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Click Here: <A HREF="http://www.pei-intl.com/Research/PANICS/PANICS.HTM">The
Great Financial Panics in History</A>
The Great Financial Panics in History

by Martin A. Armstrong
Historical Outline by Date | Western Civilization


This research facility is currently under construction. The full text of the
research into the The Great Financial Panics in History will be added to this
site as time goes on. Below is an index to this vast database by event. Click
on the topic of interest to view the contents.

Historical Outline by Date


*       Introduction
*   Panic 53BC AD - Roman Republic
*   Panic 3rd Cent AD - Rome
*   Monetary Crisis 1092 Byzantium
*   Panic of 1683 - Rye House Plot
*   Panic of 1720 - South Sea Bubble

Western Civilization


*       Panic of 1791
*   Panic of 1837
*   Panic of 1857
*   Panic of 1869
*   Panic of 1873
*   Panic of 1893
*   Panic of 1907
*   Panic of 1920
*   Panic of 1929
*   Panic of 1931
*   Panic of 1937
*   Panic of 1966
*   Panic of 1971
*   Panic of 1980
*   Panic of 1987
*   Panic of 1989
*   Panic of 1998
The Anatomy of Crisis

by Martin A. Armstrong


Throughout time, the economy of mankind has swung back and forth between some
fantastic periods of prosperity and deep dark depressions. It is our failure
to understand this mechanism that often drives the politics of the world also
between two extremes of totalitarian regimes and communism to periods of
enlightenment and democracy. What is most misunderstood is that the economic
swings between two extremes are the source of progress itself. For example,
the devastation of OPEC, which forced crude oil prices sharply high during
the 1970s, sparked a steep recession and a 40% decline in the stock market
while it unleashed a new wave of innovation to find alternative energy
sources. Despite the Industrial Revolution, 40% of the civil work force was
still employed in agriculture in 1929. As horrible as the Great Depression
was with unemployment rising to 25%, this economic disaster forced labour off
the farm and into the manufacturing-base where it began to acquire different
skills. By 1980, agricultural employment fell to merely 3% of the total civil
work force as innovation brought higher productivity and machines to the
farmland in America. It was the Panic of 1907 that lead to the creation of
the Federal Reserve and a central banking system in the wake a massive bank
failures due to cash drains that headed west to settle insurance claims.
Senate investigations lead to a better understanding of regional disparities
within any economy and thus a 12 branch Federal Reserves system was
established to smooth the regional cash flows problems that resulted in
temporary shortages of cash causing bank failures.

Each and every Panic in history has created some innovation within the
economy as well as the political world. Those who believe that we must
eliminate all economy downturns fail to understand that such downturns are
the very engine of progress. Trying to create utopia runs the risk of
reducing innovation and progress within society as a whole. Human nature is
simply content to keep things as they are as long as life is good. Only when
the economy declines do we find society demanding change, which in turn
sparks innovation and progress.

It is vital that we understand this natural mechanism that drives the economy
of mankind. We must avoid at all costs attempts to create perpetual utopia
for it is as unattainable as the quest to end the aging process. Financial
panics are an important component of the economy driving what is more
commonly referred to as the business cycle. We must realize that recessions
and depressions are NOT some disease that can be eradicated by another new
law. Like viruses that mutate to defeat man's latest antibiotics, the economy
is always evolving in its own strange way. Labour unions try to prevent
evolution most often by opposing innovation that would result in what they
see as a loss of jobs. However, what labour fails to understand is that it
cannot stand in the way of progress and innovation. The shipping unions of
New York City tried to ban container shipping because it took fewer workers
to unload the cargo. The end result: ports emerged in New Jersey and
elsewhere and NY ports are no more. Labour must understand that it cannot
oppose innovation but only embrace it or risk total elimination. Labour must
strive to keep up with changing technology so that its skills suddenly do not
become obsolete over the span of a few decades. The ultimate survival of the
individual within the economy depends upon his willingness to increase his
personal knowledge and skills. Like an old car, labour's value depreciates
within the economy whenever it remains stagnant. Jobs that are mainly
physical labour are the most vulnerable to progress and the first to suffer.

There have been numerous panics since the dawn of organized economic
activity. Even though we pride ourselves as being the most intelligent
species on this planet, the scope of our knowledge as a society leaves a lot
to be desired. Merely reviewing the financial panics in history lends
credence to the old adage that history repeats. But this same adage can also
be restated as "man never learns from his past mistakes."

