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</A> -Cui Bono?-

Click Here: <A HREF="http://www.zolatimes.com/V4.3/independ_cyberspace.htm">Th
e Independence of Cyberspace, by Zola</A>

The Independence of Cyberspace

by Zola

John Perry Barlow declared the independence of cyberspace. Laissez Faire City
took the idea and ran with it.

Laissez Faire City moved into the free, independent frontier of cyberspace
and declared itself a sovereign city. How do you establish an independent
city in the physical world? You control a territory and defend its borders.
How do you establish an independent city in cyberspace? You control a
territory and defend its borders. In cyberspace, borders are defended by
computer security. Laissez Faire City is a sovereign territory by virtue of
its secure communications grid.

And because Laissez Faire City is a sovereign city, it has declared the right
to issue corporate charters within its domain. Many people think that
corporations are an exclusive product of the nation-state, or one of its
subdivisions, such as the State of Delaware or the Commonwealth of
Massachusetts. Not so. Corporations were originally a mechanism by which
private associations carried on their affairs and held property corporately
(as a body). Of course, worldly powers found such associations a source of
competition, and tried to control them. The Roman emperors, for example,
declared that no collegia (private associations) could be founded without
state authority.

Modern corporations emerged during the Elizabethan era in England. The Queen
granted one group of investors the right to form the East India Company, with
a trading monopoly in its territories, and the authority to make and enforce
laws. Later, the crown granted similar charters to other groups, such as the
one to develop Virginia in the New World as a royal domain, along with the
right to create a military and coin money. Comparable rights were granted to
William Penn's "Free Society of Traders" in Pennsylvania and to the "Governor
and Company of the Massachusetts Bay in New England."

Laissez Faire City does not recognize the authority of the crown or that of
any nation-state. Rather, Laissez Faire City is itself sovereign, and
therefore grants its own charters—corporate and otherwise. The City's virtual
corporations are true "sovereign citizens." They are empowered to conduct
business and hold property within Laissez Faire City.

Let me be clear. Laissez Faire City does not exist and exercise authority by
virtue of some obscure legal doctrine. Rather, the City exists by an act of
life, will, and defiance. The City exists. The City is sovereign. And you had
better respect the City's borders.

Now, all this might not have been in John Perry Barlow's mind when he wrote
his Declaration of Independence of Cyberspace, in Davos, Switzerland,
February 8, 1996. But he said what needed to be said:

We have no elected government, nor are we likely to have one, so I address
you with no greater authority than that with which liberty itself always
speaks. I declare the global social space we are building to be naturally
independent of the tyrannies you seek to impose on us. You have no moral
right to rule us nor do you possess any methods of enforcement we have true
reason to fear.

One enters the frontier of cyberspace to escape tyranny and arbitrary
authority, but not to abandon civilization.

One of history's oldest recorded civilizations was that of Sumer, lying
between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in Mesopotamia, and perhaps extending
beyond their confluence to today's Persian Gulf. The Sumerians called their
country ken.gi(r), or "civilized land." The Sumerians founded the first City
States, and may have invented writing. They used a type of picture writing,
called cuneiform ("wedge shaped"), which was written on clay tablets using
long reeds.

Laissez Faire City has similarly founded the first civilized city of
cyberspace. Its written language is binary, which is a series of 0s and 1s
recorded on various electronic media.

The Sumerians created their own laws and literature, giving rise to the Epic
of Gilgamesh and the later (Babylonian) Code of Hammurabi.

I suppose Laissez Faire City will get around to all that, also. Hopefully
more literature than laws. But for the moment it is preoccupied with securing
its borders.

For there's nothing more civilized than a peaceful night's sleep as a free
individual. Sweet dreams, my little binaries.
from The Laissez Faire City Times, Vol 4, No 3, January 17, 2000
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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