-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/17/98 7:09:06 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>analysis of the word "anti-Semitism"

here ya go;
an excerpt from:
Anti-Semite and Jew - An exploration of the etiology of hate
Jean-Paul Sarte
George J Becker(translator)
Schocken Books(C)1948,1976
New York, NY
Paul Morhien(C)1946
Paris, France
ISBN 0-8052-1047-4
Quite the book. First are some excerpts then the entire context. (Chapter 1)
Anti-Semitism is not merely the joy of hating: it brines positive pleasures
too. By treating the Jew as an inferior and pernicious being, I affirm at the
same time that I belong to the elite. This elite, in contrast to those of
modern times which are based on merit or labor, closely resembles an
aristocracy of birth. There is nothing I have to do to merit my superiority,
and neither can I lose it. It is given once and for all. It is a thing.
In this sense anti-Semitism is, in a democracy, a covert form
of what is called the struggle of the citizen against authority. Question any
one of those turbulent young men who placidly break the law and band together
to beat up a Jew in a deserted street: He will tell you that he wants a strong
authority to take from him the crushing responsibility of thinking for
himself. Since the Republic is weak, he is led to break the law out of love of
obedience. But is it really strong authority that he wishes? In reality he
demands rigorous order for others, and for himself disorder without
We begin to understand that anti-Semitism is more than a mere "opinion" about
the Jews and that it involves the entire personality of the anti-Semite. But
we have not yet finished with him, for he does not confine himself to
furnishing moral and political directives: he has a method of thought and a
conception of the world all his own. In fact, we cannot state what he affirms
without implicit reference to certain intellectual principles.
Facile talkers speak of a Jewish will to dominate the world. Here again, if we
did not have the key, the manifestations of this will would certainly be
unintelligible to us. We are told in almost the same breath that behind the
Jew lurks international capitalism and the imperialism of the trusts and the
munitions makers, and that he is the front man for piratical Bolshevism with a
knife between its teeth. There is no embarrassment or hesitation about
imputing responsibility for communism to Jewish bankers, whom it would
horrify, or responsibility for capitalist imperialism to the wretched Jews who
crowd the rue des Rosiers. But everything is made clear if we renounce any
expectation from the Jew of a course of conduct that is reasonable and in
conformity with his interests, if, instead, we discern in him a metaphysical
principle that drives him to do evil under all circumstances, even though he
thereby destroy himself. This principle, one may suspect, is magical. On the
one hand, it is an essence, a substantial form, and the Jew, whatever he does,
cannot modify it, any more than fire, can keep itself from burning. On the
other hand, it is necessary in order to be able to hate the Jew--for one does
not hate natural phenomena like earthquakes and plagues of locusts--that it
also have the virtue of freedom. Only the freedom in question is carefully
limited: The Jew is free to do evil. not good; he has only as much free will
as is necessary for him to take full responsibility for the crimes of which he
is the author; he does not have enough to be able to achieve a reformation.
Strange liberty, which instead of preceding and constituting the essence?
remains subordinate to it, is only an irrational quality of it, and yet
remains liberty.

There is only one creature, to my knowledge, who is thus totally free and yet
chained to evil; that is the Spirit of Evil himself, Satan. Thus the Jew is
assimilable to the spirit of evil. His will, unlike the Kantian will, is one
which wills itself purely, gratuitously, and universally to be evil. It is the
will to evil. Through him Evil arrives on the earth. All that is bad in
society (crises, wars, famines, upheavals, and revolts) is directly or
indirectly imputable to him. The anti-Semite is afraid of discovering that the
world is ill-contrived, for then it would be necessary for him to invent and
modify, with the result that man would be found to be the master of his own
destinies, burdened with an agonizing and infinite responsibility. Thus he
localizes all the evil of the universe in the Jew. If nations war with each
other, the conflict does not arise from the fact that the idea of nationality,
in its present form, implies imperialism and the clash of interests. No, it is
because the Jew is there? behind the governments, breathing discord. If there
is a class struggle, it is not because the economic organization leaves
something to be desired: It is because Jewish demagogues, hook-nosed
agitators, have seduced the workers.

