-Caveat Lector-

This response came for the post The 13 satanic bloodlines by Fritz


BF>There's one small problem, and I'm sure that the author could clear it
up because he seems to really understand his subject.  The "Illuminati"
as conspiracy devil seemed to begin with the instigation of two elites
who were threatened by democratic change, the Jesuits and the British
aristocracy and moneyed elites who made up the bulk of the "Crown"
Masons.  Both of these groups resented the revolutionaries who threatened
their power.  The claim was that the American and French Revolutions were
tools of the supposed "Illuminati"; in what appears to have been a
disinformation attempt against the rising masses <see Daniel Pipes, who
IS correct on this one>.
Today's New World Order, initially based on British Imperialism
and still largely imperial in its foundation, seems to use the same
disinformation, subtly shifting the emphasis from the real origins of the
occult technology of power from its real hidden source over to a group of
eighteenth century intellectuals <Like that blasted TOM PAINE!>,  who
threatened their ancestors with revolt of the masses.  A perfect Judo
move on the rulers' part!
What scholars have suggested is that there is a real confusion
here engendered by the fact that the actual Illuminati are much older
than Weishaupt's radical Kindergarten, and that Weishaupt used the term
"Illuminati" as an irony, turning the elite's own occultism against them
in a judo move of his own <Robert Anton Wilson>.  If Weishaupt's phony
"Illuminism" survived the repression of Church and State, the joke is
still on because, today, it is undoubtedly thoroughly ingratiated in to
today's opposition movements, including patriot groups who do not realize
that their own ideology has its roots in Weishauptianism.  The REAL
Illuminati do not mess around, so this theory goes, and crushed Weishaupt
in a reactionary move against all who would threaten the rule of Kings,
and that of a thoroughly controlled Church.
The REAL Illuminati would seem to be very ancient, and not
atheistic, Deistic, or revolutionary at all, but committed to upholding
the ancient rule of the pagan Priesthoods.  It would make sense that they
would be strongly anti-Semitic as well as anti-Christian, and potentially
behind the whole "Judeo-Masonic" conspiracy theory as part of an attack
on Marxism, anarchism, revolution, and other "Jewish theories".
The Illuminati, holding vast influence over the City of London
and the elite of New York, would be reactionary in politics, yet not  at
all unwilling to deal with post-revolutionary Communist societies.  The
real threat to the Trilats and other capitalist parties never really
appeared to have been the Soviet Union, or even China, but the Third
World, along with the domestic anarchists of the West.  These ideological
descendants of Weishaupt, and others who believed in Illuminism yet who
believed that its secrets should be shared democratically and not hoarded
by an elite, did much to threaten the reactionary rule of the
Establishement during the Sixties, and still threaten it under the guise
of Constitutional Patriotism in the nineties.
The REAL Illuminati <the scary dudes>, could be said to be behind
a lot of death in the name of preserving heirarchy against what they
believe is "social decay".  They are probably split in direction between
their Rockefeller and British/Crown component factions, along with a
faction representing controlled religious heirarchies, and perhaps
even liberals in their wings who may have some yearnings for more
democratization of wealth and power, and even a willingness to consider
honest monetary reform.
If this thread of thought has any truth to it, it maight explain
why a NWO consensus, with clear roots in occult illuminism, could share
the name "Illuminati" with radical dissenters.  I think that the radical
dissenters were trying to democratize the elite's occult secrets, and may
have paid a very heavy price for it.  Marx himself may have begun as a
dissenter, though I tend to think he probably was absorbed by the
reactionary/occult Illuminati more and more as he turned towards
authoritarianism and rejection of anarchism <ie "the old Karl Marx vs,
the Young Hegelian">.  Regardless of the specifics, the dissenters within
the Illuminist secret societies, Weishaupt and others, became scapegoats
upon which conspiracy theorists would blame the entire New World Order,
creating confusion, and diverting attention from the actual reality of
mass manipulation.
I tend to believe that Weishaupt's Illuminati was predicated on
the practice of "Illumination", which was always a secret of Kings and
Priests who wanted sway over the masses.  The attempt to use "the Man's"
own techniques against him presented the opportunity for Weishaupt to
obtain a big ego, and perhaps to blaspheme God as his own Church-alligned
critics suggested, and therefore to fall in to the very spiritual
darkness of his enemies,  a darkness which he as a "free-thinker" was
unprepared to deal with.  If true, it is a lesson to us all!  Think about
its warning to us today.  The real way to freedom is not to equate God
with the corrupt Priesthoods <"throwing the baby out with the
bathwater">, or to assume that death is only sleep, but to follow
purified spiritual truth.  False freedom, or freedom FROM morality, can
only lead back to the darkness.
To all appearance, Weishaupt's Illuminati was A>reabsorbed in to
the occult ruler of the ancient Priesthoods or B>absorbed in to the new
temples of high finance.  Perhaps both. Some strains of unabsorbed
undoubtedly survive among anarchists on one end of the spectrum, and
non-corporate "human rights" globalists on the other.  These are small
groups, and the powerful Illuminati of taday which controls banks and
armies comprises no group of Enlightenment professors in Bavaria or
Commie professors in Berkeley; but comprises instead a powerful marriage
of Fascistic finance with occultism that appears to see radical
depopulation as the only alternative to revolution and the "Jewish Red
This is the most plausible way I can think of viewing the
question at this time.  It seems to address the confusion around the term
"Illuminati" which I never quite could before.  Perhaps I will stand
corrected with more information.
MHO, subject to change with facts  and argument.
"I know nothing"-Socrates.

Fritz Springmeier's book, "The 13 satanic bloodlines," can be found
> online at
> http://www.islandnet.com/~persewen/bloodline_index.htm

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