Old Abe did not "invent" the Conspiracy Theory of which he so eloquently spoke. Quite the contrary, Old Abe was a gifted orator who spoke on behalf of the masses of people who thronged to hear him speak and give him the support he needed to become President.

Keeping in mind that international commerce was in full bloom and that the international money lenders were desperately struggling then, as they are now, to secure their global control of the debt/tax money printing business, it is not difficult to understand why Old Abe posed a real threat to them when he defiantly printed the "greenback dollar" without debt and without taxes and without servitude to the bankers. The success of the Lincoln greenback dollar would have spelled doom and disaster for the "slave's yoke of international capital and its masters, the Jews". The Jews had to stop Old Abe, and stopped he was (so was the "greenback" with the passage of Section 4 of the 14th Amendment). The whole purpose of the global conspiracy to nationalize slavery in the United States was to secure acceptance of all aspects of Jewish Slave Law, including those parts of Mosaic Law that institutionalize debt/tax slavery.

The enactment of the 14th Amendment, Section 4 ("...the public debt...shall be questioned") tells the whole story of the behind-the-scenes intrigue that spelled the final end for Lincoln and his greenback dollar. The Conspiracy Lincoln tried to stop from taking control of America won the day. While the history books tell is the North won the Civil War, it is not difficult to look around America and see that debt/tax slavery is alive and well in every middlesex, village and town throughout this land that used to be called "Homestead America".Debt/tax slavery is alive and well okay and so is Jewish Slave Law with all its brutality.

When Abraham Lincoln went to visit his friend Mary Speed, he later wrote of the moving experience he witnessed, and it is well worth quoting: "A gentleman had purchased twelve negroes in different parts of Kentucky and was taking them to a farm in the South. They were chained six and six together. A small iron clevis was around the left wrist of each, and this fastened to the main chain by a shorter one at a convenient distance from the others; so that the negroes were strung together precisely like so many fish upon a trout-line. In this condition they were being separated forever from the scenes of their childhood, their friends, their fathers and mothers, and brothers and sisters, and many of them, from their wives and children, and going into perpetual slavery where the lash of the master is proverbially more ruthless and unrelenting than any other..." Rather brings to mind police beatings everywhere we look, not just on TV or in Los Angeles or America, but around the world the story is the same. Slavemasters..."ruthless and unrelenting"..."Slaves, obey your human masters."

Times don't change much except that now, the International Jew is poised to make that final leap of Conquest by securing the "new world order" once and for all, and woe be unto those who would not have it so (example, Iraq). Of course, in Abe Lincoln's day there was no conspiracy was there?

To be sure, Old Abe was hardly a self-proclaimed martyr and had he known that he would have been assassinated that fateful night do you think he would have travelled to Ford's theatre? Old Abe was, to be sure, aware of the danger of assassination. Perhaps that is why, at the 11th hour, Old Abe buckled under to the politicians and signed the National Bank Act into law knowing full well that it would spell doom for his fledgling "greenback dollar". Who knows why Old Abe compromised. Politicians have a habit of doing that....always for the greater good to come....that somehow never gets here. Unfortunately for Honest Abe, his capitulation to the bankers was too little, too late, and the assassins bullet found its mark anyway. And a short year later the 14th Amendment found its mark on the "greenback".

The struggle against the international money lenders has a long and bloody history. International Zionism is not a modern phenomenon. From Jesus' march on the temple to Shakespeare' "Merchant of Venice", from Hitler's "Mein Kampf" to S.C. Mooney's "Usury: Destroyer of Nations" to countless other struggles, written, covert and overt, the Jewish moneylenders have been in the spotlight. And so they should; it is the Jewish Bible that sanctions, glorifies and ordains slavery in any and all of its forms, including debt/tax slavery.

So, lest anyone think the poor innocent Jews are blameless and are the victims of racial hatred, read the Bible, starting with Deuteronomy 15:6 (..."you will lend money to many will control many nations"...).