Anti-Semitism is thus seen to be at bottom a form of Manichaeism; It explains
the course of the world by the struggle of the principle of Good with the
principle of Evil. Between these two principles no reconciliation is
conceivable; one of them must triumph and the other be annihilated.
On the other hand, the Manichaean anti-Semite puts, his emphasis on
destruction. What he sees is not a conflict of interests but the damage which
an evil power causes society. Therefore Good consists above all in the
destruction of Evil. Underneath the bitterness of the anti-Semite is concealed
the optimistic belief that harmony will be re-established of itself, once Evil
is eliminated. His task is therefore purely negative: there is no question of
building a new society, but only of purifying the one which exists. In the
attainment of this goal the co-operation of Jews of good will would be useless
and even fatal, and anyhow no Jew could be a man of good will. Knight-errant
of the Good, the anti-Semite is a holy man. The Jew also is holy in his
manner-- holy like the untouchables, like savages under the interdict of a
taboo. Thus the conflict is raised to a religious plane, and the end of the
combat can be nothing other than a holy destruction.

The advantages of this position are many. To begin with, it favors laziness of
mind. We have seen that the anti-Semite understands nothing about modern
society. He would be incapable of conceiving of a constructive plan; his
action cannot reach the level of the methodical; it remains on the ground of
passion. To a long-term enterprise he prefers an explosion of rage analogous
to the running amuck of the Malays. His intellectual activity is confined to
interpretation; he seeks in historical events the signs of the presence of an
evil power. Out of this spring those childish and elaborate fabrications which
give him his resemblance to the extreme paranoiacs.
In addition, anti-Semitism channels revolutionary drives toward the
destruction of certain men, not of institutions. An anti-Semitic mob will
consider it has done enough when it has massacred some Jews and burned a few
synagogues. It represents, therefore, a safety valve for the owning classes,
who encourage it and thus substitute for a dangerous hate against their regime
a beneficent hate against particular people. Above all this naive dualism is
eminently reassuring to the anti-Semite himself. If all he has to do is to
remove Evil, that means that the Good is already giver'. He has no need to
seek it in anguish, to invent it, to scrutinize it patiently when he has found
it, to prove it in action, to verify it by its consequences, or, finally, to
shoulder the responsibilities of the moral choice he has made.

It is not by chance that the great outbursts of anti-Semitic rage conceal a
basic optimism The anti-Semite has cast his lot for Evil so as not to have to
cast his lot for Good. The more one is absorbed in fighting Evil, the less one
is tempted to place the Good in question. One does not need to talk about it,
yet it is always understood in the discourse of the anti-Semite and it remains
understood in his thought. When he has fulfilled his mission as holy
destroyer, the Lost Paradise will reconstitute itself. For the moment so many
tasks confront the anti-Semite that he does not have time to think about it.
He is in the breach, fighting, and each of his outbursts of rage is a pretext
to avoid the anguished search for the Good.

But that is not all, and now we touch on the domain of psychoanalysis.
Manichaeism conceals a deep-seated attraction toward Evil. For the anti-Semite
Evil is his lot, his Job's portion. Those who come after will concern
themselves with the Good, if there is occasion. As for him, he is in the front
rank of society, fighting with his back turned to the pure virtues that he
defends. His business is with Evil; his duty is to unmask it, to denounce it,
to measure its extent. That is why he is so obsessed with piling up anecdotes
that reveal the lubricity of the Jew, his appetite for money, his ruses, and
his treasons. He bathes his hands in ordure.
But since Evil, to the anti-Semite, is incarnated in unarmed and harmless men,
the latter never finds himself under the painful necessity of being heroic. It
is fun to be an anti-Semite. One can beat and torture Jews without fear.
A destroyer in function, a sadist with a pure heart, the anti-Semite is, in
the very depths of his heart, a criminal. What he wishes what he prepares is
the death, of the Jew.