In the heat of panic, society seeks the cause. We try to reduce everything to
a single one-line explanation so we can quickly pass a new law to eradicate
this experience from posterity. But as time moves onward, the next boom
always comes to an end followed by yet another financial panic. Although the
degree of such panics differs from time to time, as is the case with all boom
periods, the root causes are merely a minor variation of a standard set of
circumstances. The particular focus might also shift from real estate on one
panic to stocks or commodities on the next. It will even shift on a global
basis depending upon where capital has concentrated, such as the case in
Japan in 1989, the US in 1987 or gold in 1980.

To understand the nature of panics requires a global and broad perspective.
It is a common threat which runs through each panic and its cause is simply
due to an over-concentration of capital into one sector or one nation that
leads to an over-valuation. The study offered here takes that view and in the
conclusion we hope that you see the common threat which ties all such panics
together as a natural occurrence which mankind must come to respect as a law
of economics.
Great Monetary Crisis of 53 BC


The economic history of mankind has always been a story of boom and bust.
Throughout time, we find crisis after crisis in the recorded pages of
history. The slogans of revolution or revolt have far too often been merely a
disguise for economic motives by the state, king, minister or emperor. The
true story of Caesar and his clash with the Roman Senate led by Pompey is far
from the noble story of purely defending the Republic against the ambitions
of a ruthless dictator. For all the criticisims, Caesar by his actions was a
man of the people from the days of doing battle against the dictator Sulla
right up until his death by the hands of the questionable noble Senators of

It is not hard to understand the economic conditions that prevailed during
the Civil War and the rise to power of Julius Caesar. Imagine how corrupt our
modern day democracies have become with political pay-offs, self-interest,
intentional deadlocks and endless debates. The Senate of Rome was not much
different from the current houses of government in our modern era. The same
human emotions of power and greed that corrupt our present seystem also
infected the politics of the Roman Republic as it approached its final hour
in 44 BC.

Unfortunately, Shakespeare may have done more to distort the truth about
Caesar than any historian. While Shakespeare was merely trying to create art,
comtemporary historians were trying to glorify the virtues of the Senate by
slandering the nature and intentions of Caesar. But of all the rulers who
either inherited power or stole it in the still of the night, no other leader
has ever displayed such determination for justice and fairness. Caesar was no
ambitious man purely for the sake of glory as one might argue about Nero or
Caligula. Caesar sought true reform that would benefit the people first and
the Senate of Rome last.

In our modern arogance, we tend to feel so superior to thise generations that
have gone before us. We have cars, trains, planes, medicine and we have even
landed on the Moon. Surely, with all these accomplishments, little remains in
common with the past. However, when the subject turns to economics, very
little progress has taken place in 6,000 years. Banking still functions very
much the same today as it did in the days of Julius Caesar - minus credit
cards and electronic wire transfers. Interest rates still flucuate according
to supply and demand today as they did in Caesar's day. Real estate booms and
busts still plague our modern economy as they did thousands of years ago.
Indeed, to understand Caesar the man, we must also understand the monetary
crisis that he and the people of Rome faced at the critical moment in time,
which ultimately dealt the final death blow to the Republic while providing
the spark of life to the Imperial era that followed.

The events that led to Caesar's death are deeply entwined with not merely
political intrigue, but with the cold hard human emotion of greed. When we
think of the Roman Empire, few realize that there was a banking system and
interest rates just as we have today. It was very much the abuse of credit by
the state that severely weakened the Roman Empire and ultimately contributed
to its collapse. It was the Dark Age that followed in which a period where
credit and banking all but disappeared from western European culture. The
monetary crisis that emerged at the time of the Civil War was very much a
debt crisis that had been caused by yet another period of excessive credit
and corruption.

There are many ancient historians who have recorded the facts as they were or
sometimes slanted with a few personal biases here and there. During Caesar's
time, interest rates were far more volatile than they have been since the
Great Depression. The elections of 53 BC illustrate that fact. The elections
of 53 BC effectively degenerated into a bidding war between the various
factions. Under the pretense of helping candidates with their expenses, the
bottom line was simple bribery. We know from various contemporary authors of
the time, that the bribery was so intense, that interest rates jumped from 4%
to 8% during those elections. This bidding war was so serious, that the
Senate of Rome was forced to act. Pompey professed to be shocked at the
entire affair which was highly unlikely given his part in the dealings. The
Senate was forced to announce prosecutions against all concerned, and the
offices of Consul were given to other parties following a confession by one
candidate, Memmius. Political contribution scandals are still taking place
today as they did thousands of years ago.