Then, once you have Jewish Slave Law as ordained by the Law of Moses unquestionably clear in your mind, be open minded enough to give the American people of Lincoln's day enough brains to grasp the Conspiracy Theory that Abe Lincoln was so eloquently propounding. A conspiracy theory rooted in and ordained by the Bible. "Slaves, obey your human masters" (Ephesians 6:5). Then, as now, the Bible is an INTERNATIONAL instrument used by the JEWS (and proselyte Jews) to achieve peaceful submission to Jewish Slave Law.

Today, the IMF/World bank system of debt/tax slavery, an important part of which is the "Fed", has the same Biblical roots as all other debt/tax-slavery systems found in the Bible. However, whether or not the "chosen people" are ordained by God to be the slavemasters of the earth with their "New World Order" is open for debate.

Was, then, the Lincoln Conspiracy theory merely the railings of a naive, perhaps mentally ill, young politician who was seeking the presidency? Was the Lincoln Conspiracy theory merely the figment of his imagination? Do not the Jews pooh-pooh modern conspiracy theories in exactly the same way they try to undermine Lincoln's Conspiracy Theory? Considering the attempt by the Jews to declare Jesus mentally ill is it unreasonable to discount Jewish efforts to declare Lincoln and other conspiracy theorists mentally ill? Was the Lincoln Conspiracy Theory merely the railings of a paranoid? Or, was Lincoln, eloquent in speech as he was, so popular because he was able to vocalize for the American people what the American people felt and knew to be true in their hearts?

One thing is certain; Lincoln did not invent the international money problems of his day, and it is hard to believe that Lincoln was unaware of Karl Marx (Marx was very aware of Lincoln and was firmly on the side of Lincoln in the struggle against Jewish Slavery). It is hard to believe that the State Department, and its leader, Edwin M. Stanton, were unaware of the European movements against slavery or that they had no knowledge of any banking connections between the Southern States and their European Jewish brethren, or that they were ignorant of the plans for the Lincoln "greenback dollar". Indeed, financing the war effort was as much of a struggle for the South as it was for the North and the international ties and links of both sides were surely part of the intelligence network of the War Department (headed by Stanton). Lincoln did not arbitrarily, and out of nowhere, suddenly decide to print the debt free and tax free "greenback dollar" without the support of his backers, especially the Republican Party.

The struggle for freedom has never been an easy one, in no small part due to the powerful influence of the Bible, which both the North and South used to great extent in their battle over the Slavery Issue. The battle of the Bibles was a furious one and there can be little doubt that the influence of the Jewish Bible was then, as it is now, international in scope.

Finally, considering Lincoln's bent on re-establishing a Bank of The United States the threat to the Jews loomed large and real. And the issue of the "greenback dollar" (the forerunner of the Lincoln dream of a debt free and tax free Homestead America) could only strike fear and trembling in the hearts of the International Jews, who were backing the South with everything possible in order to secure a nation "under God"....under Jewish Slave Law.

Was Lincoln's Conspiracy Theory a figment of Lincoln's imagination? Are modern conspiracy theories without basis or truth? Are the Jews the innocent victims of slander? It's their Bible. It's their Mosaic Law. It's their Slave Law. It's no figment of the imagination that the USSR and the USA are interlocked in unholy alliance in an effort to establish a "new world order". Is the new EEC money system destined for 1996 a mere accident? Is the IMF/World Bank system of debt/tax slavery non-existent?

Well, was Lincoln's Conspiracy Theory a mere figment of his imagination as most popular histories of the Lincoln Conspiracy would like to have us believe?

To quote "Lincoln on Democracy":

"Looking abroad, toward countries where much less liberty existed, Lincoln thought people should "rise up". The idea of self-government he hoped would thus "liberate the world". He seemed to believe, all too optimistically (perhaps, sic), that liberty and nationalism would go comfortably hand in hand. So Lincoln admired the Poles who rose against the Russians, the Greeks who defied the Turks, and the South Americans who overthrew Spanish rule. He sympathized with Irish aspirations against the British. And the European revolutions of 1848 captured his special attention. He applauded the Germans and the French who rose against their native "yoke of despotism"...." (p. 7, "Lincoln on Democracy", Mario M. Cuomo and Harold Holzer, Editors).

