-Caveat Lector-


The Nubians and Olmecs


Clyde Winters

Haslip-Viera, Ortiz de Montellano and Barbour (1997) have argued that Olmec
civilization was not influenced by Africans and therefore Afrocentrism
should have no standing in higher education, but in fact it can be
illustrated that the facial types as sociated with the Olmec people and
Meroitic people are identical; and that Olmec figurines such as the Tuxtla
statuette excavation are inscribed with African writing used by the Mande
people of West Africa (Wiener, 1922; Winters, 1979 , of Manding writing
provide the "absolute proof " recovered by archaeologists from "controlled
excavations in the New World" demanded by Haslip-Viera, Ortiz de Montellano
and Barbour (1997: 419) to "proof"/confirm Olmec and African contact.

The failure of Haslip- Viera, Ortiz de Montellano and Barbour (1997) to
realize an African presence in PreColumbian America, is the result of their
ignorance of the normal science of ancient Afrocentric studies (Winters,
1996). Haslip-Viera, Ortiz d e Montellano and Barbour (1997: 419) assume
that ancient Afrocentric research is the result of the "cultural
nationalism of the 1960's and 1970's. This view is false. The ancient
Afrocentric studies research tradition was developed before the 1960's
(Wint ers, 1994, 1996). The ancient Afrocentric studies research tradition
reflects almost two hundred years of original research in the area of
ancient Afrocentric studies ( Winters, 1994, 1996). Contrary to the views
of Haslip-Viera, Ortiz de Montellano and Barbour (1997) ancient Afrocentric
historical research makes ancient Afrocentric area studies a valid field of
research (Winters, 1994). Haslip-Viera, Ortiz de Montellano and Barbour
(1997) criticized the view held by many Afrocentrist that the Olmec peo ple
were Africans, due to the research of Ivan van Sertima. Use of van Sertima
(1976) by Haslip-Viera, Ortiz de Montellano and Barbour (1997: 419) to
denigrate Afrocentrism is unfair, because this researcher has made it clear
since the publication of his book They came before Columbus in 1976, that
he is not an Afrocentrist. Although Haslip-Viera, Ortiz de Montellano and
Barbour (1997: 431) acknowledge this truth in there rebuttal of van
Sertima, the authors refer to Afrocentrist as purveyors of "ras m",
interested only in denying the authentic role of Native Americans in the
rise of American civilizations.

Haslip-Viera, Ortiz de Montellano and Barbour (1997: 419, 423-25) argue
that the claims of the Afrocentrists claims that the Olmecs were Africans,
must be rejected because 1) the Olmecs do not look like Nubians, and 2) the
absence of an African artifact recovered from an archaeological excavation.
These authors are wrong on both counts, there are numerous resemblance
between the ancient Olmec people and ancient Nubians, and an African
artifact: Manding writing, is engraved on many Olmec artifacts discovered
during archaeological excavation (Winters, 1979, 1997)

Haslip-Viera, Ortiz de Montellano and Barbour (1997) argue that the Olmecs
could not have been Nubians or Kushites of the Napata-Meroe civilization,
as claimed by van Sertima (1976) because the Olmec civilization preceded
the civilization of the Kushites by hundreds of years. They also claim that
the Olmecs had flat noses, while the Nubians had "thinner noses" because
they lived in the desert (Haslip-Viera, Ortiz de Montellano & Barbour,

This view is false. The ancient Nubians like African- Americans today were
not monolithic, they had different hues of skin, facial features and nose
shapes (Keita, 1996: 104). This is evident in from the wall-painting from
the tomb-chapel of Sebekhotep at Thebes, c.1400 BC, which show Nubians, of
different types bringing rings of gold, incense and other luxury items to
the Egyptian Pharaoh (Taylor, 1991).

One of the major Pharoahs of Egypt and Nubia/Kush was Taharqo. The Sphinx
of Taharqo c. 690-664 BC, found in Temple 1 at Kawa and the shabti (tomb
figure) of Taharqo in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston is strikingly similar
in facial features, including, the short round face, thick lips and flat
nose associated with the Olmec people (Taylor, 1991).

King Taharqa
Moreover a comparison of Olmec heads and a bust of Taharqo illustrated
striking similarities when they were placed along side each other (Winters,
1984b:47). The iconographic evidence of the ancient Nubians clearly
indicate that there were many round faced, thick lipped, flat nosed Nubians
described in the Classical literature (Snowden, 1996: 106) that fit the
archtypical Olmec ruler type ( Haslip-Viera, Ortiz de Montellano and
Barbour, 1997).

Although the Olmec and Meroitic iconographic documents share many analogous
facial features , we must admit that the Nubian hypothesis for the Olmecs
must be rejected. It must be rejected because the Kings of Meroitic Kush,
and the Olmec Kings existed during different historical eras. The
Haslip-Viera, Ortiz de Montellano and Barbour (1997) argument regarding van
Sertima's Egypto-Nubian hypothesis has merit . It highlights the failure of
van Sertima (1976) to critically read the sources of Africans in ancient
America and study the archaeology of West Africa and the Sahara. A cursory
reading of Wiener (1922) would have made it clear that the founders of the
Olmec civilization were Mande/Manding speaking people.

