-Caveat Lector-

<A HREF="http://www.bib-arch.org/books.html">BAS Marketplace - Books</A>
The Mystery and Meaning of the Dead Sea Scrolls

By Hershel Shanks, editor of Biblical Archaeology Review, Bible Review
and Archaeology Odyssey.

"Absolutely fascinating...The chapter on the famous Copper Scroll that
gives tantalizing hints about the site of buried biblical treasure--and
probably real treasure in Mr. Shanks's view--is alone worth the price of
this volume."
The New York Times

"Lively prose and lucid critical insights...a must read for armchair
biblical historians and archaeologists."
Publishers Weekly

"A first-rate distillation of many scholars' work over the past five
decades...[Shanks] deftly sifts through the evidence, and clearly
describes many areas of continuing controversy...scholarly judiciousness
combined with a succinct, accessible style...thoughtful, balanced, yet
at times also colorfully anecdotal...one could hardly ask for a better
Kirkus Reviews

In this fascinating new book, you will learn:
•How the Scrolls do undermine a certain kind of Christian faith
•How they shake the authority of the Hebrew Bible
•Why this may not be the 50th anniversary of their discovery
•How they were really acquired from the Bedouin
•What the prospects are for finding more scrolls

Random House, 1998. Hardcover, 246 pp.; 52 photos; 2 illustrations; 5
maps, plans and reconstruction drawings. ISBN 0-679-45757-7.

Publisher's Price $25
Item number: 7H88

Understanding the Dead Sea Scrolls

Edited by Hershel Shanks. Authors: Otto Betz, Magen Broshi, Frank Moore
Cross, Harry Thomas Frank, Ronald S. Hendel, Avi Katzman, Raphael Levy,
P. Kyle McCarter, Jr., Lawrence H. Shiffman, Hartmut Stegemann, James C.
VanderKam, Yigael Yadin.

Seminal articles on the scrolls from the pages of Biblical Archaeology
Review and Bible Review. Covers the discovery, the intrigues, the
publication problems, the contents of the scrolls and their importance
for understanding the history of the biblical text as well as the
development of early Christianity and rabbinic Judaism.

Random House, 1992. Hardcover, 336 pp.; 41 illustrations. ISBN

Cost: $23.00
Item number: 7H82

Ordering Information

A Facsimile Edition of the Dead Sea Scrolls, Volumes I and II

With an introduction and index by Robert H. Eisenman, California State
University, Long Beach, and James M. Robinson, Claremont Graduate

These two volumes contain 1,787 photographic plates. These are actual
photographs of scroll fragments, mostly from the Wadi Qumran, but some
are also from nearby sites such as Wadi Murabba'at and Khirbet Mird. The
fragments are untranslated from the original ancient Hebrew, Aramaic,
Greek and other languages. Plates are indexed to Palestine
Archaeological Museum identification numbers, and many are enhanced by
infrared technology. Printed on heavy, top-quality paper for remarkable
reproduction and long life. The two volumes are sold only as a set.

BAS, 1991. Hardcover. ISBN 1-880317-00-1.

Cost: $49.95 (includes shipping costs within the United States)
Item number: 7H21

Ordering Information

A Preliminary Edition of the Unpublished Dead Sea Scrolls: The Hebrew
and Aramaic Texts from Cave Four, Fascicles I-IV

Reconstructed and edited by Ben Zion Wacholder, Hebrew Union College,
and Martin G. Abegg, Trinity Western University.

"These volumes are beautifully produced, and provide the Scrolls scholar
with an essential resource for serious work on the Cave Four
fragments....Recommended for graduate and seminary libraries."
Religious Studies Review

"Virtually everyone in the field regularly uses these volumes."
Religious Studies Review

The volumes in this exciting series are computer generated. The text is
mostly in ancient Hebrew and Aramaic.

Fascicle I: This historic first volume in the series contains
transcripts of 24 previously unpublished Dead Sea Scroll manuscripts,
including the Damascus Document and the Priestly Courses.