No, Lincoln was not a naive paranoid who merely imagined that a grand conspiracy was in the making but did Lincoln grasp the global magnitude of the Jewish Conspiracy to Conquer the World? Probably not as we understand it today. After all, we have the benefit of historical knowledge about International Zionism that Lincoln did not have. We have the benefit of watching the slave's grip of debt/tax slavery wrench the last remnants of financial freedom from the European Economic Community, and with the successful emplacement of the new European Currency System, Jewish Slave Law throughout Europe is ensured for the unforeseeable future. No, Lincoln did not have these tidbits of knowledge at his disposal. The Russian Revolution had not been fought. The German refusal to buckle under to Jewish Slave Law that took the world to WWI and WWII is knowledge only available to us. But Lincoln, nevertheless, was a man of vision for his time and the Lincoln Conspiracy Theory was no figment of his imagination. When Lincoln spoke of a grand conspiracy to "nationalize slavery" he was well aware of the global connections between the Jewish money powers in Europe and the Southern States, and you can be certain that the conspiracy theory put forward by Lincoln is not the ones we are told about in our history books....unless you dig, and dig, and dig...and read between the lines, and find a quote her and there that you can piece together with the rest of the jig-saw puzzle to make the picture whole. But if we look around a bit, all the pieces fit. The UN/RUSSIAN/US/ISRAELI "New World Order" financed by the IMF/World Bank debt/tax slavery money system; the interlock with the International Corporations; the subservience of Nation-States speech today perhaps he would have said something like this" Let anyone who doubts that there is an International Jewish Conspiracy to establish the rule of Jewish Slave Law over the entire earth contemplate the sophisticated interlocking intelligence networks of the US/RUSSIAN/ISRAELI/EEC New World Order - piece of MACHINERY so to speak - compounded by the Fed/IMF/World Bank system of debt/tax slavery. Let him consider not only WHAT WORK the machinery is adapted to do, and HOW WELL ADAPTED it does its job; but also, let him study the HISTORY of its construction, and trace, if he can, or rather FAIL, if he can, to trace the evidences of design, and concert of action, among its chief bosses, from the beginning. Let it be clearly understood that by "machinery" is meant Jewish Slave Law as embodied in Mosaic Law MELIORATED in Section 4 of the 14th Amendment to ensure the perpetuity of debt/tax slavery upon the American people. The words WELL ADAPTED mean firmly entrenched in the Fed/IMF/World Bank debt/tax money system which is supported and upheld by the popular will of the slaves themselves, in the various so-called democracies of the world, in their constitutions and in their law courts. The Grand Sanhedrin (Supreme Court) of the United States and the Grand Sanhedrin of the USSR run a tight race for second place to the Grand Sanhedrin of Israel. The words "the History of its construction" refer to the historical movement of the financial and economic centers of the Jews and their proselytes from the Temple in Jerusalem in Jesus' day to Athens and Rome and Constantinople and then into Europe and the Far East and finally to New York and Tel Aviv and the USSR all firmly under the auspices of the UN and the New World Order, with its roots firmly planted in the Law of Moses. The Law of Moses, the history of the effective use of Judaized christian churches and the global conquest aims of Zionism working hand-in-hand with Judeo-christian mission to teach the world to obey your human masters with fear and trembling according to Ephesians 6:5. By the words "the evidence of design" is meant the Jewish designed debt/tax slavery system embodied in Mosaic Law and firmly entrenched in Section 4 of the 14th

