-Caveat Lector-

<A HREF="http://www.zolatimes.com/V3.5/pageone.html">Laissez Faire City Times
- Volume 3 Issue 5</A>
The Laissez Faire City Times
February 1, 1999 - Volume 3, Issue 5
Editor & Chief: Emile Zola
The Lonely Crusader

by Don L. Tiggre

A man sits, hunched over his computer, typing out a translation of an
Ayn Rand classic. The computer is an old dinosaur, smashed by vandals
and repaired numerous times by the man’s only son. The lights
dim—another brownout—and all of the man’s work since his last save is
lost. It isn’t much work; he has learned to save frequently, as the
power is as undependable as the phone service, and just about every
other aspect of his country’s smashed infrastructure. He looks up from
the frozen machine and his face can be seen in the weak light. It is
puffy from a beating he’s recently received at the hands of
out-of-uniform policemen. This is not a scene from a pre-Soviet-collapse
eastern block country; this is present-day Yugoslavia.

The man’s name is Tomislav Krsmanovic. He is a retired economist,
trained under socialist orthodoxy before the Soviet Collapse, who spends
his time translating important works on the freedom philosophy into the
south Slavic languages. He is currently undergoing trial for "verbal
crimes" and has previously been sent to a psychiatric prison, as well as
exiled for his disagreements with the state. While Tomislav’s previous
conviction for "verbal crimes," his forced entry into a psychiatric
institution, and his exile all occurred during the time of the Socialist
Federative Republic of Yugoslavia, he now faces all three prospects in
the allegedly multi-party Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

Tomislav’s testimony brings to the forefront another side to the
conflicts burning in the Balkans. Last week, while CNN cameras were
focused on the bodies of the 45 "ethnic Albanians" slaughtered in the
village of Racak in Kosovo, no one seemed to notice the other victims of
the continuing warfare: the Serbian people who must endure the
consequences of their government’s aggression. This is not to detract
from the seriousness of the plight of the people of Kosovo who are
suffering through the fighting between the Kosovo Liberation Army rebels
and the Serbian-led Yugoslavian government in Belgrade. The fighting
there is terrible. However, so too is the less photogenic suffering of
the Serbs, the people of Montenegro, and other people who live in what’s
left of Yugoslavia.

Interestingly, Tomislav himself writes that all of this turmoil can be
seen as simply being part of the larger transition from communist
statism to…something better that will follow. The elite, feeling their
power base crumbling, turn to nationalism in desperation--having nothing
else to clutch at as they slip into the abyss. They stir the patriotic
fervor of people who have been cast adrift without direction by the
collapse of the old order. These are people who have become so miserable
that they are willing to embrace nationalism and socialism, even though
recent history should warn them of the dangers of that combination.

To understand this willingness, this voluntary march toward servitude
and tyranny, one has to understand what has become of Serbia, the
dominant cultural force in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. A 1998
report on the status of human rights in Serbia by Tomislav Krsmanovic
provides the outsider with perhaps the best look at the situation
available, short of actually going to Yugoslavia to see things first
hand. In his report, Tomislav covers a dozen key areas that show just
how unraveled the fabric of society has become in his country. The
backdrop to these observations is one of almost a decade of war,
UN-imposed political and economic sanctions, and a regime that has
failed to yield after losing elections and controls the judiciary and a
100,000 man state police force, which is used primarily for political

Property Rights: perhaps the most dramatic demonstration of the erosion
of property rights in Serbia is the confiscation of foreign currency
deposits that has transpired over the last few years. An estimated four
to six billion dollars have been seized from the bank accounts of
depositors. Another indicator is the number of properties seized by the
communists in 1945 that have not been returned to their rightful owners.

Right to Work: the employment situation is a mess, with political
considerations figuring more prominently than anything else in securing
work. Even among those who can get work, two thirds are on compulsory
vacation and all are subject to frequent political purges.

Fair and Public Trial: the courts are partial and slow, often denying a
fair trial to people suspected of opposing President Slobodan
Milosevic’s regime. Citizens are subject to arrest for "verbal crimes"
and can be incarcerated in psychiatric hospitals for political "crimes".
People complain "about murders, injuries, plunders, robberies, burglars,
thieves, criminals, etc., without any result mostly."

Privacy: the privacy of citizens has essentially disappeared.
Eavesdropping, illegal wiretaps, interference with electronic and
conventional mail and surprise forced entries without search warrants
are all commonplace.

Freedom of Speech: a whole gamut of intimidation tactics and violations
of that law have rendered this a most difficult right to exercise in
Serbia. Harassment for outspoken critics of the regime is often violent
and carried out without waiting for any kind of court to pass judgement.

