-Caveat Lector-
And so to more tedious number crunching... rushed and so unpolished as all my posts are.

The Black Serpent and Iraq

I was wondering this morning if I could find some impenetrable ‘Darkness’ over the date of March 20th 2003, the could-be date for a massive military attack on Iraq by the United States of America.

So I looked at the date of May 1st 1774, the date for the foundation of the Order of the Illuminati, (not 1776), for such an organization is ‘Darkness’ itself, and whose only reason to exist is to destroy, kill and cause chaos.

And the very Black Knights of Death have the symbol of Black Eagle gripping the  Black Serpent in its claws.

But first I need to set the scene prior to March 20th 2003, and show a few of my usual suspects, the first is ‘Darkness’ and has the reference number 177 because 177,000 miles per second is the velocity of Gravity, and that the cycle of the Moon in Hades is 354 days at 177 + 177, so the crescent Moon represents a Ruler of Darkness.

And as ‘Providence’ that is Lucifer, who is Satan comes as an Angel of Light, I use the reference number 1204 for Light, (in that light speed in a vacuum is some 186,282.43 miles per second and cubed x 10 and cube root x 3 is 1,204,000).

And ‘Providence’ the Supreme Being of Masonry, as ‘Light’ at 1204 is made up of seven Eyes at 126 each, Eyes of Horus of Babylon, is 882, the same reference for the seven spirits of God, that is the Spirit, + 322 the reference for the Dragon, and of the Skull and Bones Society, and a modern Pharaoh’s father is of such a secret society. Thus Satan comes as Angel of Light who is Horus, the King of Babylon, with the power of the Dragon.  

So ‘Providence’ is the very body of Darkness, in that 882 x 322 is 264684, and /2 x Pi twice, x the ‘Black Knights of Death’ ratio 2.1591097 is the Black Serpent with the reference number 3,026,000.

And the Black Serpent at 3,026,000 is formed out of the Serpent at 17,000 + the Serpent at 1700 x Darkness at 1770 (and the Bible’s Black Trinity is made up of the ‘Beast 933, the Dragon 322 and the False Prophet 515).

The ‘Black Knights of Death’ ratio is formed out of the Knight at 12,600,000 + Darkness at 17,700,000 is 30,300,000 + 30,300,000 and + the symbol of Death, the Great Pyramid at 91,575,000 cubic feet x 4 lots is 426,900,000 a reference for the ‘Black Knights of Death’.

And the Eagle at 44 x Pi 4 times is 4286.000005 and less the Serpent held in its claws at 17 is 4269, the reference for ‘Black Knights of Death’. 

And 426,900,000 and divided by Death at 91,575,000 is both the ratio 4.6617526 and square root is 2.1591092 the ‘Black Knights of Death’ ratio.

The Babylonian War

So to the calculation for a 21st century Babylonian War, when counting the period from the foundation of the Order of the Illuminati on May 1st 1774 to March 20th 2003 is 228.883872 years x the ‘Black Knight’s’ ratio 4.6617526 is 1067.

Thus a reference number for the Babylonian War, (if and only if, it starts on March 20th 2003) is 1067.

And with the vast quantity of cruise missiles in mind, I think of the Ancient Egyptian god Horus, the merciless killer of the sky at 610 x 7 times is 4270 and the Babylonian War at 1067 x 4 is 4268 + 4270 is the ‘Black Knights of Death’ at 4269 + 4269.

So the date of the Order of the Illuminati, when locked into March 20th 2003 leads to the ‘Black Knights of Death’ thanks to Horus, who is Satan, the merciless killer of the sky.

I rest my case for Black Serpent of Babylon who is the puppeteer of men’s minds.


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