-Caveat Lector-

 ---->  Conspiracy Theory:
 from:  http://www.messiah.org/p8610.htm

        The blue underlined text in the following statements
     are links to further substantiation behind this Declaration

                    THE RELIGIONS OF THIS WORLD
                            ARE SATANIC!

 LOVE is the highest standard by which everything is to be measured,
                 determined, built, and understood.

                           AS THE MESSIAH,

 The World's religions are dismal and dangerous failures -- Satanic
 because of their dualisms, their unnatural psychological polarities
 and extremes that violate the nature and reality of living things
 -- Satanic because of the heinous and imprisoning invention of
 original Sin, a significantly injurious perjury being one of the
 most sinister and insidious of enforced accusations and
 condemnations imposed upon the world to denigrate the human
 understanding of itself and its destiny, demeaning in conjunction
 the true nature and only expectation of GOD which is LOVE --
 Satanic because of the obligatory worship of despotic gods most all
 of which are captured within their respective scripture personally
 employing or petitioning murderous violence or ruinous threat to
 exact worship from the easily vanquished and/or browbeaten -- and
 Satanic because of the corruption of meanings, especially that of
 LOVE, and the subsequent erosion occurring within human thinking
 where its destiny and that of the planet must come to an
 annihilative end as if a glorious spiritual requisite of sound mind
 to begin anew -- SATANIC, being the concise and fitting appellative
 defining the worst product of human ideation ever perpetrated upon
 the impressionable minds of children, unwitting innocence gladly
 offered up to be sacrificed upon the altar marking the atrocities
 paraded as spiritual understanding and truth within any given
 culture embracing insane forms of devotion kindred to the above.
 For parental love and societal approval, the compliant mind of a
 child is quickly targeted, easily conditioned, to carry these
 phrenic deviations forever forward, forever routing into spiritual
 peril or calamitous ruin the impressionable minds of yet another
 generation -- SATANIC, as if it all were strangely and
 strategically deliberate.

 Judaism, especially, is the world's one great tragedy, most
 certainly because of its abandonment of the ONE TRUE GOD, 'ELOHIM,
 'ELOHIM*'AH_VAH, carelessly substituted for the false god and
 serpentine ba'al, YHWH, YHWH_SATAN, whose insufferable braggadocio
 repeatedly broadcast in relentless claims of godhood is matched
 only by His need to prove it through terror, plague, destruction
 and/or outright murder. YHWH_SATAN, for His violent demand
 decreeing incessant worship and glorification coupled with His sick
 insatiable need for gifts of blood, holocaust of once living being,
 serving-up more than sufficient evidence to the clear-minded that
 this monster is certainly Not GOD. What then is it? It is because
 of this, Judaism's worship of YHWH_SATAN through the false prophet
 and heretic Moses, the one who sold the children of Yis_ra'EL to
 uphold a lesser calling; because of its worship and adulation of
 the physical and fallen Torah which magnifies and glorifies these
 heresies including that of the provoked and lauded destruction,
 slander and intolerance of other cultures (e.g. the Canaanites);
 because of the Orthodox acceptance and compliance with the
 provocative angel, SATAN, seen as a viable and necessary servant of
 YHWH instigating loyalty, obedience or absence thereof through the
 employment of cruel suffering or deceit (like the deceit that was
 planted in the Garden), the fraudulent fruit of binary/diametrical
 thinking where human judgment and subsequent action is weighed and
 balanced in two incompatible rooms of ideation and delineation, a
 desert pathos woefully attempting to define human origins, bodily
 functions, and the governance of behavior from which rises the
 horrifically polarizing belief in that of the "evil inclination"
 (including that of marital copulation) which, like a distinct
 entity, vies for one's devotional time from time better spent with
 the "good inclination" responsible for clarifying the reality of
 this dubious reasoning; or because of the subtle and dangerous
 advocacy to satisfy once again the primary requisite of the fallen
 Torah, this being the reinstatement of the most heinous demonic
 practice, blood sacrifice, within a rebuilt Temple of perpetually
 spilled blood to temporarily quell the condemnation of death
 accompanying the invention of Sin -- Judaism, under the guise of
 the select and pretense of higher intelligence (in contrast to
 the lesser goyim), is the ultimate failure because of itself, its
 Biblically upheld Temple witchcraft and blood talismans, and the
 horrific tragedies of Christianity and Islam that rose from it.