To be sure, not all the enemies of the Jew demand his death openly, but the
measures they propose all of which aim at his abasement, at his humiliation,
at his banishment--are substitutes for that assassination which they meditate
within themselves. They are symbolic murders. Only, the anti-Semite has his
conscience on his side: he is a criminal in a good cause. It is not his fault,
surely, if his mission is to extirpate Evil by doing
These sudden fits of anger which seize him, these thundering diatribes which
he hurls at the "Yids" are so many capital executions. The anti-Semte has
chosen to be a criminal, and a criminal pure of heart. Here again he flees
responsibilities. Though he censures his murderous instincts, he has found a
means of sating them without admitting it to himself. He knows that he is
wicked, but since he does Evil for the sake of Good, since a whole people
waits for deliverance at his hands, he looks upon himself as a sanctified
evildoer. By a sort of inversion of all values, of which we find examples in
certain religions .--for example, in India, where there exists a sacred
prostitution--the anti-Semite accords esteem, respect., and enthusiasm to
anger, hate, pillage, murder, to all the forms of violence. Drunk with evil,
he feels in himself the lightness of heart and peace of mind which a good
conscience and the satisfaction of a duty well done bring.

The portrait is complete. If some of those who readily assert that they detest
the Jews do not recognize themselves in it, it is because in actual fact they
do not detest
the Jews. They don't love them either. While they would not do them the least
harm, they would not raise their little fingers to protect them from violence.
They are not anti-Semites. They are not anything; they are not persons. Since
it is necessary to appear to be something, they make themselves into an echo,
a murmur, and, without thinking of evil--without thinking of anything --they
go about repeating learned formulas which give them the right of entry to
certain drawing rooms. Thus they know the delights of being nothing but an
empty noise, of having their heads filled with an enormous affirmation which
they find all the more respectable because they have borrowed it. Anti-
Semitism is only a justification for their existence. Their futility is such
that they will eagerly abandon this justification for an' other, provided that
the latter be more "distinguished."
It seems to all these featherbrains that by repeating with eager emulation the
statement that the Jew is harmful to the country they are performing a rite of
initiation which admits them to the fireside of social warmth and energy. In
this sense anti-Semitism has kept something of the nature of human sacrifice.

It has, moreover, a considerable advantage for those people who are aware of
their profound instability and are weary of it. It permits them to put on the
externals of passion and, as has been fashionable since the Romantic movement,
to confuse this with personality. These secondhand anti-Semites can provide
themselves at little cost with an aggressive personality.
We are now in a position to understand the anti-Semite. He is a man who is
afraid. Not of the Jews, to be sure, but of himself, of his own consciousness,
of his liberty, of his instincts, of his responsibilities, of solitariness, of
change, of society, and of the world--of everything except the Jews. He is a
coward who does not want to admit his cowardice to himself; a murderer who
represses and censures his tendency to murder without being able to hold it
back, yet who dares to kill only in effigy or protected by the anonymity of
the mob; a malcontent who dares not revolt from fear of the consequences of
his rebellion. In espousing anti-Semitism, he does not simply adopt an
opinion, he chooses himself as a person. He chooses the permanence and
impenetrability of stone, the total irresponsibility of the warrior who obeys
his leaders--and he has no leader. He chooses to acquire nothing, to deserve
nothing; he assumes that everything is given him as his birthright--and he is
not noble. He chooses finally a Good that is fixed once and for all, beyond
question, out of reach; he dares not examine it for fear of being led to
challenge it and having to seek it in another form. The Jew only serves him as
a pretext; elsewhere his counterpart will make use of the Negro or the man of
yellow skin. The existence of the Jew merely permits the anti-Semite to stifle
his anxieties at their inception by persuading himself that his place in the
world has been marked out in advance, that it awaits him, and that tradition
gives him the right to occupy it. Anti-Semitism, in short. is fear of the
human condition. The anti-Semite is a man who wishes to be pitiless stone, a
furious torrent, a devastating thunderbolt--anything except a man.
If a man attributes all or part of his own misfortunes and those of his
country to the presence of Jewish elements in the community, if he proposes to
remedy this state of affairs by depriving the Jews of certain of their rights,
by keeping them out of certain economic and social activities, by expelling
them from the country, by exterminating all of them, we say that he has anti-
Semitic opinions.

This word opinion makes us stop and think. It is the word a hostess uses to
bring to an end a discussion that threatens to become acrimonious. It suggests
that all points of view are equal; it reassures us, for it gives an
inoffensive appearance to ideas by reducing them to the level of tastes. All
tastes are natural; all opinions are permitted. Tastes, colors, and opinions
are not open to discussion. In the name of democratic institutions, in the
name of freedom of opinion, the anti-Semite asserts the right to preach the
anti-Jewish crusade everywhere.

