-Caveat Lector-
The Alchemy of JFK Time
There are people in this world who would have you believe that there is no such thing as a conspiracy. They would have you believe that anyone who suggests any type of conspiracy theory, or believes that any historical or current event was part of a conspiracy, are people who deserve to be ignored, shunned, or debunked by silence. Some would have you believe that any event that anyone ever described as a conspiracy was actually yet another coincidence
Those of us who saw the courtroom drama in the 1992 movie "A Few Good Men," will recall a few lines of dialogue between the army camp commandant Colonel Jessup (played by Jack Nicholson) and the young naval attorney Kaffee (played by Tom Cruise):
Col. Jessup: You want answers?
Kaffee: I think I'm entitled.
Col. Jessup: You want answers?
Kaffee: I want the truth!
Col. Jessup: You can't handle the truth!
The bombastic Colonel Jessup ignores Kaffee’s ‘I think I’m entitled (to answers).’ As with so much in our age of political correctness, any debate on conspiracy theories is dominated by those who fear that the truth may be misinterpreted, or ‘get into the wrong hands’.
I suggest that that many thinking Americans simply would rather be ignorant of the truth, for truth of a specific kind could create personal ramifications not to their liking and so they would rather not handle the truth, or even consider if there is a truth. Me, I say that ‘Ignorance is no refuge’.
The Burial of JFK
“And the procession reformed, this time in cars, and rolled slowly down the broad boulevard, past the Lincoln Memorial, over the Memorial Bridge, and through the high iron gates of the Arlington National Cemetery, and the line was so long, that the last cars were still leaving the cathedral as the first cars were entering the cemetery three miles away. The bag-pipers of the Air Force marched through the gates and disappeared over the lip of the hill, playing, “The Most Covered Mountain,” one of John Kennedy’s favorite tunes. And the Marine Corps Band played  “The Star Spangled Banner” as the body was carried up the grassy slope, the same slope John Kennedy  had visited a smiling spring day last March, “I could stay up here for ever,” he had said then.
Forever was here and the sun was sinking behind the Virginia hills as the wife and the mother and the brothers and the sisters of the dead President took their places around the grave. For a moment Jacqueline Kennedy seemed uncertain and started blindly toward the grave, but then she was gently guided to her seat by Robert Kennedy.
The old Cardinal came forward again and, in a monotonous flow timed to the eternal rhythm of death, in a tone pitched to the spheres, he commanded the body of “this wonderful man, Jack Kennedy to God.” >From out of the sky in the south fifty jets roared overhead and there again was Air Force One now dipping its wings, now again as majestic as the “United States of America” lettered along its length. And three cannons, firing in turn, pounded out the last 21-gun salute and up on the hill three riflemen fired a final farewell volley of three rounds.
Taps was sounded over the hill and the flag was raised taut and level over the coffin and folded with loving care and passed from hand to hand to the hand of the widow and the eternal flame was lighted and the Lord’s Prayer was intoned once more. And at 3:34 o’clock, on the afternoon of the fourth day, John Fitzgerald Kennedy slipped out of mortal sight – out of sight but not out of heart and mind.” Taken from ‘The Torch is passed…’ by the Associated Press.
The arrangements for the burial meant there were many ‘Time Marshals’ ensuring, or trying to ensure everything operated like clockwork and so there had to be ‘time-gaps’ to allow for unseen eventualities.
The family of JFK left the graveside in the Arlington Cemetery at about 3:15pm, and at 3:31pm the lowering of the coffin began, and as the millions looked upon this last part of the funeral ceremony via television and heard the broadcast over the radio, it was at 3:34pm when the coffin had been lowered into the grave that the electrical power was turned off to the amazement of the media networks who suddenly lost their pictures and sound. And so the media networks switched over to the White House. This marked the end of the 35th President of the United States of America.
The reference for the U.S.A
Now to ascertain the fundamental reference numbers for the United States of America I choose a date that that ‘locks’ onto the foundation day of the USA, namely July 4th 1776. And that date that I discovered that was seemingly chosen by a few of the ‘Founding Fathers’ of America was March 28th (New Style) 1314, the day of the burning of Jacques Molay, the Knights Templar’s 23rd Grand Master.