 Judaism, the viral carrier of three major systems of failed belief,
 will fall because of its abandonment of the TRUE GOD of Yis_ra'EL,
 'ELOHIM*'AH_VAH. Given the same gift as was given Canaan, Judaism
 and its people have become instead the world's one great tragedy,
 forfeiting their original GOD to carry instead the yoke of the
 cruel angel never shy of reminding them, incessantly, what they
 have come to embrace.

 The truth is written. And the war waged by the Messiah has

 Christianity is a sickening failure. Because of its vomitous and
 ghoulish worship of the false god, Yeshu'a / Jesus of Nazareth, the
 uniquely bequeathed child-sacrifice proceeding from YHWH as both
 sin offering and priestly meal, the Great Blood Sacrifice, tragic
 relic of fallen belief and practice from a long disheartening era
 fanatically upholding accusatory gods whose specific needs are
 central to blood worship and sacrificial restitution; Yeshu'a, the
 only blasphemous Jew worshipped as a god, the only self-coronated
 claimant to the throne in the Temple of Jerusalem, the only Jew who
 made himself a god, the true Antichrist, the bright and fallen
 morning star, the so-called sinless one who becomes all and every
 sin, the Man of Sin, Son of Perdition, the only begotten child of
 the accusatory YHWH, YHWH_SATAN; Yeshu'a, the vicarious human
 sacrifice lifted-up to be eaten and consumed, replete with the
 mysteriously unnatural compulsion to do so (as if spirituality and
 love can be realized and obtained through ritual cannibalism); and
 because of the teachings and influence of the false prophet,
 Paul, and his overwhelming perpetration of the cult of Sin which
 inevitably requires such an ultimate sacrifice (like humanity),
 Christianity is a sickening, revolting, failure. There are no
 words, as if a mystery cloaking easy definition, to describe the
 horror of this belief except SATAN.

 Because of its corruption and tragic manipulation of LOVE (or GOD),
 as being the attainable or communicable result of a perfected form
 of sacrificial blood restitution, preceded by a perpetually
 occurring admission of guilt for the in utero inherited accusation
 of Sin, Christianity is one of the cruelest belief systems to ever
 befall the development of each subjected newborn child, for it
 claims (or teases) to be Love unconditional, yet is a seduction
 that leads one during the course of their life through a
 psychologically debilitating wilderness crowned with near-fatal
 thorns and epistles, anti-expectations and otiose obliquities
 howling from the wastes of the Pauline desert, desiccated Eden,
 deviations from sound thinking to instead applaud circular
 arguments and rituals in futility, spell-binding theatrics and
 exchanges that steals one's vision and spiritual sanity far away
 from the ONE TRUE GOD of Yis_ra'EL, 'ELOHIM*'AH_VAH.

 Addressing the matter simply and succinctly --

 There is no such thing as blood-guiltiness, or of a payment in
 blood that satisfies it, or of an actual God that accuses you of
 such or is debauched enough to need spilled blood and the wafting
 scent of charred flesh to set you free. The magnitude of the
 Universe, both inner and outer, should have alerted you by now that
 the TRUE GOD is way beyond this pathetic understanding of ancient
 fears and remedies. And because of these otherwise easily
 accessible revelations, the Christian / Biblical story is
 completely invalidated from top to bottom. There is no saving grace
 for any of it. Let it go. You are free and always have been except
 for this unnatural preference for a penitentiary for a crime that
 was never committed in a cell whose door was never locked. Go.
 While most of you are truly well meaning people who hope the best
 for your children and the world in general, this easily pulled-off
 deception you have allowed to enter into you, to commune with you
 without challenge, does not speak well of your desire to lead the
 world as if in other's eyes you are of sound mind and see more
 clearly than they do when it is obvious because of this laxity
 you most certainly do not.

 Islam is a failure because of its complete submission to Threat.
 Islam, for its violence and animosity, its vicious pretense and
 acts against human gender, dignity and peace, its frequent
 demonization of creative expression along with the immature
 affrightment over the natural and relaxed show of the human
 anatomy, especially that of the female. But more importantly,
 Islam, for its worship of the ruthless and bloodthirsty false god,
 ALLAH, ALLAH_IBLIS, the PUNISHER and DESTROYER, revealing His true
 and threatening nature through the false prophet, Muhammad, in his
 Satanic Qur'an (the Arabic Talmud conveniently redefining Jewish
 Biblical history), the supposed final revelation of ALLAH unloading
 Himself on humanity endlessly deserving of His perpetual
 fulmination, denunciation, terror and intimidation, making the
 disease of Islam (where love is buried thick beneath the erosive
 sands of an incessantly scorched breath of terror pretending to
 be God), an horrifically nasty, degenerative, most ignorant and
 dangerous failure, an accomplished cognitive and psychological
 disrupter. The blood-ridden murderous acts of Islam, alone, speak
 for themselves. Murderers for Allah. YHWH_SATAN as it used to be.

