Michael & the Outlawlady
The Joshua Files
This is just the first few pages of #28 the complete report can be found at
the Joshua Files website.


"...a nation or world of people who will not use
their intelligence are...Beasts of Burden...and
Steaks on the table by CHOICE and CONSENT..."

PART 4b of 5

...on the PATH to DESTRUCTION]

McCarthy. A guy we love to HATE, right? Why, sure: he was that rabid "witch-
hunting" Senator who was found guilty of destroying so many 'innocent' lives 
in the Film industry]. Or WAS he? According to the other side, McCarthy was the VICTIM!
Well, who was right? Who WERE America's REAL enemies? Perhaps a close look at the
FACTS will help us to decide what IS the truth. Of course, that story is but a small
segment of the FABULOUS FIFTIES. Were they the BEST OF TIMES - or the WORST?
Let's take a look and see what history can tell us:

"All warfare is based on DECEPTION. Therefore, when capable, FEIGN
INCAPACITY...Offer the enemy a BAIT to lure him...PRETEND INFERIORITY and
ENCOURAGE HIS ARROGANCE...When he is united, DIVIDE HIM...To subdue the enemy
WITHOUT FIGHTING is the supreme skill..." [1] These words come from a favorite
guidebook of the Communists and the One-Worlders. Remember them as we move on
with another chapter of this American expose, keeping in mind at all times, that 
doesn't necessarily have to take place on a BATTLEFIELD - nor does it even need to be
DECLARED! So MANY unanswered questions. What IS the truth? Is it merely RELATIVE?
Perhaps this Report will give us some clues - but, be warned: it will be nothing like
'American History 101! OK. Seat-belts fastened? Engines warmed up? I know it's hard to
believe, but up til now, we've just been taxiing, while slow - ly picking up speed. 
Now, it's
time to pull back on the wheel. WATCH OUT! Expect plenty of TURBULENCE along the
way! Everybody ready? OK: LIFT OFF!!

"Every American knows about the AMERICAN COMMUNIST PARTY as an absolute
servant of Soviet Russia. What he does NOT know is that there is ANOTHER batch of
American Soviet agents who do not belong to the Communist Party - and who keep
carefully AWAY from it...In 1943 and 1944 - and later - there was a small set in 
known as the 'Silvermaster Group.' NATHAN GREGORY SILVERMASTER had been with
the Agricultural Department and became head of the Near East Division of the Board of
Economic Warfare. However, at some point, the FBI and the Intelligence Sections of both
War and Navy reported that he was a dangerous COMMUNIST. But he had powerful
friends. LAUCHLIN CURRIE, a Presidential assistant, and HARRY DEXTER WHITE,
Assistant to the Secretary of the Treasury and later Assistant Secretary, vouched for 
He was permitted to resign quietly and return to his old job in Agriculture.

"This group consisted of seven people - in addition to Silvermaster - all holding
positions of high importance inside the government. One of them was HARRY DEXTER
WHITE, a member of the Treasury - HENRY MORGENTHAU [Secretary]...being a person of
very limited abilities and still less capacity for leadership. White was a timid man 
and had
to be handled by his Communist contacts with infinite delicacy. His access to the most
secret information was almost unlimited. He not only had at hand the SECRET SERVICE -
which is a Treasury agency - but could get the most secret documents from OTHER
government agencies. His secretary, SONIA GOLD, was a Communist - who was supplied
to him by the Silvermasters. There were many other such personages in Washington. [2]

"...What our educated Americans have not understood is that the RED
REVOLUTIONIST does not promote his cause with DEBATE and DISCUSSION. He knows
that ideas are planted in minds not by debates and discussions, but by certain
PROPAGANDA techniques. For one thing, neither Socialism nor Communism is to be
successfully sold under these labels. They must be given OTHER NAMES. Second, the
Communist product must be sold in PIECES - not in one big package. Third, the sales job
must be done by people WHO ARE NOT SUSPECT...people who DENY they are
Communists or socialists - and who sell their product in our SCHOOLS, our
PICTURES...And I repeat, it is not to be sold in one package. You buy one little idea
today, another little idea tomorrow. Someone else buys a third idea the next day, and 
on, until presently you will be perhaps so far on the way to communism that TURNING

