-Caveat Lector-

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Operations Central. All comments are strictly my unsupported opinion unless
based upon promotional blurb extracted from the websites linked herein, or
authenticated as a legal action. This is by no means an exhaustive nor
definitive list, and no particular recommendation nor assurance of
authenticity is to be inferred from a listing herein, unless cited from
authoratiative legal or scholarly source.

The Strange Case of the Gilmer (Texas) Cannibal Cult

In 1992, fifteen children in Gilmer, Texas were removed from their extended
families of origin and placed in protective, therapeutic foster care after
investigations by Child Protective Services revealed their sadistic sexual
abuse and victimization by parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and others.

*   A special prosecutor was appointed to bring the alleged perpetrators to
justice. Scott Lyford, a Galveston attorney, and his investigative team were
able to accumulate sufficient evidence to gain indictments and convictions
against the eight defendants.
*   As the children became increasingly secure in their foster care
environment and in their therapeutic relationship with a mental health
professional, they began to reveal details of their victimization which
included elements of ritualistic abuse such as being forced to ingest blood,
urine and feces, deviant sex practices, and other behaviors indicative of
ritual activities.
*   One of the abused children disclosed special knowledge regarding the
disappearance of an area teenager, Kelly Wilson. This child implicated his
sexual abuse perpetrators and an area police officer in the abduction, rape,
torture, and murder of Ms. Wilson, a 17 year old Gilmer resident who
disappeared on January 5, 1992.
*   When confronted with the child's testimony, two of the adults confessed
to the offenses and one of the adults directed the investigative team to a
property owned by the paternal grandparents of the children where the adult
alleged some ritual activities had taken place, including the murder of Kelly
Wilson. The two adults subsequently recanted their confessions, and later
confessed again. One of the adults plea bargained to a lessor offense for
which she has been convicted but not sentenced. Both adults submitted to
polygraph evaluations whose results supported their confessions.
*   After the disclosures of ritual abuse, the allegations regarding the
murder of Kelly Wilson, and the implications by some of the victims and some
of the perpetrators that others, including a police officer were involved in
the crimes, the Texas Attorney General's office released the special
prosecutor and his investigative team and took over the case.
*   Assistant Attorney General Shane Phelps directed the grand jury to no
bill the defendants. However, the grand jury did not follow this direction
and instead dismissed the indictment without prejudice allowing the state to
reconsider the case at a future date.
*   The Special Prosecutor, his investigative team, and the CPS caseworkers
who have been advocating for the fifteen children, allege that the Attorney
General's office has lost evidence, misinterpreted their investigation, not
proceeded with it's own investigation, interfered with the children's
psychotherapy, and have removed the children from their foster care without
concern for the well-being of the children. These individuals further allege
that the state of Texas, via the Attorney General's office, has retraumatized
the children by forcibly removing them from their foster mother and by
engaging in punitive and damaging strategies in order to command the
children's cooperation.

The State Attorney General has been unresponsive to residents of Gilmer and
others who have attempted to lobby for the welfare of these child victims and
requested a complete and thorough public disclosure regarding the
circumstances of the children's victimization.

*   Currently, the Special Prosecutor, his investigative team, and the CPS
Caseworkers are being sued by some of the alleged child abuse perpetrators
for malicious prosecution and other alleged improprieties. The State of Texas
has denied these individuals the option of state funded independent legal
counsel, despite evidence of a conflict of interest between the Attorney
General's office and these individuals.
*   The children's foster mother's ability to visit with and nurture these
children has reportedly been made contingent upon her assistance in
soliciting the children's cooperation with their current psychotherapeutic
team. There has been an implication that her failure to assist may result in
the children's return to their abusive families of origin.
*   The psychiatrist currently heading the children's treatment team, Bruce
Perry, M.D., and assistant Attorney General Beth Paige, have admitted to
serious errors in judgment on their part which have resulted in the
retraumatization of these severely abused children.
*   On November 16, 1994, the Gilmer Police Department announced that five or
six boxes of evidence gathered in the Kelly Wilson case had been taken from
the property room of the Gilmer Police Department by personor persons
unknown. These boxes of exidence were copies of evidence which, while in the
custody of the attorney general's office, were allegedly lost.

