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Tehran police crack down on Internet, 400 cybercafes closed: paper
TEHRAN, May 13 (AFP) -
Authorities have closed hundreds of Tehran's cybercafes in the past
several days as part of a general crackdown on growing use of the
internet, a pro-reform newspaper reported on Sunday.
The Hambastigi paper said around 400 internet cafes, all of which have
only opened in the past three or four years, had been ordered to shut
their doors by police.
Owners are being told they now need permits for their cafes as well as
for use of the internet itself, and will have to register with a conservative-
run trade union for computer and business-machine operators.
"The police came yesterday and wanted to shut us down," a 20-year-old
Tehran cybercafe employee, who gave her name only as Leila, told AFP
Sunday. "They said from now on we must be registered with the
Internet use has exploded since the 1997 election of President
Mohammad Khatami, who has moved to liberalise Iranian society in the
face of stiff conservative opposition.
An e-mail address has become a must for young people from the
wealthier sectors of Iranian society, as well as among those less well-off.
"They simply wany to cut our phone links to the internet," said
cybercafe owner Reza, who also declined to give his full name.
He said he was already losing business after being forced to take out
four computers and put the blame for the crackdown on the state-run
telephone company, which he said was trying to monopolise Iran's
internet business.
"It's the phone company behind this, because they don't want people to
come here anymore and be able to connect and talk abroad for hours,"
he said.
Chat rooms, normal e-mail and especially online phone services are
cutting into state phone company revenues.
Hambastigi said the cybercafe closures risk putting around 5,000
people out of work and that the move contradicts Iran's moves toward
privatisation and greater openness to the outside world.
Leila said that hundreds of young Iranians have been coming to her cafe
each month and taking advantage of the cheapest way to communicate
with friends and family abroad, especially in Europe and the United
"This is a new restriction being imposed on young people," she said,
adding the owner was trying to get the necessary paperwork and that, if
he is unsuccessful, "I'll be unemployed again."
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