The train of events which led us into Korea, actually had their origin in the
struggle in CHINA which began over 60 years ago: "Japan fought China by invading her
with an army, first in 1931 and again in 1937. Russia fought China with an army of
Chinese revolutionaries, directed and armed by Russia. Russia's war in China was
precisely the same as Russia's war in Korea. In China, CHIANG KAI-SHEK was fighting
Communism with the aim of restoring peace and setting up a REPUBLIC...in China,
incredible as it may seem, we actually told the Chinese government to do what Russia
wanted - UNITE WITH THE COMMUNISTS. When Chiang Kai-Shek refused, we DISARMED

him...the Soviet cherished the ambition to convert what was left of China...of course,
[Russia] was powerless to oppose Japan in 1931. She was never able to do anything until
1945...after the United States had utterly wiped out Japan's capacity to make war. And
when Russia moved into Manchuria to complete her long-nourished plans, she did it with
1,250,000,000 Russian soldiers ARMED BY THE UNITED STATES...

"PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT...was now occupied with the shape of victory...in April
1943, the 'SATURDAY EVENING POST' printed an article by Forrest Davis [4] outlining
Roosevelt's dream of victory. It was an obviously White House-inspired piece. 
we were informed, had a GRAND DESIGN. It was a plan for the United Nations...[He] had
not the slightest doubt he could soften Stalin down and induce him to join a great
institution of world government of which he, Roosevelt, would be the head - PRESIDENT
OF THE WORLD. This was Roosevelt's great and fatal design and the most deadly
ingredient in it was his decision to make EVERY CONCEIVABLE CONCESSION to Stalin
to induce him to join.

But STALIN, too, had a GREAT DESIGN - not some hasty improvisation, but a
program of expansion of Soviet power in Europe and Asia. It was the well-matured
COMMUNIST dream of a RED WORLD...he would use his war-created power to crush the
two enemies he feared on either end of his vast empire - GERMANY and JAPAN. His
inflexible purpose was to make a Carthaginian peace with these countries, after they 
been defeated - to WRECK them militarily, industrially, and politically by robbing 
them of
their material resources, wrecking their productive plant, carting away what he could 
DESTROYING the rest. Second, Russia was determined to bring under her wing, if
possible, ALL OF THE COUNTRIES OF EASTERN EUROPE on or near her borders. And
Stalin was determined to do the same in Asia - beginning with CHINA and KOREA, which
were essential to his ambitions with reference to Japan, which were eventually to 
her, take Korea and deprive Japan of her Asiatic empire...

"Here then were the TWO GRAND DESIGNS - Roosevelt's for a world federation,
with himself sitting in majestic and historic eminence at the top; Stalin's for a 
bite of the prostrate globe that would bring Eastern Europe and China into the orbit of
power, with Germany and Japan helpless on the western and eastern boundaries of his
empire." [5] But there was yet another "GREAT PLAN," which neither Roosevelt, nor
Stalin had considered. The "Great Plan" emanating from the GREATEST ADVERSARY IN
ALL HISTORY: Satan, himself - as presented by SIR FRANCIS BACON back in the early
1600s. "Bacon authored a novel entitled 'NEW ATLANTIS,' which laid out the idea for a
utopian society across the ocean from Europe, where mankind could build a new
civilization based upon the principles he believed to be those of the legendary lost
continent of ATLANTIS, 'cherishing as he did, the dream of a great commonwealth in the
NEW Atlantis'." [6] Not even Bacon, though, could have envisioned the outcome of a
MASONIC/ ILLUMINATI alliance, taking his plan - and wedding it to Adam Weishaupt's

Hold on, though. There's MORE: Recently, the irrepressible Texe Marrs reminded
us of another chillingly-familiar plan. It is spelled out graphically in GEORGE 
'1984' - According to Marrs, "As the plot of Orwell's nerve-tingling book unfolds, we
discover that an ELITE GROUP OF EVIL LEADERS [Well, now. Sound like anybody YOU
know?] has spent years to concoct a PLAN which they are using, with devastating effect,
to CONTROL HUMANITY...The POLICE POWERS and apparatus of government will insure
compliance. THOUGHT and HATE CRIMES [Isn't that exactly what KLINTON is pushing
today?] by those less spirtually and culturally advanced shall be harshly dealt with, 
by law enforcement authorities and then by counselors and facilitators trained in the
newest, approved techniques of psychological health. Above all, resistance by the
masses must be crushed - ruthlessly, inevitably, completely. The future [on the other 
of that famous "bridge"] shall belong to the conscious, superior race who know of and
are dedicated to 'The Plan.' For the others - the vast, helpless and pitiful majority 
who are
trapped in their obsolete ways of thinking and reacting - the future shall be exactly 
prescribed in George Orwell's vision of Big Brother's 1984: 'IF YOU WANT A PICTURE OF