Credit and debt had played a key role in many of the political events in
man's history. Following the Civil War in which Pompey was defeated by
Caesar, one such monetary crisis threatened the entire political system of
Rome. If one were to take an objective view of Caesar and read between the
lines of contemporary writers, it is not difficult to see the frustration
that Caesar must have felt with the situation. Many of the leading Senators
were in fact the moneylenders themselves clearly in a position of conflicting
interests. Many Senators sought governorships through which they became
unspeakably wealthy. Thus to be a Senator during the later Republic, was
indeed a gateway to the rish and famous.

The monetary crisis following the Civil War period was not unlike that of the
Great Depression of the 1930s. The chief problem seems to have been a
shortage of cash. An enormous quantity of coin was taken to pay the rival
armies in the conflict, and because of general insecurity among the populace,
hoarding had withheld vast sums of cash from general circulation and banks.
Consequently, money had become so scarce, there was simply not enough cash
available to repay the outstanding levels of debt. Creditors were frantically
trying to recover their loans, but the borrower, quite unable to satisfy
them, were obliged to forfeit their mortgaged property and all allotments as
well. However, this only created additional hardships through the collapse of
economic activity. Because creditors were not interested in real estate
properties by and large due to the shortage of cash, real estate values
plummeted as was the case during the 1930s. Meanwhile, the savage and unfair
laws written by the Senate against debtors applied creating a growing sense
of unfairness among the populace.

This is the backdrop to the real story of Caesar's assassination. Given the
biased position of many Senators as moneylenders, it is unlikely that they
would have handled the situation in a fair manner. Perhaps in such situations
a dictator was indeed necessary and this may have played a large part in the
role of Caesar during this period.

Caesar proposed some interesting solutions. He forbade the hoarding of cash
not unlike Franklin Roosevelt in 1933. However, at the same time, Caesar
obliged creditors to accept land and movable goods in repayment. An
interesting touch, which may have cost Caesar his life, was how the
valuations of such property were to be used to settle the debt disputes.
Consider for one moment, that the loans taken before the debt crisis struck
were based upon land values at their peak. Given the collapse in the free
markets and the rise in value of cash, creditors then seek to collect full
value of their loans in currency, which is actually worth substantially more
in purchasing power during a depression. The common denominator during all
financial panics is the demand for cash and liquidity. This crisis during the
late Republic is no different with respect to liquidity. Caesar realized that
the differential between pre-crash values and money compared to post-crash
depreciated values and the rise in purchasing power of cash unjustly benefits
creditors at the expense of debtors. For example, a house worth $100,000
before the crash becomes worth $50,000 in the post-crash era. Therefore, if
the creditor were to collect $100,000 on the old loan, he has doubled his
money from a purchasing power perspective.

Caesar's unique solution is something that deserves close study. Caesar
demanded that creditors not merely be obliged to accept real estate and
movable objects in repayment, he also decreed that the valuations on such
property would be established at pre-crash levels. He established state
valuers to place official values on all property. These special state valuers
were appointed by the city praetor. Caesar in addition decreed that all
interest previously paid by debtors to their creditors should be deducted
from the principle of the loan in question. Given the fact that interest
prior to the election of 53 had stood at 4% and in post election years 8%,
the interest rate at the peak of speculation prior to the crash stood at 12%.
One can easily see, therefore, that the interest abatement was indeed a major
concession that would not have sat well with the moneylenders.

The exact timing of these events is not certain. But we know that these
events took place between the years 49 and 44 BC - the last 5 years during
Caesar's life. We know that Marc Antony and Dolabella were buying up the
properties of political exiles and casualties of the Civil War believing that
Caesar would outright abolish all debts. In fact, Antony even purchased the
palace and salves of the fallen Pompey the Great at auction assuming he would
never have to pay. Unforthunately for Antony, Caesar did not simply wipe the
slate clean and their purchases needed to be settled.

Clearly, the measures taken by Caesar warrant investigation. The economy was
stabilized. It is difficult to determine the long-term effects due to the
assassination of Caesar and the outbreak of war as Antony and Octavian
pursued Brutus and his compatriots. Nevertheless, the measures of Caesar
stand alone within the solutions to monetary crisis situation throughout
time. Obviously, demanding debts incurred prior to a crash be settle at the
same face value after the crash is the very essence of monetary crisis
irrespective of the time period we discuss.
Caesar's actions in this case do not suggest that he was a ruthless dictator.
Nor does the evidence support internal corruption within his admimistration
given that Marc Anthony was forced to honor his debts as well. It is obvious
that the actions or Caesar were in fact for the benefit of the people at the
expense of a corrupt Senate of Rome.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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