Fascicle II: Three hundred pages of previously unpublished Hebrew texts
from Cave 4, now keyed to photographs in our Facsimile Edition. The
texts in this fascicle include the Vision of Haguy, the Thanksgiving
Psalms, the Rule of War, and new midrashic amplifications on Genesis and

Fascicle III: This volume contains transcripts of a host of previously
unpublished Qumran texts accompanied by an insightful introduction and
supplementary notes by Professors Wacholder and Abegg. The computer
reconstructions of the texts have been reinforced by comparing them with
photographs of the original fragments.

Fascicle IV--Concordance of Fascicles I to III: This eagerly awaited
concordance is the key that will unlock a new lexical world. It arranges
words by documents rather than by grammatical format and supplies every
occurrence of a word regardless of its form. The reader learns where
manuscripts repeat each other and is able to correct erroneous readings.
This concordance enables readers to probe parabiblical works--such as
those of Enoch, the Twelve Patriarchs, Jeremiah and Ezekiel--as well as
legal, hymnic and wisdom texts. Reconstructed and edited by Ben Zion
Wacholder, Martin G. Abegg and James Bowley.

Fascicle I
BAS, 1991. Hardcover, 118 pp. ISBN 0-9613089-9-0.
Cost: $25.00
Item number: 7H91

Fascicle II
BAS, 1992. Hardcover, 309 pp. ISBN 1-880317-04-4.
Cost: $67.50
Item number: 7H92

Fascicle III
BAS, 1995. Hardcover, 406 pp. ISBN 1-880317-39-7.
Cost: $89.95
Item number: 7H93

Fascicle IV
BAS, 1996. Hardcover, 419 pp. ISBN 1-880317-45-1.
Cost: $89.95
Item number: 7H94

Special price for all four volumes: $204.95
Item number: 7H94S

Aspects of Monotheism: How God Is One

Edited by Hershel Shanks and Jack Meinhardt. The newest book based on
the widely acclaimed symposia sponsored by the Biblical Archaeology
Society and the Smithsonian Institution.

Authors: Donald B. Redford, professor of Near Eastern Studies,
University of Toronto; William G. Dever, professor of Near Eastern
archaeology and anthropology, University of Arizona; P. Kyle McCarter,
Jr., William F. Albright Professor of Bible and Ancient Near Eastern
Studies, Johns Hopkins University; John J. Collins, professor of Hebrew
Bible, University of Chicago, and member of the Dead Sea Scrolls
publication team.

"A stimulating and enlightening treatment of a complex topic written in
a lucid style by four prominent scholars. The vexing questions about
monotheism are addressed straightforwardly. Philosophy, theology,
history and archaeology figure prominently. Archaeological remains of
cultic sites, individual artifacts, and other illustrations help make
the more abstract arguments intelligible and concrete. The discussion of
the antecedents of Judaism and Christianity will be especially helpful
to modern believers."
Philip J. King, Professor of Biblical Studies, Boston College and Past
President, Society of Biblical Literature and Catholic Bible Association

"From Donald Redford's honest assessment of the 'monotheism' of the
Egyptian pharaoh Akhenaten, to William Dever's stimulating treatment of
Israelite popular religion, to Kyle McCarter's new and innovative
discussion of the reforms of the Judahite kings Hezekiah and Josiah, to
John Collins's forthright commentary on Christian trinitarian belief--it
is a pleasure to find such sophisticated ideas put forward in such an
attractive format and in such readable language. No one will be
disappointed in the degree of honesty, integrity and intelligence that
underlie this work."
Eric M. Meyers, Professor of Religion, Duke University and Past
President, The American Schools of Oriental Research

Seminal religious questions are examined in this fascinating new book:
•Why and how did monotheism develop?
•Did the ancient Egyptians develop the concept before the Hebrews?
•How pure was ancient Israelite monotheism?
•How does the Christian Trinity comport with monotheism?

BAS 1997. 131 pp.; 43 illus.; 6 color plates; 2 maps; 2 charts. ISBN
1-880317-50-8, paper. ISBN 1-880317-19-2, hardcover.

Cost: $14.95
Item number: 7H46

Cost: $21.95
Item number: 7H47
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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