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WSWS : News & Analysis : North America

Winter storm exposes social chasm in Detroit

City services at standstill one week later

By Walter Gilberti
12 January, 1999

The aftermath of the snowstorm that dropped more than a foot of snow in the
Detroit area January 2-3 has revealed the social chasm separating the
administration of Mayor Dennis Archer and the Detroit City Council from the
majority of workers and poor in the city. After the passage of more than a
week, basic services for most Detroit residents remain at a virtual

The majority of the city's residential streets are still snow covered and
impassable. With a population of nearly 1 million, Detroit only has 59
trucks to plow city streets. By contrast Milwaukee, Wisconsin, with
two-thirds the population, operates 400 plows, clearing and salting every
main and residential street.

To add to the misery of residents, in the frigid cold weather that has
followed the storm close to 100 water mains have burst, turning many city
streets into icy waterways. Water department officials have blamed
substandard pipes purchased from France--in the 1920s and 30s--for the

With more snow on the way, conditions for many elderly and poor have become
desperate. The ability of firefighters and emergency medical technicians to
respond to calls, with services already decimated by prior budget cuts, has
been further hampered by the refusal of the city to remove snow from most
residential streets. On many streets fire hydrants remain buried in snow.
In a city where deadly house fires are an all too frequent occurrence, like
the one that killed six children last December 27, many more families are
now at risk.

Detroit public schools, which had been closed since the storm hit, were
finally allowed to open last Friday. However the vast majority of the
city's 180,000 students still cannot get to school. Friday's attendance was
barely measurable, revealing that the decision to open the schools was
motivated by political considerations aimed at creating the illusion of a
return to normal.

For many students the attempt to attend school is still a dangerous
undertaking. The snow-clogged streets have halted school bus
transportation, leaving many children no alternative but to traverse
slippery and unshoveled sidewalks, or risk life and limb by walking in the

Democratic Mayor Archer continues to defend the city's policy, begun 15
years ago under the Coleman Young administration, of not removing snow from
the streets in residential neighborhoods. It was only last Wednesday, four
days after the snowfall, that Mayor Archer even considered declaring a
"snow emergency." Archer had initially refused, claiming that there was no
problem with the major streets, declaring: "I do not accept responsibility
for what the good Lord has put on us by way of snow." He called on
neighborhood block clubs and volunteers to clear the streets. It should be
noted that the streets were plowed and cleared of snow in the mayor's
neighborhood, around the Manooghian Mansion.

Last Thursday, however, clearly more concerned about the city's "image"
than the plight of its residents, Archer was compelled to take some action.
Confronted by increased media criticism, and with the opening of the
International Auto Show and a visit by President Clinton imminent, Archer
announced that the city would seek outside assistance in an attempt to
clear the streets. The city is also considering the exploitation of convict
labor. Misdemeanor offenders have already been used for snow removal in
some neighboring municipalities.

Meanwhile, local newspaper editorials moved to defend the mayor, shifting
responsibility for the debacle onto city workers' unions, and claiming that
the only solution is the privatization of services. Yet the fact remains
that the Archer administration has long been oriented toward the
construction of gambling casinos and a new baseball stadium, while turning
its back on the urgent need to improve city services through the hiring of
additional employees and the purchasing of badly needed equipment.

Less than a month ago, Archer, echoing the sentiments of Michigan Governor
John Engler, had launched into a tirade about Detroit's public schools. At
the time, Archer threatened to support having parents or the state take
over nonperforming schools.

See Also:
US blizzard, cold wave hit the poor
[6 January 1999]
Detroit fire death toll at 79
Blaze kills six children in Detroit working class neighborhood
[31 December 1998]
House fires during the holidays kill scores of people acrosss the US
[31 December 1998]
Fire related deaths in the Motor City approach 70 for 1998
Detroit firefighters lack equipment and manpower
[24 December 1998]

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World Socialist Web Site
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WSWS : News & Analysis : North America : Clinton Impeachment

Clinton at the Detroit Economic Club

The politics of self-delusion

By Martin McLaughlin
12 January, 1999

President Bill Clinton's appearance in Detroit January 8 was an exercise in
political self-delusion. Clinton gave a speech to the Economic Club of
Detroit which painted an idyllic picture of life in today's America,
ignoring both the raging political crisis in Washington and the deep-seated
social tensions wracking Detroit and other major urban centers.

Clinton's remarks were a paean to an "American economic renaissance." He
congratulated American capitalism and his own administration for producing
surpluses in the federal budget deficit, the lowest peacetime unemployment
rate since 1957, record levels of home sales, and the lowest black and
Hispanic unemployment levels since separate figures began to be recorded in

"America is working again," he declared. "Our social problems are
receding." He cautioned only that there were some concerns about the
stability of the global financial institutions, and urged his audience,
largely comprised of auto industry executives, not to embrace extreme
protectionist measures which would exacerbate the international crisis.

His other note of concern was to assert that, despite record federal budget
surpluses, Social Security and Medicare were in long-term financial danger
and that now was the time to take action to "save" them--i.e., carry out a
combination of benefit cuts and privatization in the most important
entitlement programs, on which more than 40 million elderly depend.

The overall picture, however, was entirely positive, and his well-heeled
audience, flush with the second highest auto industry profits in history,
gave Clinton a series of warm ovations.

The unspoken question which hung over the gathering, however, was this: how
to account for the lynch mob atmosphere in Washington. If America is truly
enjoying unprecedented prosperity, if social problems are diminishing, why
is the political climate so noxious? Why is Clinton the target of a
frenzied right-wing campaign to drive him out of office, a campaign which
has culminated in the first impeachment and Senate trial of a sitting
president in 130 years?

Clinton made no mention of the impeachment drive in his speech, and the
question period which followed was censored capably by the meeting's host,
Detroit Mayor Dennis Archer, who restricted the discussion to issues of
world trade and the federal budget.

The impeachment drive is not merely the product of the personal hatred of
Clinton on the part of the Christian Coalition and other elements in the
right wing of the Republican Party. Or, to put it more precisely, their
hatred of Clinton, a powerful factor in the politics of impeachment, must
be traced to its social source, in social contradictions within American
society which have, despite the presidential rhetoric in Detroit,
enormously intensified over the past two decades.

At the root of the deepening political crisis is the development of social
and economic inequality on a scale which dwarfs anything seen in America
since the days of the robber barons a century ago. The top 1 percent of the
population owns well over 40 percent of the nation's wealth. This ruling
elite and a privileged upper-middle-class layer have monopolized the
prosperity of which Clinton boasted--real incomes for the bottom 80 percent
of the American people have declined or stagnated for a quarter-century.

Clinton's attempt to pass off this bonanza for the wealthy as a "tide which
lifts all boats" was particularly grotesque given the city in which he gave
his address. Detroit has been a byword for poverty and urban distress for
more than two decades. There are only two operating auto plants within the
borders of the former "Motor City," down from two dozen in 1980, and the
city's population has sunk below the 1 million mark.

On the morning Clinton delivered his speech, Detroit school children had
gone four days without attending classes because the city government is so
starved for funds that it could not afford to plow the streets after a
heavy snowstorm. Under a tide of public criticism, Mayor Archer announced
on the eve of Clinton's visit that he would seek to mobilize trucks from
the suburbs, together with volunteers and forced labor from jail inmates in
a belated effort to begin digging out the residents of the city.

See Also:
Winter storm exposes social chasm in Detroit
City services at standstill one week later
[12 January 1999]
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