At the same time, accustomed as we have been since the Revolution to look at
every object in an analytic spirit, that is to say, as a composite whose
elements can be separated, we look upon persons and characters as mosaics in
which each stone coexists with the others without that coexistence affecting
the nature of the whole. Thus anti-Semitic opinion appears to us to be a
molecule that can enter into combination with other molecules of any origin
whatsoever without undergoing any alteration. A man may be a good father and a
good husband, a conscientious citizen, highly cultivated, philanthropic, and
in addition an anti-Semite. He may like fishing and the pleasures of love, may
be tolerant in matters of religion, full of generous notions on the condition
of the natives in Central Africa, and in addition detest the Jews. If he does
not like them, we say, it is because his experience has shown him that they
are bad, because statistics have taught him that they are dangerous, because
certain historical factors have influenced his judgment. Thus this opinion
seems to be the result of external causes, and those who wish to study it are
prone to neglect the personality of the anti-Semite in favor of a
consideration of the percentage of Jews who were mobilized in 1914, the
percentage of Jews who are bankers, industrialists, doctors, and lawyers, or
an examination of the history of the Jews in France since early times. They
succeed in revealing a strictly objective situation that determines an equally
objective current of opinion, and this they call anti-Semitism, for which they
can draw up charts and determine the variations from 1870 to 1944. In such
wise anti-Semitism appears to be at once a subjective taste that enters into
combination with other tastes to form a personality, and an impersonal and
social phenomenon which can be expressed by figures and averages, one which is
conditioned by economic, historical, and political constants.

I do not say that these two conceptions are necessarily contradictory. I do
say that they are dangerous and false. I would admit, if necessary, that one
may have an opinion on the government's policy in regard to the wine industry,
that is, that one may decide, for certain reasons, either to approve or
condemn the free importation of wine from Algeria: here we have a case of
holding an opinion on the administration of things. But I refuse to
characterize as opinion a doctrine that is aimed directly at particular
persons and that seeks to suppress their rights or to exterminate them. The
Jew whom the anti-Semite wishes to lay hands upon is not a schematic being
defined solely by his function, as under administrative law; or by his status
or his acts, as under the Code. He is a Jew, the son of Jews, recognizable by
his physique, by the color of his hair, by his clothing perhaps, and, so they
say, by his character. Anti-Semitism does not fall within the category of
ideas protected by the right of free opinion.

Indeed, it is something quite other than an idea. It is first of all a
passion. No doubt it can be set forth in the form of a theoretical
proposition. The "moderate" anti-Semite is a courteous man who will tell you
quietly: "Personally, I do not detest the Jews. I simply find it preferable,
for various reasons, that they should play a lesser part in the activity of
the nation." But a moment later, if you have gained his confidence, he will
add with more abandon: "You see, there must be something about the Jews; they
upset me physically."

This argument, which I have heard a hundred times, is worth examining. First
of all, it derives from the logic of passion. For, really now, can we imagine
anyone's saying seriously: "There must be something about tomatoes, for I have
a horror of eating them"? In addition, it shows us that anti-Semitism in its
most temperate and most evolved forms remains a syncretic whole which may be
expressed by statements of reasonable tenor, but which can involve even bodily
modifications. Some men are suddenly struck with impotence if they learn from
the woman with whom they are making love that she is a Jewess. There is
disgust for the Jew, just as there is a disgust for the Chinese or the Negro
among certain people. Thus it is not from the body that the sense of repulsion
arises, since one may love a Jewess very well if one does not know what her
race is; rather it is something that enters the body from the mind. It is an
involvement of the mind, but one so deep-seated and complete that it extends
to the physiological realm, as happens in cases of hysteria.

