-Caveat Lector-

Teenage Hacker Escapes Prison Sentence
>From Ananova
Saturday July 7, 2001 12:37 pm
A teenage hacker who admitted using Bill Gates's credit card details to send
him Viagra tablets has escaped a prison term.
Raphael Gray, 19, said after his trial at Swansea Crown Court he had been
mentally prepared to be jailed after pleading guilty to 10 charges of
computer fraud.
But Judge Gareth Davies ordered the teenager to carry out a three-year
community probation order linked to treatment for a mental disorder.
Earlier he had heard Gray had suffered from chronic low self-esteem since he
was a child, which had contributed to the criminal acts he carried out on
the internet.
Expert medical evidence put forward by the defence also showed that four
years before the offences Grey had fallen and banged his head.
The defence produced medical evidence arguing his condition deteriorated to
such an extent after the fall it eventually gave rise to the computer fraud
he undertook.
Gray said after the trial he regretted not what he had done, but the way he
did it.
"I would do it all again but another time I would choose to ensure that I
acted legally," he said.
Colin Nicholls QC, defending, had earlier told the court the teenager had
attacked secure sites on the internet and released the credit card details
of thousands of people on the worldwide web to demonstrate how bad security

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