Amendment to the Constitution and the laws of the land where ample evidence is available exposing the brutality of the Jewish system of "Justice" and the cruelty imposed upon our American people by their debt/tax slavery laws. By the words "concert of action" is meant the International Jewish Conspiracy to enslave the world; if not outright, then in "meliorated" form of debt/tax slavery. By the words "chief bosses" is meant the ILLUMINATI AND TOP LEVEL INTERNATIONAL JEWS AND THEIR PROSELYTES IN CONTROL OF THE MACHINERY OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER, everything from the Mossad and KGB to the CIA to the international corporations to the IMF/World Bank. Do not be deceived by the recent planned failure of the supposed "coup" in Moscow to make the world believe that the old "hard-line" communists are somehow now anti-semitic and opposed to the Jewish/IMF/World Bank take-over of the USSR. While there is no doubt great confusion in the USSR and Eastern Europe, as in the U.S. and EEC, the debt/tax system of "state capitalism" under the "hard-liners" is merely giving way to outright private capitalism of the New World Order. The debt/tax slavery of the people, however, remains guaranteed. Either way, Jewish Slave Law remains unchallenged. Keep in mind that it was only a short time after passage of Sec. 4 of the 14th Amendment, which was enacted by the International Jewish Conspiracy to rule the world, that the first International Zionist Conference was held in Russia (1897) which planned and put into place the "Fed" banking system which triggered WWI. Then, in keeping with traditional Jewish Rules of War, the merciless War Reparations levied against Germany combined with the even more powerful international debt/tax money system that created massive unemployment and simultaneous inflation brought Adolf Hitler to power in Germany who did for the German people what Lincoln tried to do for the American people when Lincoln issued the "greenback dollar" debt free and tax free. Of course Hitler's defiance of the International Jews brought the wrath of global Judaism upon the Third Reich. Following WWII and the successful destruction of all organized opposition to Jewish Slave Law, the Jews and their proselytes established the State of Israel, the UN and the IMF/World Bank which has now effectively enslaved the entire world to debt/tax slavery under Jewish Slave Law which has firm control of the New World Order. The "rule of law" (meaning Jewish Slave Law) continues to prevail....from the beginning. When Lincoln used the words "from the beginning", he meant "from the beginning of Jewish Slave Law"...from the beginning of the Law of Moses.

In his June 16, 1858 speech Lincoln directly linked the Supreme Court (Grand Sanhedrin) and the political intrigue that brought the Dred Scott Decision into being and outlined the THREE CRUCIAL ELEMENTS OF THE DRED SCOTT DECISION FOR THE LARGER CONQUEST PLANS OF THE JEWS FOR NATIONALIZING THEIR JEWISH SLAVE LAW. In keeping with his humble style this great visionary and champion of the people, Abraham Lincoln, let it be known that "

We can not absolutely KNOW that all these exact adaptations are the result of preconcert. But when we see a lot of framed timbers, different portions of which we know have been gotten out at different times and places by different workmen - Stephen, Franklin, Roger and James, for instance - and when we see these timbers joined together, and see they exactly make the frame of a house or a mill, all the tenons and mortises exactly fitting, and all the lengths and proportions of the different pieces exactly adapted to their respective places, and not a piece too many or too few - not omitting even scaffolding - or, if a single piece be lacking, we can see the place in the frame exactly fitted and prepared to yet bring such piece in - in SUCH a case, we find it impossible to not BELIEVE that Stephen and Franklin and Roger and James all understood one another from the beginning, and all worked upon a common PLAN or DRAFT drawn up before the first lick was struck".

In defending his June 16, 1858 speech against attack, Lincoln simply said, in his usual, plain style,

"I was very careful not to put anything in that speech as a matter of fact, or make any inferences which did not appear to me to be true, and fully warrantable" (July 17, 1858 speech).

Can anybody doubt that Lincoln and the American people who fought in the Civil War knew exactly what was behind the conspiracy to nationalize slavery. Can there be any doubt what is behind the New World Order today? "In concert"... from the beginning... as planned by it chief bosses" (under the authority of Jewish Slave Law)...THE LINCOLN CONSPIRACY THEORY...the conspiracy to globalize the Law of Moses.


