The U.S. Secret Service, Big Brother And Those Secretive Prying Eyes

Lisa S. Dean

Toogood Reports [Tuesday, July 10, 2001; 12:01 a.m. EST]

Every now and again something startles us, forcing us out of the narrow,
sheltered worlds in which we live and we wonder how that something got there.
Usually that "something" is not good and it forces us into action to either
stop it or prevent it from getting worse.

Such is the case in Denver, Colorado where citizens are up in arms over a new
traffic light surveillance system that not only captures the picture of their
vehicles on camera — but their faces as well.

The system is part of a new Department of Motor Vehicles initiative designed
to stop identity theft and drivers license fraud. When the motorist is
stopped at a traffic light, the camera takes his picture and the face
recognition software maps out a three-dimensional image of the driver´s face,
matching that record to the one in the DMV database, to come up with a
positive identification of the individual driving the car. But the system is
not just restricted to motorists. Last week, the city of Tampa, Florida
became the first city in the US to install a similar system on street corners
in an effort by law enforcement to identify criminals walking along the city

But how did this happen, you might ask? How did we get to this point where
what was once science fiction is now reality? Well, cast your minds back, if
you will to three years ago when Image Data, a US company, received a grant
totaling $1.5 million from the US Secret Service to develop a database
containing every motorist´s photo ID. Image Data had entered in to agreement
with a number of states to buy their citizens´ driver´s license photos to
enter into the database. The Secret Service wanted a complete database
containing the picture ID of every US motorist for the purpose of catching

There was a bit of a scuffle over a government agency selling private
information to a business but very few saw the potential danger in doing so.
While Image Data was busy building its database for federal law enforcement,
states were passing laws requiring the installation of cameras on city
streets and intersections, allegedly to "monitor traffic flow". Many privacy
advocates both here in Washington and across the country saw the big picture
and were alarmed at the potential abuse of our privacy that this system could
cause. The combination of street cameras monitoring pedestrians and motorists
and face recognition software that would identify pedestrians and motorists
was a lethal one.

Needless to say, their concerns were ignored and even dismissed as paranoid
or anti-government. Well, you can call them "paranoid" or whatever other name
you like. I call them "correct".

I predict that the next step for Big Brother is for law enforcement to
combine our personal information that government agencies have been
collecting — with the face recognition software. That way they will not only
know where we are, but who we are and everything about our lives, how much
money we have in our bank accounts, what medication we might be taking or
what illnesses we´re being treated for, whether we paid our taxes, and so
forth, just because we happened to walk in front of a camera on the way to
the store or the doctor´s office.

Total strangers don´t know this information, but the government will because
it claims to have the right to know it and there´s no one telling them they
don´t because the citizens who can object aren´t doing so. We Americans need
to open our eyes and watch where we´re going or like the people in Denver and
Tampa, we´re going to wake up and wonder how we got to where we are and
realize that there´s no way to turn back.

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