 Know this -- Any God who terrorizes, or who threatens with death
 that you worship it, or who commits to murder and destruction and
 has been recorded as doing so and admitting to such, IS NOT GOD,
 but something far worse than your willing or capable of admitting
 when given over completely to an otherwise conspicuous and
 psychological monster perfect only in its ability at acute
 beguilement and vicious savagery. The attributive term is SATAN!
 The whole world currently embraces such an anti-God in one form or
 another, a world nearly destroyed by the impact of these hideously
 unnatural belief systems perpetrated on the human mind commencing
 unfairly with the unsolicited impress upon the minds of children.
 In the soft malleable loam of their minds and its subsequent
 channeling, these proliferated insanities successfully hone a
 specific reasoning, detrimentally false and inhibiting, to the
 extent of observable irreversibility. Culpable especially of this
 crippling practice are those life-destroying insanities spreading
 forth from the three major "Bedouin" borne religions, respectively:
 Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Their teachings and histories,
 sadly acclaimed, are written in requisite blood, terrorism, and
 violence. Their future is not.

 Buddhism, for fallaciously teaching and wrongly attributing the
 cause of human suffering to human desire and attachment, itself
 the "desired" quest to achieve Nirvana, a divorcement of Self
 accomplished through Nihilism (the belief that their is no
 sustainable meaning or purpose in existence) and the mantric
 nullification of the supposed impediment of conceptual thinking
 and of all existential leanings including human sensuality and
 passionate desire in exchange for the numbing bliss of frontal
 lobe interruption and its eventual erosion. Nirvana, as properly
 defined, is the quest for Self-annihilation, admittedly and
 definitively so. Hinduism and its karmic-caste system is
 enslavement to an archaic misadventure that can likewise be
 referred to as "religious economic stasis", a postnatal imposition
 of status and station defining the current spiritual worth and
 development of each newborn individual. Their livelihood and
 ceiling are determined by their past-life spiritual
 graduative-worth unfolding at the time and location of birth,
 much like a "spiritual" acheivement reward revealed by the station
 of one's birth-family and their financial worth. Hence, and so as
 not to argue or disrupt the deciding laws of Karma, the poor and
 destitute, the untouchables, are to remain as such in this life and
 were deliberately born in an impoverished setting not so much
 because of any failure on the part of this religio-economic system,
 but rather because of past-life shortcomings and/or wrongdoings,
 hence, they inherit and deserve their plight, whereas the rich are
 on a higher plane of spiritual achievement and rightfully enjoy
 what they've inherited evident by the priviledged house of their
 birth, being the more deserving, this instead of introducing a
 higher and more responsible conclusion that it is the economics
 that is a restrictive, inept, and debilitating failure, likewise
 the subsequent spiritual definition that rose from it and allows
 this falsehood to continue.

 New age beliefs, too, are tragic failures in their current allure
 because they are nothing more than fanciful reiterations or
 disingenuous borrowers of the above-mentioned long-standing belief
 systems, or reinventions of fallen failures, beautifications of
 glossed-over terror and ugliness, including silly and insipid
 personifications and attributes affixed to nature, warped
 historical occurrence and phenomenon, psychic divination and
 talismanic symbology from which can be used in gradations to derive
 super inner powers or the keenness of additional senses, or
 pseudo-sciences from which arise the new lunacy of UFO evangelism
 redefining our human origins as alien-induced for manipulative
 purposes among which is slavery, none of the above which has any
 validity that can be defended in the light of Truth. Old age
 hucksterism and manipulation cleaved to pretentious and inane
 theories and paganisms pretending New.