Random House College Dictionary gives us the following definitions:

Conspiracy: plot, scheme contrive (see plan)

Trick: dupe, outwit, fool (see deceive)

Plan: to plot an action in advance

Plot: An intrigue; conspiracy, scheme, artifice (see trick)

We have come full circle from "trick" to "trick". Conspiracy is "an intrigue". History would have us believe that the plot to kill Lincoln was simply the product of a madman (Booth) or at worst, the plot of a few distraught doughfaces or southern spies. Yet, nowhere in any of Lincoln's campaign speeches, nowhere in the Lincoln/Douglas Debates, indeed, nowhere on Historical record is there even the slightest evidence to suggest that Lincoln was talking about John Wilkes Booth or his "colleagues" in his charge of Conspiracy against the globally-linked advocates of slavery. No indeed, quite to the contrary, Old Honest Abe was quite specifically referring to AN INTERNATIONAL PLOT TO "NATIONALIZE SLAVERY". That is what all of the Lincoln papers refer to. Not one of them refers to John Wilkes Booth and company. Not one of them refers to a plot to assassinate the President.

True enough, Mrs. Lincoln had premonitions and Mr. Lincoln was aware of the potential danger of assassination (as all Presidents are). Indeed, the Department of War and Lincoln himself gave serious consideration to the dangers of assassination. However, the LINCOLN CONSPIRACY THEORY had nothing to do with a theory about presidential assassination. The LINCOLN CONSPIRACY THEORY was then, as it is now, about the plot by the Jews to fulfill Torah Slave Law as ordained by the Jew Bible.

While Lincoln gave much time and effort to his campaign speeches and to the Lincoln/Douglas Debates, what remained in the mind of Lincoln and in the minds of his listeners was a grand, international scheme contrived by the Jews in accordance with their Mosaic Law to outwit their opponents into submitting to Jewish Slave Law under the God-given authority of the United States Supreme Court's infamous Dred Scott decision which was the starting point, but only the starting point, for Lincoln's rise to the Presidency. In fact, it is not really "Lincoln's Conspiracy Theory" at all. It was, if anything, the "Republican Party's Conspiracy Theory", with Old Honest Abe its leading spokesmen. But in a very real sense, it was not even a "Republican Party Conspiracy Theory". The Republican party was merely an natural response to the general mood, feelings and awareness of the "freesoilers"...the PEOPLE.....YOU KNOW, the old "of the people, by the people and for the people" scenario in action, with the Republican Party and Old Abe merely the spokes vehicle.

Now would anybody in his right mind suppose for a moment that it was "we the people" (of the Republican anti-slavery Northern States) who were part and parcel of "Lincoln's Conspiracy Theory"? Do you suppose Old Honest Abe went around looking behind every door before he entered and was suspicious and distrustful of every man he met on his campaign trail for the Presidency? Hardly. No, Old Abe was not talking about a sinister plot to kill him in his campaign speeches and in Lincoln/Douglas Debates. Lincoln was talking about a GRAND INTERNATIONAL JEWISH CONSPIRACY TO "NATIONALIZE SLAVERY"...(Lincoln's words..."nationalize slavery"...not mine).

In short, Lincoln was concerned with the global slave problem. He was not concerned with John Wilkes Booth. So at the outset, when we think about the "Lincoln Conspiracy Theory", it has nothing whatsoever to do with his assassination. The Lincoln Conspiracy Theory is about INTERNATIONAL FINANCE. MONEY...the first pre-requisite to power. MONEY, without which even the mightiest of armies come to a standstill. MONEY, without which industrial production grinds to a halt. MONEY, without which the exchange of goods and Services is, for all practical purposes, an impossibility.

The short trip from what most people think of as slavery to "money slavery" is indeed, a short one. On paper it is merely a few sentences from the 13th Amendment (neither slavery nor involuntary servitude shall exist) to Section 4 of the 14th Amendment (...the public debt...shall not be questioned). But in order to make that short trip on paper, the Civil War had to be fought, Lincoln had to be assassinated, and all the political intrigue necessary to achieve its passage had to be vented on a confused and bewildered Congress, whose President had just been eliminated.

