-Caveat Lector-

September 30, 1999

              The Obstruction
              Of Justice Department?

              Congressional veterans couldn't recall ever seeing
              anything like it. Last Wednesday, four current or retired
              FBI agents appeared before a Senate oversight
              committee to testify in detail how Justice Department
              officials had blocked and subverted their efforts to
              investigate the campaign finance scandals of the 1996
              Clinton-Gore ticket.

              The country can't rule out that it might be dealing with
              an "Obstruction of Justice Department," was Chairman Fred
              Thompson's conclusion after the agents had finished, and
              their Justice supervisors had their chance to respond.
              FBI agents testifying in public against their superiors in

              the Department of Justice is explosive stuff. But with a
              few notable exceptions, such as the Washington Times
              and Fox News Channel, press coverage of the story has
              been minimal or nonexistent. So we're going to take
              some space here to tell this fascinating tale.

              The tension traces back to the Justice
              Department's investigation into the
              sources of the Clinton-Gore campaign
              fund-raising abuses. FBI agent
              complaints about the limits that
              Justice's Public Integrity Section
              placed on them date back some two
              years. "I am convinced the team at DoJ
              is, at best, simply not up to the task,"
              said I.C. Smith, a now-retired 26-year
              Bureau veteran who ran its Little
              Rock, Ark., office, discussing an August 1997 memo he
              had written to Director Louis Freeh. "The impression
              left is the emphasis is on how not to prosecute matters,
              not how to aggressively conduct investigations leading to
              prosecutions." Mr. Freeh didn't respond directly to
              Agent Smith's letter, but within three months he
              unsuccessfully urged Janet Reno to appoint an
              independent counsel to probe the Clinton-Gore

              Still, there had to be some reason to account for the
              agency's sense of non-movement in the Justice
              Department. A strong illustration of it emerged from the
              agents' testimony last week.

              The agents testified that Laura Ingersoll, then head of the
              campaign finance task force set up by Justice, and Lee
              Radek, the head of Public Integrity, for four months
              blocked their request to ask a judge for a warrant to
              search the Little Rock office of Clinton fund-raiser
              Charlie Trie. Agents sifting through Mr. Trie's trash
              found that vital records subpoenaed by Senator
              Thompson's committee were being shredded. But their
              request to main Justice for a warrant was turned down
              for four months. It wasn't granted until Charles La Bella
              replaced Ms. Ingersoll; by then newspapers were
              uncovering the relevant evidence first. Eventually Mr. La
              Bella himself was sidelined and forced to leave Justice
              after he joined Mr. Freeh in recommending an
              independent counsel.

              Agent Smith said he was "astounded" by the torn-up Trie
              documents. According to the agents' search-warrant
              affidavit, they included torn photocopies of six checks
              from Asian contributors to President Clinton's legal
              defense fund, travel records for Ng Lap Seng, the
              mysterious Macau tycoon who wired $1 million to Mr.
              Trie, statements from Chinese banks, Democratic
              National Committee donor lists and a Federal Express
              record showing that Mr. Trie had sent two pounds of
              documents to the White House in May 1997. Some of the
              documents indicated that the White House was keeping
              Mr. Trie informed of the investigations against him.

              However, the Asian checks to the legal defense fund
              were dismissed by Justice. "Ingersoll indicated, in so
              many words, 'we will not pursue this matter'," Agent
              Smith told Director Freeh on a separate occasion.

              Ms. Ingersoll also refused the FBI's request to seek a
              search warrant, saying the agents hadn't found "a
              smoking gun." In July 1997, the Little Rock agents
              convinced Public Integrity attorneys to approve a "car
              stop" after an unidentified man was seen removing
              documents from Mr. Trie's home and taking them to the
              home of Maria Mapili, Mr. Trie's business manager. But
              Ms. Ingersoll withdrew approval for the search after
              learning that the man was W.H. Taylor, Mr. Mapili's
              lawyer. Mr. Taylor was also a personal attorney for
              chicken tycoon Don Tyson while he was under
              investigation by an independent counsel.