Freedom of the Press: a new Information Law essentially suspended
freedom of the press in Serbia. Many media outlets were shut down and
journalists who questioned what was happening were arrested and

Rights of the Accused: people are routinely beaten, tortured, subjected
to involuntary medical and psychiatric procedures without any recourse
and prior to any kind of conviction. The prisons are often lethal for
the inmates and due process has been forgotten.

Right to assemble peaceably: this right too has been abrogated. Real
opposition parties have been disbanded and human rights organizations
have been prevented from organizing and have been all but crushed out of

Right to Life: many homicides and "vanishings" are reported to the
authorities and even in the remaining press, without anything being done
about them.

Right to self-government: the regime’s control over the judiciary and
electoral system is such that nothing changes, even when they lose
elections. The citizens have no way to alter or abolish their government
from within the system. Milosevic has been in power since 1992 and shows
 no more willingness to relinquish it than Tito did.

Academic Freedom: the state has savagely suppressed free inquiries in
the universities, often persecuting professors, students, and anyone
perceived to be a threat.

Freedom to Practice Medicine: key medical positions are determined
politically and there are even fears that certain doctors may engage in
deliberate malpractice when treating dissidents and others not in favor
with the state.

All of these rights violations are on-going and escalating in
Yugoslavia, in spite of the fact that their constitution and laws
guarantee the protection of these rights (and even more so-called
"rights") to the people. The Krsmanovic report concludes: "Human rights
in Serbia and SRY are violated on a mass, systematic and flagrant way."

In spite of his grim circumstances, Tomislav sent out an almost
painfully optimistic holiday e-mail message to his libertarian friends:


We wish you a splendid festive season and new year.

For us libertarians next year will be exciting: new published books and
pamphlets, new chapters, new libertarian initiatives. Our goals are to
change the world to be better for all of us, to create the world of
Liberty, peace, and welfare. We want to create our own destinies, and to
contribute to the common interest of our nation, and of International

We libertarians, let us enter 1999 with new vision, new goals, let us
work and have a great year in the process.

With best wishes to you,

Tomislav Krsmanovic

Sadly, the Milosevic regime seems determined to quash Tomislav’s vision
before he can spread it to any more people. Last week, a month after
releasing his 1998 report on human rights abuses in Serbia, Tomislav
reported that a new campaign has been launched against him. (His English
isn’t perfect, but "fixing it" would alter his words without

"Dr. Vojislav Seselj, president of Serbian radical party told, through
TV, radio and press, millions citizens heared that, and it was repeated
some days, that The Movement for the Protection of Human Rights, whose I
am president, is an organisation financed by CIA and USA … This public
attack against me is really dangereous for my personal safety, it is in
local very complex context, something like real invitation to lynch
against me, millions persons heared the lies… As I explained , I never
was interested by political activities, my human rights are the
consequence (I tried to protect my self so doing) and not the cause of
my troubles. But now, I have to struggle in this matter… I am abused by
the Secrete police as the mean of social controle: creation of false
enemies to hide the real enemis, to create chaos, majority of the
citizens are in the similer situation. Secrete police knows that I am
not an enemy, but they just need and use me as human material for their

Tomislav Krsmanovic’s optimism in the face of far more naked aggression
from the state than most of us have seen in our lifetimes is inspiring,
and a little humbling. It can only be hoped that he is right and that
the turmoil he and his family are suffering is a sign of a transition to
a better future.

Meanwhile, the rest of us would do well to take heed of Tomislav’s fight
and do our best to pursue freedom and liberty while we are able to do

For more information regarding Tomislav Krsmanovic and his Movement for
the Protection of Human Rights, please contact him using the following
information. However, please be discreet: Big Brother is watching him

Tomislav Krsmanovic
Stanka Paunovica 70. Stan 3, Rakovica-Beograd, Yugoslavia
Tel/fax: 381.11.3911829

International Society for Individual Liberties, Serbia

Movement for the Protection of Human Rights

Don L. Tiggre is the author of Y2K: The Millennium Bug, a suspenseful
thriller. Tiggre can be found at the Liberty Round Table.


from The Laissez Faire City Times, Vol 3, No 5, Feb. 1, 1999
Published by
Laissez Faire City Netcasting Group, Inc.
Copyright 1998 - Trademark Registered with LFC Public Registrar
All Rights Reserved

The Laissez Faire City Times is a private newspaper. Although it is
published by a corporation domiciled within the sovereign domain of
Laissez Faire City, it is not an "official organ" of the city or its
founding trust. Just as the New York Times is unaffiliated with the city
of New York, the City Times is only one of what may be several news
publications located in, or domiciled at, Laissez Faire City proper. For
information about LFC, please contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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