So, in point of fact THE SOUTH WON THE CIVIL WAR. Slavery, though overtly abolished, was institutionalized covertly. DEBT/TAX SLAVERY WAS NATIONALIZED IN SECTION 4 OF THE 14TH AMENDMENT. ..Lincoln's worst fear became enacted into the American Constitution. The Lincoln "greenback" was assassinated, and buried along with Lincoln himself. And today, lest anyone doubt the long-term success of the victory of the Southern Jews over the Northern Christians", simply look at the debt/tax slavery that pervades the American people today. The "new world order" (under Torah Slave Law, including and especially Bible finance and economics) is now more openly discussed but few people have even the slightest clue that the so-called "New World Order" (or dictatorship of the proletariat as some like to call it) can exist only so long as the Jewish debt/tax system of finance keeps the "greenback dollar" in its grave. If modern Populists dare to challenge the moneylenders openly and directly as did Old Honest Abe, well....International Zionism is profoundly better organized today than in Lincoln's day. With the Jewish victory in the Civil War, it only took fifty short years to put in place the Federal Reserve system and now the global interlock is poised to seal the fate of the non-Jew world under the "new world order" (financed by the global debt/tax slave system of the IMF/World Bank). If all this not be so, all the Jews have to do to dispel the idea that there is a grand conspiracy to enslave the world to Mosaic Law is to give full support, in word AND DEED, to the re-establishment of the Lincoln "greenback dollar" by and for the people. Unfortunately, such support can not and will not be forthcoming because such support would be in direct defiance of Mosaic Law. The conspiracy to enslave America to debt and taxes has been a grand success. Today the American people are, in fact enslaved as surely as were the blacks on the plantations. The Jews call debt/tax slavery "meliorated slavery". A phrase not unfamiliar to Old Honest Abe, who spoke of "meliorated slavery" on many occasions, and who understood well the freedom power of debt free and tax free money.

So, lest there be any confusion, the "conspiracy theory" of Abraham Lincoln had nothing to do with John Wilkes Booth. The

"Lincoln Conspiracy Theory" was about the international plot to "nationalize slavery" and nationalized it has indeed been. The entire nation is enslaved to Jewish Law and, according to the Constitution of the United States, this "meliorated slavery"..."shall not be questioned"(Section 4 of the 14th Amendment).

But the plot thickens. Douglas Reed, in his book "The Battle for Rhodesia" points out that there is a COMMON PATTERN to the assassinations of men like Abraham Lincoln. The conspiracy continues. The Zionist struggle to enslave the entire world under the "new world order" is alive and well. And the conspiracy shall not be questioned.

Today, what is happening between the United States and Russia, in the Middle East and Europe, is the direct result of years upon years of careful, step, by step,planning (contriving, plotting, scheming, whatever you want to call it) that goes back to the First Zionist Conference of 1897 and, indeed back into history itself. Today, the American people see these intrigues played out on TV from spy thrillers to documentaries, from news reports to the myriad of books on the subject. The collusion, intrigue, plotting and scheming of this vast international behind-the-scenes network of conspirators makes the conspiracy going-on in Lincoln's day look like child's play.

Every American knows in his mind and heart that America is in deep trouble but because of the secrecy of the Jewish Conspiracy to Conquer the World, it is very difficult for most Americans to make sense out of what is happening. But when America is lulled into believing that the New World Order is part of the American Dream, when America is lulled into docilely doing nothing to stop the debt/tax system of finance, when America applauds the new alliances being forged with the Russia on behalf of the New World Order....Well, America is in trouble indeed, just as in Lincoln's day, the freedom loving people of America knew something was badly wrong. It took Abe Lincoln to lead the people in the direction their hearts wanted to go. Today, the American people know in their hearts and minds that the Jewish Conquest of the World is going on right under our noses, but like the people of Lincoln's day, solid, honest leadership is required to lead the people today as Lincoln lead the freedom fighters of his day.

Lincoln was an eloquent speaker and openly and honestly took an unequivocal stand that people could identify with and support. If and when such a leader emerges on to the American political scene today, I am sure the American people will respond with the same vigor our ancestors gave Lincoln. The battle of the Bibles is not over yet.


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