              FBI agent Daniel Wehr testified that he was
              "scandalized" when he was told at a briefing by Ms.
              Ingersoll they should "not pursue any matter related to
              solicitation of funds for access to the President." He
              said, "The reason given to me was that that's the way the
              American political process works." Ms. Ingersoll says
              she must have been misunderstood.

              Agent Roberta Parker testified that she became so
              frustrated that she kept three, 200-page spiral notebooks
              documenting her complaints about Justice. She turned the
              notebooks over to FBI officials in response to a House
              subpoena. Ms. Parker said the notebooks were not turned
              over to the House and when they were returned to her
              last month, 27 pages covering the Trie search-warrant
              controversy had been ripped out of one of them. Senator
              Thompson says the notes are "the only detailed,
              contemporaneous record" of the disputes between FBI
              and Justice and he will conduct his own investigation
              into what happened to them.

              Today, Justice's campaign finance probe remains
              technically active, though Senator Thompson thinks that
              may be only so Justice can deny him access to certain
              documents. The major players from John Huang to
              Charlie Trie to Ms. Mapili have all struck plea bargains
              with Justice. "After all the wrongdoing, nobody's going
              to jail," Senator Joseph Lieberman dryly noted. Senator
              Lieberman, the only Democrat to attend the hearing, said
              the search warrant refusal was clearly an "error" and
              "arouses so much suspicion." Senator Thompson
              concluded that Justice officials have "done everything in
              the world at every juncture and every step to direct the
              finger of suspicion toward them."

              The agents' remarkable testimony in fact elicited an
              angry public response from the President last Friday. At
              the annual White House press picnic, he fell into an
              extraordinary 10-minute interview with Paul Sperry, the
              bureau chief of Investor's Business Daily. Mr. Sperry
              asked Mr. Clinton on a rope line when he was going to
              hold his next formal news conference. Mr. Clinton asked
              why, and Mr. Sperry said "the American people have a
              lot of unanswered questions." When Mr. Clinton asked
              "Like what?" Mr. Sperry told him "questions about
              illegal money from China and the campaign finance
              scandal." President Clinton exploded in anger over the
              agents' testimony and told the reporter that "the FBI
              wants you to write about that rather than write about

              According to an account of the incident by James
              Grimaldi of the Seattle Times, Mr. Clinton "blew up"
              and claimed "the only person who has been linked to
              money from China" is former Republican National
              Committee head Haley Barbour. He said his campaign
              had given Justice's campaign task force "every shred of
              evidence, and they haven't found a thing." Photos taken of

              the incident show a red-faced Mr. Clinton wagging his
              finger about a foot in front of Mr. Sperry. On Monday, a
              White House spokesman said, "The President does not
              regret making those comments" and Mr. Sperry says
              Press Secretary Joe Lockhart personally told him he
              would never be invited back to the White House.

              The White House's touchiness on the campaign finance
              probe has to be seen in the context of other developments
              this month--the unpopular clemency for the Puerto Rican
              terrorists, the revival of the controversies surrounding
              Waco, and even the difficulties over the Clintons' New
              York mortgage. Senator Arlen Specter, for instance,
              announced he will lead a bipartisan probe of the Justice
              Department's handling of high-profile cases such as the
              Waco disaster and its refusal to wiretap the phone of
              suspected Chinese nuclear spy Wen Ho Lee.

              What these revelations demonstrate is that Senator
              Thompson is showing some Congressional initiative,
              precisely the form of oversight we hoped would emerge
              in the wake of the independent counsel statute's
              expiration. There isn't going to be another impeachment,
              but it's clearer than ever that the most significant
              institutional damage to result from this period is the
              subversion of Justice.

              The formation of serious policy, for example on China,
              can't proceed because of this rot. What emerges from
              these FBI accounts is a portrait of not merely a botched
              investigation but of an active coverup.

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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