Comparison of a Nuba and Olmec Head
I was misrepresented by Haslip-Viera, Ortiz de Montellano and Barbour
(1997: 421). They claim that I support the Egypto- Nubian hypothesis of van
Sertima, and belong to the so-called "extreme" Afrocentric position on
Olmec civilization (Haslip- Viera, Ortiz de Montellano and Barbour, 1997:

Granted, van Sertima (1976) was wrong about the identity of the Olmecs ,
but he was correct in claiming that the Olmecs were of African origin. And,
there is no denying the fact that Africans early settled the Americas (
Wiener, 1920-1922; von Wuthenau, 1980).

Never in any of my publications on Olmec and African contact have I ever
claimed that the Egypto-Nubians had contact with the Olmecs (Winters, 1979,
1981/1982,1983, 1984a, 1984c, 1997). Following Wiener (1922) I have
maintained all along the traditional Afrocentric view of Olmec and African
paradigm that the Manding speaking West Africans had contact with the

Wiener (1922) based his identification of the Manding influence over the
Olmecs (eventhough he was unaware of this people at the time) through his
identification of Manding writing on the Tuxtla statuette which was created
by the Olmecs (Soustelle, 1984; Tate, 1995).

The major evidence for the African origin of the Olmecs comes from the
writing of the Maya and Olmec people. As mentioned earlier most experts
believe that the Mayan writing system came from the Olmecs (Soustelle,
1984). The evidence of African styl e writing among the Olmecs is evidence
for Old World influence in Mexico. The Olmecs have left numerous symbols or
signs inscribed on pottery, statuettes, batons/scepters, stelas and
bas-reliefs that have been recognized as writing ( Soustelle, 1984; von
Wuthenau, 1980; Winters, 1979). The view that the Olmecs were the fir st
Americans to 1) invent a complex system of chronology, 2) a method of
calculating time, and 3) a hieroglyphic script which was later adopted by
Izapan and Mayan civilizations, is now accepted by practically all
Meso-American specialist (Soustelle, (1984).

In 1979, I announced the decipherment of the Olmec writing (Winters, 1979).
It is generally accepted that the decipherment of an unknown
language/script requires 1) bilingual texts and/or 2) knowledge of the
cognate language(s). It has long been felt by many Meso-Americanist that
the Olmec writing met non of these criteria because, no one knew exactly
what language was spoken by the Olmec that appear suddenly at San Lorenzo
and La Venta in Veracruz, around 1200 B.C.

The view that Africans originated writing in America is not new. Scholars
early recognized the affinity between Amerindian scripts and the Mande
script(s) (Wiener, 1922, v.3; Rafinesque, 1832). In 1832, Rafinesque noted
the similarities between the Mayan glyphs and the Libyco-Berber writing.
And Leo Wiener (1922, v.3), was the first researcher to recognize the
resemblances between the Manding writing and the symbols on the Tuxtla
statuette. In addition, Harold Lawrence (1962) noted that the
"petroglyphic" inscriptions found throughout much of the southern
hemisphere compared identically with the writing system of the Manding.

The second evidence pointing to the Manding origin of the Olmec writing was
provided by Leo Wiener in Africa and the Discovery of America (1922,v.3).
Wiener presented evidence that the High Civilizations of Mexico (Maya and
Aztecs) had acquired many o f the cultural and religious traditions of the
Malinke-Bambara (Manding people) of West Africa. In volume 3, of Africa and
the Discovery of America, Wiener discussed the analogy between the glyphs
on the Tuxtla statuette and the Manding glyphs engraved on rocks in

Up until 1995, there were only a few published Olmec inscriptions (Winters,
1979). Today there are many Olmec inscriptions published in Jill Gutherie
(1995) catalogue for the exhibition "The Olmec World: Ritual and
Rulership", organized by the Art Mu seum of Princeton University. Manding
Origin of Mayan term for Writing

The linguistic evidence (Brown, 1991), forces us to aknowledge that the
Mayan term *c'ib is probably derived from Manding *Se'be. This provides the
best hypothesis for the origin of the Mayan term for writing given the fact
that the Mayan /c/ corr eponds to the Manding /s/, and the archaeological
and linguistic evidence which indicate that the Maya did not have writing
in Proto-Mayan times. And as a result, the term for writing had to have
come into the Mayan languages after the separation of Proto -Maya. This
would explain the identification of the Olmec or Xi/Shi people as Manding
speakers. In addition to the Manding origin of the Mayan term for writing,
there are a number Mayan terms that are derived from the Olmec language  .

In conclusion, the Manding speaking ancestors of the Olmecs came from the
Saharan zone of North Africa (Winters, 1983, 1984c, 1986). Here the
Proto-Olmecs left their earliest inscriptions at Oued Mertoutek (Winters,
1979,1983). They took a full fledged literate culture to Mexico.

This view is supported both by 1) our ability to read the Olmec
inscriptions; 2) confirmation that the Mayan term for writing *c'ib, is of
Manding origin; and 3) the symbols for Mayan writing are cognate to the
Manding writing systems used in Africa . Moreover, the evidence presented
in this paper makes it clear that the people who introduced writing to the
Maya when they met at Nonoulco, may have been Manding speaking Olmecs..
Discovery at Olmec sites such as LaVenta Offering No.4 , of Manding writing
provide the "absolute proof " of African and Olmec contact. The presence of
readable African writing on Olmec celts, masks and statues, is the genuine
African artifact found "in controlled excavations in the New World"
demanded by Haslip-Viera, Ortiz de Montellano and Barbour (1997: 419) that
confirms the Afrocentric claim of ancient African and Olmec contact.


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