This involvement is not caused by experience. I have questioned a hundred
people on the reasons for their anti-Semitism. Most of them have confined
themselves to enumerating the defects with which tradition has endowed the
Jews. "I detest them because they are selfish, intriguing persistent, oily,
tactless, etc."--"But, at any rate, you associate with some of them?"--"Not if
I can help it!" A painter said to me: "I am hostile to the Jews because, with
their critical habits, they encourage our servants to insubordination." Here
are examples a little more precise. A young actor without talent insisted that
the Jews had kept him from a successful career in the theater by confining him
to subordinate roles. A young woman said to me: "I have had the most horrible
experiences with furriers; they robbed me, they burned the fur I entrusted to

Well, they were all Jews." But why did she choose to hate Jews rather than
furriers? Why Jews or furriers rather than such and such a Jew or such and
such a furrier? Because she had in her a predisposition toward anti-Semitism.

A classmate of mine at the lycee told me that Jews "annoy" him because of the
thousands of injustices that "Jew-ridden" social organizations commit in their
favor. "A Jew passed his agregation * [* Competitive state teachers'
examination.] the year I was failed, and you can't make me believe that that
fellow, whose father came from Cracow or Lemberg, understood a poem by Ronsard
or an eclogue by Virgil better than I." But he admitted that he disdained the
agregatior' as a mere academic exercise, and that he didn't study for it.
Thus, to explain his failure, he made use of two systems of interpretation,
like those madmen who, when they are far gone in their madness, pretend to be
the King of Hungary but, if questioned sharply, admit to being shoemakers. His
thoughts moved on two planes without his being in the least embarrassed by it.
As a matter of fact, he will in time manage to justify his past laziness on
the grounds that it really would be too stupid to prepare for an examination
in which Jews are passed in preference to good Frenchmen. Actually he ranked
twenty-seventh on the official list. There were twenty-six ahead of him,
twelve who passed and fourteen who failed. Suppose Jews had been excluded from
the competition; would that have done him any good? And even if he had been at
the top of the list of unsuccessful candidates, even if by eliminating one of
the successful candidates he would have had a chance to pass, why should the
Jew Weil have been eliminated rather than the Norman Mathieu or the Breton
Arzell? To understand my classmate's indignation we must recognize that he had
adopted in advance a certain idea of the Jew, of his nature and of his role in
society. And to be able to decide that among twenty-six competitors who were
more successful than himself, it was the Jew who robbed him of his place, he
must a priori have given preference in the conduct of his life to reasoning
based on passion. Far from experience producing his idea of the Jew, it was
the latter which explained his experience. If the Jew did not exist. the anti-
Semite would invent him.

That may be so, you will say, but leaving the question of experience to one
side, must we not admit that anti-Semitism is explained by certain historical
data? For after all it does not come out of the air. It would be easy for me
to reply that the history of France tells us nothing about the Jews: they were
oppressed right up to 1789; since then they have participated as best they
could in the life of the nation, taking advantage, naturally, of freedom of
competition to displace the weak, but no more and no less than other
Frenchmen. They have committed no crimes against France, have engaged in no
treason. And if people believe there is proof that the number of Jewish
soldiers in 1914 was lower than it should have been, it is because someone had
the curiosity to consult statistics. This is not one of those facts which have
the power to strike the imagination by themselves; no soldier in the trenches
was able on his own initiative to feel astonishment at not seeing any Jews in
the narrow sector that constituted his universe. However, since the
information that history gives on the role of Israel depends essentially on
the conception one has of history, I think it would be better to borrow from a
foreign country a manifest example of "Jewish treason" and to calculate the
repercussions this "treason" may have had on contemporary anti-Semitism.

In the course of the bloody Polish revolts of the nineteenth century, the
Warsaw Jews, whom the czars handled gently for reasons of policy, were very
lukewarm toward the rebels. By not taking part in the insurrection they were
able to maintain and improve their position in a country ruined by repression.

I don't know whether this is true or not. What is certain is that many Poles
believe it, and this "historical fact" contributes not a little to their
bitterness against the Jews. But if I examine the matter more closely, I
discover a vicious circle: The czars, we are told, treated the Polish Jews
well whereas they willingly ordered pogroms against those in Russia. These
sharply different courses of action had the same cause. The Russian government
considered the Jews in both Russia and Poland to be unassimilable; according
to the needs of their policy, they had them massacred at Moscow and Kiev
because they were a danger to the Russian empire, but favored them at Warsaw
as a means of stirring up discord among the Poles. The latter showed nothing
but hate and scorn for the Jews of Poland, but the reason was the same: For
them Israel could never become an integral part of the national collectivity.
Treated as Jews by the czar and as Jews by the Poles, provided, quite in spite
of themselves, with Jewish interests in the midst of a foreign community, is
it any wonder that these members of a minority behaved in accordance with the
representation made of them?