The Justice for Kelly Wilson Committee intends to converge on Austin at noon
on Monday, October 24, 1994, for the purpose of informing the citizens of
Texas of the details of this case and to raise questions for the government
of Texas regarding the manner in which this case has been handled, concerns
regarding a conflict of interests between the state of Texas and the
children's advocates, and other concerns including:

1. Why did the Attorney General's office discharge the special prosecutor in
the midst of his preparations to go before the grand jury?
2. Why was the foreman of the grand jury, the editor of the local newspaper,
permitted to retain her position on the grand jury while she continued to
produce articles in the newspaper which reflected her disbelief in the
validity of reports of ritualized abuse?
3. Why were the children removed against their will from the nurturing and
supportive environment of their foster home to a treatment center in Waco,
and why was this done without providing the foster mother or the children
time to prepare for the event?
4. Why has the foster mother been permitted only one visit with the children
since their removal from her home, despite the fact that she has petitioned
to adopt these children and provide them with a permanent home?
5. Why were the children removed against their will from their former
therapist when they were making good progress after having spent much time
and energy in developing excellent rapport?
6. What happened to the evidence collected by the special prosecutor's
investigative team?
7. Why did the assistant Attorney General Shane Phelps misrepresent a
statement he read after the grand jury failed to no bill the defendants as
the product of the grand jury?
8. Why has the testimony of one of the child victims and two of his confessed
perpetrators been discounted by the attorney general's office?
9. Why has the media attention to this case been skewed in favor of the
attorney general's stance?
10. Why is the State of Texas denying the children's advocates independent
counsel to address litigation brought against them by convicted child


In 1989, Loretta Gilmer made a report to police that her husband, Wendell,
was sexually molesting their two daughters aged 5 and 6. Their four children
were removed to foster care by Child Protective Services, Wendell and Loretta
were both charged with child sexual abuse, Wendell was convicted and placed
on probation. Wendell moved in with the Biby family. He later married Wand
Hicks (1992) who had five children from a previous marriage. Upon learning
that Wendell, on probation for child sexual abuse, had moved into Wanda's
home where her fove young children resided, CPS intervened and removed the
children from their home. Wanda subsequently relinquished her parental rights
to the children. Wendell's children also made allegations that they had been
abused by their grandparents, Geneva Skipper Kerr and Eugene Kerr, and their
uncle, Danny Kerr and his common law wife, Connie Martin. The children
reported that Danny and Connie's 5 children were also being abused. Those
children were also removed to foster care by CPS. These children accused two
other people, Tammy Jo Smith and her live-in boyfriend, Don Holman, of
abusing them and Tammy Jo's son, Raymond. Raymond and his half-brother, Tammy
Jo and Don's son, were placed in foster care.

On January 5, 1992, Kelly Wilson, a 17 year old girl, disappeared after
leaving work sometime after 8 oclock p.m. Kelly was employed at a video
rental store in Gilmer, across from the courthouse. When she left work that
night, she discovered that her car had a slashed tire. Her purse was found in
her unlocked car. There were no ransom demands, no physical evidence of
abduction, no sign of foul play (except for the deliberately slashed tire),
and Kelly's body was never found. Sgt. James York Brown was assigned to the
investigation of Kelly Wilson's disappearence.

There were no arrests in relation to Kelly's disappearence except for Michael
Biby, a 17 year old male, was eventually arrested and convicted of having
slashed Kelly's tire. James Brown was the only police officer to talk with
Michael Biby. Michael served some time for the misdemeanor charge but denied
any knowledge of Kelly Wilson's whereabouts. Wendell Kerr had lived with the
Biby family between his divorce from Loretta and his marriage to Wanda. A 29
year old man, Brent Lee Ward, was indicted for lying to the Grand Jury in
regard to their questions to him relative to his knowledge of Kelly Wilson.
However, a judge overturned the indictment. The Grand Jury later reindicted

Sgt. Brown was acquainted with Don Holeman as he was Mr. Holeman's training
officer when Mr. Holeman served as a reserve police officer and active duty
police officer on the Gilmer police force. Sgt. Brown was also acquianted
with Wendell Kerr as the two were co-workers for a period of time when Sgt.
Brown left law enforcement briefly and worked as a truck driver.