It was on October 13th 1307, that Philip the Fair of France, issued instructions to arrest all Templars and to confiscate their possessions, saying that there was evidence of the accusations of blasphemy and heresy of the Templars. The trial of the Templars took over six years and under pain of torture, many knights admitted that the charges made against the Order were true. The Knights Templar were banned throughout Europe in 1314, although not in Scotland. Jacques de Molay (1244-1314) served as the 23rd Grand Master of the Knights Templar. De Molay joined the Knights Templar in 1265 at the age of 21 and rose through the ranks quickly. He was first appointed to the position of Visitor General in Britain, and later elevated to the post of Grand Preceptor of England. And so the Order was found by the papal courts to be guilty of the evil accusations and so suppressed. The Grand Master Jacques de Molay and Geoffroi de Charnay were taken to near the Notre Dame Cathedral, Paris, France and were burned to death on March 18th 1314, (that is March 28th New Style).
And counting from March 28th 1314 to July 4th 1776 is 462.2686 years, that is 168,840 days. Thus, the basic reference number for the United States is 168,840.
Now, the world’s symbol for ‘Death’ is the Great Pyramid, at 91,575,000 cubic feet, and reciprocated is 1.0920010920e-08, hence ‘Death’ is 1092. And the reference number for the spirit body with every human body is 126, and at natural death, there is seen in the other world the all walking, talking spirit person who has been released by death of his or her natural body. Also the Ancient Egyptian ‘Eye of Horus’ has the reference 126.
So the symbols of the both the Pyramid (Death) and the ‘Eye’ above (spirit) see the American one dollar bill, is 1092 and 126. And 10,920 x 12 + 12,600 x 3 is 168,840, a reference number for the United States of America. Thus from the Knight Templar’s death to the foundation day of the USA, represents ‘By Death is Freedom’ but not the ‘freedom’ so expected says I.
The Burial Time of JFK
The 35th President of the United States was pronounced dead at 1am Friday, November 22nd 1963, and 74.5695 hours later at 3:34:10pm, the coffin was down in the grave and the ‘’sound and pictures’ went out.
And the Stone of Scone, the anointing stone, the ‘Time Stone’ the ‘Stone of Destiny’ or ‘Jacob’s Pillow’ or the ‘Moon Stone’ is 2.7834706 cubic feet a stone which is ‘found within the Ark of the Covenant’.
The Great Pyramid without its capstone, which I am sure has a volume of 2,487.7 cubic feet, (and a very important volume), leaves the Great Pyramid at 91,572,512.3 cubic feet, x 3 and /Pi twice and /1,000,000 is 2.7834706 cubic feet the Stone of Scone.
And the Great Pyramid less the capstone at 91,572,512.3 cubic feet and squared 4 times x 1,000 and square root thrice, and /24 parts is 74.56955 hours, that is from when President Kennedy was pronounced dead until he was buried at 3:34pm.
Now, the invisible ‘Time Masters’ also has an added affection for the Great Pyramid, when Oswald was pronounced dead at 1:07pm Sunday, November 24th 1963, and so 2 days and 7 minutes after the President was pronounced dead. And the mean base of the Great Pyramid is 440 cubits x 20.612 inches is 9,069.280 inches and /Pi is 2,886.8414 minutes or 2 days 6 minutes 50.5 seconds. Thus Oswald was the ‘foundation’ for the President who was the truncated Pyramid without a capstone as seen on the one dollar bill.
 OK, so now to establish a kind of spiritual cremation, that is the number 3,274, which is made up of Fire at 1090 and Death at 1092 + 1092 (and the Ancient Egyptian god Horus who wears the falcon’s mask, the merciless killer of the sky at 610 + the mark of Death at 666 + 666 + 666 + 666 is 3,274.
Now counting from July 4th 1776 until 3:25pm Monday, November 25th 1963, and just before the lowering of the coffin and just after the departure of the Kennedy family from the graveside, is 187.3960170 years.
And the 1,68,840 days, from March 28th 1314 to July 4th 1776 is 462.268598 years.
And from 3:25pm Monday, November 25th 1963 to one minute before the North Tower collapsed at 10:27:53am Tuesday, September 11th 2001 is 37.794092 years.
And all three time periods multiplied is spiritual cremation at 3,274,000.
Thus, it seems as if the spiritual cremation of President John F. Kennedy was in the mind of someone.
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