In short, the essential thing here is not an "historical fact" but the idea
that the agents of history formed for themselves of the Jew. When the Poles of
today harbor resentment against the Jews for their past conduct they are
incited to it by that same idea. If one is going to reproach little children
for the sins of their grandfathers, one must first of all have a very
primitive conception of what constitutes responsibility. Furthermore one must
form his conception of the children on the basis of what the grandparents have
been. One must believe that what their elders did the young are capable of
doing. One must convince himself that Jewish character is inherited. Thus the
Poles of 1940 treated the Israelites in the community as Jews because their
ancestors in 1848 had done the same with their contemporaries. Perhaps this
traditional representation would, under other circumstances, have disposed the
Jews of today to act like those of 1848. It is therefore the idea of the Jew
that one forms for himself which would seem to determine history, not the
"historical fact that produces the idea.

People speak to us also of "social facts," but if we look at this more closely
we shall find the same vicious circle. There are too many Jewish lawyers,
someone says. But is there any complaint that there are too many Norman
lawyers? Even if all the Bretons were doctors would we say anything more than
that "Brittany provides doctors for the whole of France"? Oh, someone will
answer, it is not at all the same thing. No doubt, but that is precisely
because we consider Normans as Normans and Jews as Jews. Thus wherever we turn
it is the idea of the Jew which seems the essential factor.

It has become evident that no external factor can induce anti-Semitism in the
anti-Semite. Anti-Semitism is a free and total choice of oneself, a
comprehensive attitude that one adopts not only toward Jews but toward men in
general, toward history and society, it is at one and the same time a passion
and a conception of the world. No doubt in the case of a given anti-Semite
certain characteristics will be more marked than in another. But they are
always all present at the same time, and they influence each other. It is this
syncretic totality which we must now attempt to describe.

I noted earlier that anti-Semitism is a passion. Everybody understands that
emotions of hate or anger are involved But ordinarily hate and anger have a
provocation I hate someone who has made me suffer, someone who condemns or
insults me. We have just seen that anti-Semitic passion could not have such a
character. It precedes the facts that are supposed to call it forth; it seeks
them out to nourish itself upon them; it must even interpret them in a special
way so that they may become truly offensive. Indeed, if you so much dis
mention a Jew to an anti-Semite, he will show all the signs of a lively
irritation. If we recall that we must always consent to anger before it can
manifest itself and that, as is indicated so accurately by the French idiom,
we "put ourselves" into anger, we shall have to agree that the anti-Semite has
chosen to live on the plane of passion. It is not unusual for people to elect
to live a life of passion rather than one of reason But ordinarily they love
the objects of passion: women, glory, power, money. Since the anti-Semite has
chosen hate, we are forced to conclude that it is the state of passion that he
loves. Ordinarily this type of emotion is not very pleasant: a man who
passionately desires a woman is impassioned because of the woman and in spite
of his passion. We are wary of reasoning based on passion, seeking to support
by all possible means opinions which love or jealousy or hate have dictated.
We are wary of the aberrations of passion and of what is called monoideism.
But that is just what the anti-Semite chooses right off.

How can one choose to reason falsely? It is because of a longing for
impenetrability. The rational man groans as he gropes for the truth; he knows
that his reasoning is no more than tentative, that other considerations may
supervene to cast doubt on it. He never sees very clearly where he is going;
he is "open"; he may even appear to be hesitant. But there are people who are
attracted by the durability of a stone. They wish to be massive and
impenetrable; they wish not to change. Where, indeed, would change take them?
We have here a basic fear of oneself and of truth. What frightens them is not
the content of truth, of which they have no conception, but the form itself of
truth, that thing of indefinite approximatiom It is as if their own existence
were in continual suspension. But they wish to exist all at once and right
away. They do not want any acquired opinions; they want them to be innate.
Since they are afraid of reasoning. they wish to lead the kind of life wherein
reasoning and research play only a subordinate role, wherein one seeks only
what he has already found, wherein one becomes only what he already was. This
is nothing but passion. Only a strong emotional bias can give a lightninglike
certainty; it alone can hold reason in leash; it alone can remain impervious
to experience and last for a whole lifetime.