 Satanism, occultism, and other similar systems of religious heresy
 and belief, are tragic, terrifying, and sickening failures, yet
 equally silly and ridiculous in their attempt to be contrary and
 removed from the very doctrines they must utilize in order to be
 contrary and removed from. Reliant and tethered to the same
 heresies of stupid ideation they must be heretical of, they are
 nothing more than insignificant reiterations of the same sickness
 and bloodlust paralleling the very established doctrines mentioned
 above, yet in many cases -- to their credit -- originally upheld in
 practice (like the sick desire to perform blood sacrifice to their

 Racists, who feel they are of the Select of God, the Chosen Ones,
 chosen of a racially preferential God who appeals to one human
 characteristic, color trait, or racial identity over that of
 another, harkening back to earlier days, Biblical days, and those
 who now find themselves on the wrong side of the very claim that
 "divinely" empowers a particular group to commit such atrocities of
 conquer, pillage, and mass-murder upon another (e.g. the horrors
 visited upon the Canaanites by a certain group / the horrors
 committed by the Nazis upon a certain group), those throughout
 history woefully finding themselves unwelcome, inferior, and in
 the way of the violent assertiveness of these "God-ordained"
 superior-beings whose chosen Death-Lord successfully manipulates,
 dumbs-down, and marches willing champions of the cause to zealously
 inflict pain and suffering upon another, to engage in it with
 murderous fervor and walk away feeling justified and spiritual
 about it, only to express bafflement and dismay when the world,
 as it slowly turns, hates them in the same chosen manner that they
 themselves previously paraded before the world (or baffled that the
 very document of ideation that once empowered them to kill others
 is now being used as a personal invitation to kill them).

 Pluralists, or rather, Delusionalists, who, in the name of
 tolerance, acceptance and peace, imagine they can mix and meld
 together in some universal cauldron all spiritual falsehoods to
 effectively summon forth a Truth, spin-doctoring all existing
 religious institutions who rose via the sword and subjugation,
 known historically and scripturally for everything except
 tolerance, acceptance and peace; or those forces of the societal,
 political, and psychological that defer to social philosophies that
 pander to and support the above status quo, or groups that monitor
 new forms of intolerance while negligently oblivious and/or
 deliberately protective of the older long-standing hatreds and
 Scriptural intolerances (bias, blindness and the new school of
 "Grand Inquisitive" hypocritical inference, presumption, and
 judgement), or any agency that caters to, glorifies, or profits
 from the maintenance, elevation and perpetuation of the
 above-mentioned established heresies, are of the same ilk, the same
 irresponsible denigrators and negligent stewards of the human mind
 and spirit, accomplishing cynicism, indifference, scholastic
 carelessness and laziness, leading toward cognitive dereliction
 that threaten the very planet upon which we live. They are little
 more than self-important cowards, evasive pedagogues pretending
 authority within an oftentimes insipid and popularist genre,
 slavers of lesser discernments who lead astray, entertain, or force
 upon the human mind decorated versions of destructive and demeaning
 teachings. They are clearly in violation and contemptuous of the
 highest responsibility, the only Spiritual law -- LOVE!

 True LOVE makes no compromise with falsehood, nor does it allow the
 hypnotic lure of these fatal colors and silken persuasions to ever
 reach the minds of children -- not in a real world it doesn't. When
 a child endangers itself, you move swiftly, even if the response is
 unappreciative. When a world endangers itself, you do what?

 And no amount of money, or claims to longevity, membership or media
 attention, or the continued and tragically successful campaign
 abducting and aborting the once fertile minds of children to be
 their carriers, will ever prove their worth and validity. The
 spirit-destroying power of Satan will fall, and they, should they
 choose to remain, most probably with it.

 The time of truth is upon humankind. Its day of falsehood is at an
 end. For in closure only Love survives the fullness of reflection
 -- only Love lives. A prisoner to lovelessness or the falsehoods
 that beget it will surely perish within themselves, and not by the
 hand of another. The spiritual decision is yours. Only Love
 reflects, and only Love can return, look upon the FACE of LOVE,
 see and be seen. If you are not seen, you are not -- are you not?




          The blue underlined text in the above statement
       are links to further evidence behind the Declaration.

                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                     Interested inquiries only.
                     Messiah / H'al_mahshiyach
              P. O. Box 06375, Chicago, IL 60606-0375
 All copyrights applicable, to whom, and where they apply, to be
 noted as quickly as possible under the constraints of time. All
 rights reserved...Citations noted, or to be noted, in due course...

                        Please be patient...
                     Voice / FAX: 773.252.2680.
  If any apparent delay in response, please contact by phone, FAX,
                or via regular surface mail.Thank you.

 LOVE is the highest standard by which everything is to be measured,
                 determined, built, and understood.

            Last modified on Tuesday, December 01, 1998




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