The Clinton Administration
Is Playing a Dangerous Game
In order to build a missile defense system that clearly violates the ABM
treaty, President Clinton is using a fuzzy two-part strategy:

Part 1 -- The Shell Game: Clinton is clearly displaying an American intent
to break the treaty, but avoids crossing the line "legally" in the hope that
the AMB treaty can be modified before it is broken.

Part 2 -- Not On My Watch: By gerrymandering the deployment cycles, Clinton
is working to make sure the treaty (if not amended) will not be broken
during his term of office.

In the midst of all this, our allies are left wondering if they will
eventually be included under the protective blanket of this new system, as
the White House struggles to find an expedient way to handle the political
and legal issues.

The bottom line is that Clinton has everyone twisting in the wind while he
maneuvers to his way to a position where he can set all this in motion
without having to take responsibility for the eventual outcome.

[ can you imagine the unprincipalble ego-maniacal dummies Bore/Gush being
used by the
international bankster cartel to carry out the cartel's decision in this
matter.  I can!
We, the People, deserve better!
We need someone who can tell the Cartel to go shove it where the moon
doesn't shine.
The election of these smucks will mean the continuation of the White House
and major appointees being dominated by the infamous CFR/TC hooligans
who have caused all our misery and deprivated our Freedoms for so long. ]

AP News, July 4, 2000
Defense Choices Left to New President
Is a United Nations Rapid
Deployment Force Really Necessary?
Recent news articles about the U.N., indicate that recent UN sponsored
military activities have included paid mercenaries as part of a UN/US/EU
paid police force.

Bill HR 4453 (United Nations Rapid Deployment Police and Security Force Act
of 2000), is gaining strength every day in the congress, leaving many to ask
 "why do we need such a law and to what purpose?"

If this bill is approved, this UN police force will have full authority no
matter where they are deployed and the USA is not excluded from this

If this law is combined with the Posse Comatatis Act, the federal military
will be free to act as police. This could result in a forfeiture of our own
right of self-determination.

WorldNetDaily, July 6, 2000
U.N. Rapid Reaction Force

American Missile Defence is Galvanizing an Eastern Hegemony
Russia, China China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan are
forming a new Eastern Hegemony under the pretense that America is violating
the ABM (Antiballistic Missile) treaty of 1972 with its new NMD missile
defense program.

The stated aims of this nation group first formed in 1996 are purely
defensive. However, the strategic ties now being formed will give Russia and
China a free hand to implement much more than “defensive policies.”

Russia Today, July 5, 2000
Russia Says to Bolster Strategic Ties With China

The Last Step Before Marital Law!

It is now official, the Senate has kept this amendment under wraps until
now. The bill  will probably pass this coming week and be sent to the
President for signature, which he will do without ceremony.

What most do not realize with this bill, the Posse Comatatis Act can be
legally done away with a Presidential signature, as either an Executive
Order (EO), or Presidential Decision Directive (PDD).

This is a headwater precedent for the same thing in other countries such as
Australia, Canada, England, European Community, Mexico, and the ushering in
of a one world government. Although, most of these countries already use
military in some aspects with civilian law enforcement, they still have

WorldNetDaily, July 4, 2000
Bill Permits U.S. Troops to Patrol Border


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