Once in foster care in June/July of 1992, Raymond disclosed knowledge of
Kelly Wilson. Raymond alleged that Kelly had been kidnapped by a "cult" of
which his parents, Geneva and Eugene Kerr, Wendell and Wanda Hicks Kerr,
Danny Kerr and Connie Martin were members. According to Raymond, Kelly was
abducted, brutalized over a period of about ten days, sacrificially murdered,
and eaten by the assembled group. According to Raymond, Sgt. James Brown of
the Gilmer Police Department was a participant in this act.

In May, 1993, charges of child molestation were brought against Eugene and
Geneva Kerr, Wendell and Wanda Hicks Kerr, Danny Kerr and Connie Martin,
Tammy Jo Smith and Don Holeman. District Attorney Tim Cone excused himself
from prosecuting the case on the grounds that he had previously represented
one of the defendants in an unrelated matter. Special Prosecutor Scott Lyford
was appointed by Judge F.L. Garrison in September.

Shortly after he undertook the prosecution of this case, Connie Martin made a
confession to Mr. Lyford regarding the role of the Kerrs, Smith, Holeman, and
herself in the disappearence of Kelly Wilson. According to Ms. Martin, they
had participated together in a ritual resulting in Ms. Wilsons rape and
murder. Subsequently, Wanda Hicks Kerr confessed to these crimes, later
recanted, and later modified her confession in exchange for a reduced plea.

Ms. Martin passed a lie detector test in which she described the abduction
and murder of Kelly Wilson.

Connie says the night Kelly disappeared, the Kerr's received a phone call
which signalled them to go get Kelly. Wanda admitted abduction of Kelly but
did not implicate Brown, later recanted. Connie Martin led investigators to
property she and Danny stayed at. Led them to area she claimed body was
buried. Investigators found bone identified by local coroner as the tibia of
a 16 year old human. A.G.s office reidentified it as 200 year old pig bone.
Physical evidence included: children's jewelry, hair samples, blood samples,
bone samples. Cadaver dog detected blood throughout area. Ground soft
indicating possibility of reexcavated shallow graves. Two hot spots located
by infrared.

Connie passed polygraph implicating self and Kerrs and Don Holman and Tammy
Jo Smith prior to implication of James Brown. Scott Lyford arranged for
second polygraph, Attorney General's office cancelled when they took over
case a few days later.

CPS caseworkers and Scott Lyford requested A.G.s assistance A.G.s office did
not respond until State Representative Bob Glaze (Upshur County) requested
A.G.s intervention.

Attorney General dismissed all charges against all defendants in Kelly Wilson

When Wendell Kerr married Wanda, Wanda relinquished all rights to her
children. All 5 children were adopted by Lappe family of Kilgore. There's was
a therapeutic home. Long-time foster parents, the Lappes moved to Colorado
City West Texas. Mrs. Lappe claimed they had had death threats because of
Kerr situation. Approximately one month after moving, (November 1993) Lappes
took Danny to hospital with severe head injuries. Danny was comotose. Mr.
Lappe explained that he had fallen while carrying Danny Jr. upstairs
following an episode duringwhich Danny engaged in head-banging. CPS came to
the hospital and took custody of the 5 children. The next day, Mr. Lappe
committed suicide. Two days later, Ms. Lappe was found dead of prescription
drug overdose. The Kerrs were out on bail during this time and are known to
have relatives in Lubbock (near Colorado City). Danny is permanently brain

Following Lappes death all of Kerrs, Holman, Smith, were rearrested and bonds
raised ($100,000 +). They remained in jail from November to January. When
they were indicted in Kelly Wilson murder and James Brown arrested, bonds
raised again. Bond reduction hearing for Brown. James Brown's bond lowered
from $250,000 to $150,000. Judge said, if Brown could not meet bond within a
week, judge would lower bond again. Brown spent approximately one week in
jail. March of 1994, took over case, dismissed all charges pertaining to
Kelly Wilson, bonds lowered to original amount, except for Wendell Kerr who
was also in jail for probation revokation. Currently in jail. Wanda pled
guilty to one count of indecency with child.

October 31, 1994 - 5 boxes of evidence related to the Kelly Wilson
investigation were stolen from the Gilmer Police Department.

By the end of 1996, all of the indictments against the Kerrs, et.al., had
been dropped, the accused were released form jail, and most have been
reunited with the child victims.


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