Why is THIS plan more "chilling" than the others? Because '1984' is the book
which "MOST INFLUENCED [HILLARY's] POLITICAL THINKING!" and, lest we forget, this
is a CO-presidency, in which husband Bill is the de facto president of the rest of the
world - in charge of FOREIGN policy, while Hillary is the de facto president of THIS
country - in charge of all DOMESTIC policy! This is scary enough, but according to 
"The would-be tyrants of 1990's America ALSO have conceived a PLAN to achieve THEIR
objectives....[It was] set forth by the super-rich conspirators who have CHOSEN AND
ELEVATED HILLARY AND BILL CLINTON INTO POWER..." [7] And now, the stage is set.
People innocently go about their daily lives, not knowing that the fate of the world 
on the final outcome. Which plan will get us to ARMAGEDDON first? WHO will win?

A couple of days ago, I watched the "true" story behind the making of "ROMAN
HOLIDAY." It was all about the struggles of a poor screen-writer [one of the so-called
"HOLLYWOOD TEN"], who was being unfairly persecuted by Mc Carthy and his
committee. Now, this writer was being sent to prison and his poor family was going to
starve and be thrown out on the street, while he was being imprisoned for "standing up
for his ideals." So, he wrote the story and made $100,000, using another writer as a
"front." The family was saved and the front writer made some money, too, writing the
screen-play. A touching story, right? Maybe. But, first listen to the words of one of 
brave, "innocent" group who refused to tell a Congressional committee whether or not
they were members of the Communist Party - and you can judge for yourself. The
COMMITTEE ON UN-AMERICAN ACTIVITIES discovered that, lecturing to a class of
student actors in Hollywood, JOHN HOWARD LAWSON instructed:

'Unless you portray any role given you in a manner to FURTHER THE
REVOLUTION and the Class War, you have no right to call yourself an artist or an actor.
TELLS YOU. Even if you are nothing more than an extra, you can portray a society
woman in a manner to make her appear a villainess and a snob - and you can portray a
working girl in such a way so as to make her seem a sympathetic victim of the 
class.' Mr. David Platt, in the 'PEOPLE'S WORLD,' a Communist paper on the West Coast,
on April 8, 1944, wrote: 'The ostrich age is over as far as the silver screen is 
The year 1943 will go down as the year of the GREATEST AWAKENING IN HOLLYWOOD.
Never before in the history of the screen has there been such a vast succession of
'pictures WITH A PURPOSE'." [8] The following is a perfect example of what Mr. Platt 
referring to:

"One of the popular pictures during the war was 'SONG OF RUSSIA.' When it
appeared, the Russian armies were driving the hated Nazis back across the steppes.
Russia was our ally - in fact, she was our 'NOBLE' ally - and we had been softened down
a good deal...In this picture, ROBERT TAYLOR appeared as a young American music
conductor who visited Russia during the war, traveling around as a guest conductor
leading Russian symphony orchestras. As a matter of fact, despite the war, Russia
seemed to be CRAWLING with symphony orchestras...Now, one of the black marks
against the Soviet regime was the PERSECUTION OF RELIGION. People believed this and
of course it was and IS true. It would be perfectly futile to write articles in the 
papers and
magazines or books to deny this obvious fact. However, it was possible to INSINUATE a
different version in the mind of an unsuspecting spectator in a moving-picture house.
There he sits, wholly oblivious of propaganda, interested in the story, his heart 
and warmed by the magnificent music.

"There is a happy scene on a Russian farm. There is the farmer with his family. It
is a beautiful HOLLYWOOD FARM such as DOES NOT EXIST in Russia. The farmer is
entertaining all his neighbors and there is the VILLAGE PRIEST moving about happily
amongst the guests. This gets over two ideas - that there are PROSPEROUS FREE
FARMERS in Russia and that the priest is a NATURAL part of the scenery. Suddenly there
is an alarm, a warning siren sounds, the Nazi planes are heard overhead. The scene 
to an open farm field some distance away. The bombers dive, release their bombs and an
innocent boy is struck down in the field. Instantly, from out of the shrubbery, leaps a
priest to rush to his side to give him the Last Rites of the Church.