The anti-Semite has chosen hate because hate is a faith at the outset he has
chosen to devaluate words and reasons. How entirely at ease he feels as a
result. How futile and frivolous discussions about the rights of the Jew
appear to him. He has placed himself on other ground from the beginning. If
out of courtesy he consents for a moment to defend his point of view, he lends
himself but does not give himself. He tries simply to project his intuitive
certainty onto the plane of discourse. I mentioned awhile back some remarks by
antiSemites, all of them absurd: "I hate Jews because they make servants
insubordinate, because a Jewish furrier robbed me, etc." Never believe that
anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They
know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing
themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly,
since he believes in words The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even
like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit
the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith,
since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and
disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent,
loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past. It is
not that they are afraid of being convinced. They fear only to appear
ridiculous or to prejudice by their embarrassment their hope of winning over
some third person to their side.

If then, as we have been able to observe, the anti-Semite is impervious to
reason and to experience, it is not because his conviction is strong. Rather
his conviction is strong because he has chosen first of all to be impervious.

He has chosen also to be terrifying People are afraid irritating him. one
knows to what lengths the aberrations of his passion will carry him--but he
knows, for this passion is not provoked by something external. He has it well
in hand; it is obedient to his will: now he lets go the reins and now he pulls
back on them. He is not afraid of himself, but he sees in the eyes of others a
disquieting image - his own--and he makes his words and gestures conform to
it. Having this external model, he is under no necessity to look for his
personality within himself. He has chosen to find his being entirely outside
himself, never to look within, to be nothing save the fear he inspires in
others What he flees even more than Reason is his intimate awareness of
himself. But someone will object: What if he is like that only with regard to
the Jews? What if he otherwise conducts himself with good sense? I reply that
that is impossible. There is the case of a fishmonger who, in 1942, annoyed by
the competition of two Jewish fishmongers who were concealing their race, one
fine day took pen in hand and denounced them. I have been assured that this
fishmonger was in other respects a mild and jovial man, the best of sons. But
I don't believe it. A man who finds it entirely natural to denounce other men
cannot have our conception of humanity; he does not see even those whom he
aids in the same light as we do. His generosity, his kindness are not like our
kindness, our generosity. You cannot confine passion to one sphere.

The anti-Semite readily admits that the Jew is intelligent and hard-working;
he will even confess himself inferior in these respects. This concession costs
him nothing, for he has, as it were, put those qualities in parentheses. Or
rather they derive their value from the one who possesses them: the more
virtues the Jew has the more dangerous he will be. The anti-Semite has no
illusions about what he is. He considers himself an average man, modestly
average, basically mediocre.

There is no example of an anti-Semite's claiming individual superiority over
the Jews; But you must not think that he is ashamed of his mediocrity; he
takes pleasure in it; I will even assert that he has chosen it. This man fears
every kind of solitariness, that of the genius as much as that of the
murderer; he is the man of the crowd. However small his stature, he takes
every precaution to make it smaller, lest he stand out from the herd and find
himself face to face with himself. He has made himself an anti-Semite because
that is something one cannot be alone. The phrase, "I hate the Jews," is one
that is uttered in chorus; in pronouncing it, one attaches himself to a
tradition and to a community--the tradition and community of the mediocre.