"Later in the picture there is a beautiful marriage ceremony. The wedding is held
in the old church and the altar is crawling with PRIESTS and ALTAR BOYS. Now, nothing
is said in this picture about religion...but the innocent spectator who does not study
Russia, or the ARTS OF PROPAGANDA, goes out of the theater thinking to himself, 'What
do they mean...no priests and churches in Russia?' [I SAW the "truth" with my own 
He now carries around in his mind this clear visual refutation of this 'slander' of
Russia...[Later] Robert Taylor had the courage to say publicly that he did not realize 
use that was being made of him in this picture and that he PROFOUNDLY REGRETTED
HIS PART IN IT...Never in history has a nation of free people had brought to bear upon 
mind so vast a war of propaganda, by engines of propaganda so powerful as those which
shaped the opinions of Americans toward supporting the program that has ended by
COMMUNISM." [9] OH MY! How long has THIS been going on? Reckon they would use TV
for stuff like this? Or video tapes and games?

SUBVERSION in the Fifties - and the decades before - was not limited to a few
misleading stories in movies and books, though. It was REAL and it was UGLY: [The
Conspirators] "moved into many organizations which could be used powerfully to
promote their aims. probably the most important of these was the INSTITUTE FOR
PACIFIC RELATIONS [IPR]...The overall international ruling body was called the PACIFIC
COUNCIL...The active head of the whole international institute was its 
EDWARD CARTER...The top officials and trustees of the AMERICAN COUNCIL of the
Institute for Pacific Relations...was made up of a cast of characters beyond
criticism...This American Council was directed by an executive committee of ten 
It was this group which ran the show..." [10]

Before we proceed any further, we are going to check with DR. JOHN COLEMAN,
the preeminent expert on subversive organizations. In his consummate book
'CONSPIRATORS' HIERARCHY' ["COMMITTEE OF 300"], he advises us that "The ASTOR
family is believed to have selected OWEN LATTIMORE to carry on their association with
the opium trade, which he did through the Laura Spelman-funded Institute For Pacific
Relations (IPR). It was the IPR that oversaw China's entry into the opium trade as an 
partner...It was IPR that paved the way for the Japanese attack on PEARL HARBOR."
Furthermore, Coleman explains, "The Institute for Pacific Relations...was welcomed in
Canada after Owen Lattimore and his fellow members had their treasonous activities
exposed in 1947 and left the United States before they could be charged...At the top of
British Crown control of Canada was WALTER GORDON. A former member of the
Queen's hands-on oversight committee [Privy Coucil]...Gordon SPONSORED the Institute
for Pacific Relations via the Canadian Institute of International Affairs..." [11] 
Now, back to
Flynn's account:

"The IPR, as it was known, had two organs of expression. One was a quarterly
journal called 'PACIFIC AFFAIRS,' under the auspices of the International or Pacific
Council. The other was 'FAR EASTERN SURVEY,' published by the American
Council...Owen Lattimore was the editor of 'Pacific Affairs' for many years
and...LAWRENCE E. SALISBURY was the editor for 'Far Eastern Survey'...The executive
secretary of the American Council was FREDERICK VANDERBILT FIELD, a notorious
Communist...Not only was Field executive secretary and active leader of the Council; he
was also its financial angel. Field admitted on the witness stand before the MC CARRAN
COMMITTEE that he had been 'paying each year's deficits.' Does anyone in his senses at
this day of bitter enlightenment suppose for a moment that Field was NOT using his
position there to PROMOTE his communist faith and the communist aims in China?

"Field is a scion of the VANDERBUILT family, inheriting a part of its great wealth,
and is popularly known as the 'MILLIONAIRE COMMUNIST.' He has been for years an
active contributor to all sorts of communist activities both as writer and donor."
Concerning the Communist leader, MAO TSE-TUNG's TAKEOVER OF CHINA, Field wrote:
' 'CHINA'S NEW DEMOCRACY' [authored by Mao Tse-Tung] reaches the English-
speaking public just as the Chinese nation faces the sharpest test in its history. If 
thoroughly comprehend the reasons which Mao Tse-Tung teaches, our effort to
SUPPORT THOSE POLICIES...will be immeasurably strengthened'...The pamphlet
admitted its author was 'a member of the editorial board of the 'NEW MASSES.' [A
Communist OFFICIAL publication]...'Field has been for years a contributor to all sorts 
communist publications - 37 articles in the 'New Masses' up to 1947, 54 articles in the
'DAILY WORKER' - and in 'POLITICAL AFFAIRS' (successor to 'THE COMMUNIST') for
January 1949, he wrote;

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