We must remember that a man is not necessarily humble or even modest because
he has consented to mediocrity. On the contrary, there is a passionate pride
among the mediocre, and anti-Semitism is an attempt to give value to
mediocrity as such. to create an elite of the ordinary To the anti-Semite,
intelligence is Jewish; he can thus disdain it in all tranquillity, like all
the other virtues which the Jew possesses. They are so many ersatz attributes
that the Jew cultivates in place of that balanced mediocrity which he will
never have. The true Frenchman, rooted in his province, in his country, borne
along by a tradition twenty centuries old, benefiting from ancestral wisdom,
guided by tried customs, does not need intelligence. His virtue depends upon
the assimilation of the qualities which the work of a hundred generations has
lent to the objects which surround him; it depends on property. It goes
without saying that this is a matter of inherited property, not property one
buys. The anti-Semite has a fundamental incomprehension of the various forms
of modern property: money, securities, etc. These are abstractions, entities
of reason related to the abstract intelligence of the Semite. A security
belongs to no one because it can belong to everyone; moreover, it is a sign of
wealth, not a concrete possession. The anti-Semite can conceive only of a type
of primitive ownership of land based on a veritable magical rapport, in which
the thing possessed and its possessor are united by a bond of mystical
participation; he is the poet of real property. It transfigures the proprietor
and endows him with a special and concrete sensibility. To be sure, this
sensibility ignores eternal truths or universal values: the universal is
Jewish, since it is an object of intelligence. What his subtle sense seizes
upon is precisely that which the intelligence cannot perceive. To put it
another way, the principle underlying anti-Semitism is that the concrete
possession of a particular object gives as if by magic the meaning of that
object. Maurras said the same thing when he declared a Jew to be forever
incapable of understanding this line of Racine:

Dans l'Orient desert, quel devint mon ennui.* [* Berenice.]

But the way is open to me, mediocre me, to understand what the most subtle,
the most cultivated intelligence has been unable to grasp. Why? Because I
possess Racine Racine and my country and my soil. Perhaps the Jew speaks a
purer French than I do, perhaps he knows syntax and grammar better, perhaps he
is even a writer. No matter; he has spoken this language for only twenty
years' and I for a thousand years. The correctness of his style is abstract,
acquired; my faults of French are in conformity with the genius of the
language. We recognize here the reasoning that Barres used against the holders
of scholarships. There is no occasion for surprise. Don't the Jews have all
the scholarships? All that intelligence, all that money can acquire one leaves
to them, but it is as empty as the wind. The only things that count are
irrational values, and it is just these things which are denied the Jews
forever. Thus the anti-Semite takes his stand from the start on the ground of
irrationalism He is opposed to the Jew, just as sentiment is to intelligence,
the particular to the universal, the past to the present, the concrete to the
abstract, the owner of real property to the possessor of negotiable

Besides this, many anti-Semites--the majority, perhaps--middle class of the
towns: they are functionaries, office workers, small businessmen, who possess
nothing It is in opposing themselves to the Jew that they suddenly become
conscious of being proprietors: in representing the Jew as a robber, they put
themselves in the enviable position of people who could be robbed. Since the
Jew wishes to take France from them, it follows that France must belong to
them. Thus they have chosen anti-Semitism as a means of, establishing their
status as possessors. The Jew has more money than they? So much the better:
money is Jewish, and they can despise it as they despise intelligence. They
own less than the gentleman-farmer of Perigord or the large-scale farmer of
the Beauce? That doesn't matter. All they have to do is nourish a vengeful
anger against the robbers of Israel and they feel at once in possession of the
entire country. True Frenchmen, good Frenchmen are all equal, for each of them
possesses for himself alone France whole and indivisible.

Thus I would call anti-Semitism a poor man's snobbery And in fact it would
appear that the rich for the most part exploit this passion for their own uses
rather than abandon themselves to it--they have better things to do. It is
propagated mainly among the middle classes, because they possess neither land
nor house nor castle, having only some ready cash and a few securities in the
bank. It was not by chance that the petty bourgeoisie of Germany was anti-
Semitic in 1925. The principal concern of this "white-collar proletariat" was
to distinguish itself from the real proletariat. Ruined by big industry,
bamboozled by the Junkers, it was nonetheless to the Junkers and the great
industrialists that its whole heart went out. It went in for anti-Semitism
with the same enthusiasm that it went in for wearing bourgeois dress: because
the workers were internationalists, because the Junkers possessed Germany and
it wished to possess it also. Anti-Semitism is not merely the joy of hating:
it brines positive pleasures too. By treating the Jew as an inferior and
pernicious being, I affirm at the same time that I belong to the elite. This
elite, in contrast to those of modern times which are based on merit or labor,
closely resembles an aristocracy of birth. There is nothing I have to do to
merit my superiority, and neither can I lose it. It is given once and for all.
It is a *thing*.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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