-Caveat Lector-

The Philosophy of the Lie
Edward Britton

I am fortunate in that I have more than a healthy suspicion when it comes
to pronouncements of absolute truth. No one on this earth makes me more
nervous than the individual who expects me to blindly accept, as truth, his
or her particular philosophy as the final analysis of and summary statement
on any aspect of existence. I am made even more nervous when such an
individual asks me to accept a philosophy which, to support itself, negates
any one or any part of an aspect of reality which I know to exist.

Even though the focus of my current suspicions rests primarily with the
philosophy of objectivism--the core tenets of which serve as the motivating
and legitimizing agent behind ninety per cent of rightist thought--this
suspicion is by no means limited to objectivism. I would hold as suspect
any philosophy which demanded that I believe in half-truths or downright lies.

Consider the premise upon which all objectivist reasoning is built; that
nothing unreal exists; that A always equals A. Automatically, when one
makes such a statement, one has taken the responsibility upon him or
herself to know what reality is and is not. In the attempt to satisfy that
responsibility, an objectivist will assure you that there is no such thing
as a first cause of creation--in any form, whether initiated by a deity or
evolution--because such a cause cannot be perceived, cannot be observed and
cannot be quantified. Any such phenomenon as creation, therefore, does not
exist or is irrelevant.

Forgetting for the moment why it is necessary for such partisans to
subscribe to this denial, there are more than enough examples to prove the
elemental fallacy of their argument. Electricity, for example, and before
the advent of devices necessary to measure it were available, could not be
perceived, observed or quantified in any form other than lightening or
static discharge. Even this presupposes that humanity somehow "knew" that
lightening or discharge were representations of electricity. Therefore,
according to the objectivist, electricity cannot exist and, hence, belief
in the existence of same would be considered mysticism. The same holds true
for the existence of such phenomena/realities as subatomic matter and
gravitational influences on celestial orbits--not to mention a spherical
earth. Indeed, were the technological development of the human race left in
the capable hands of the objectivist, the sum of our achievement would
still be limited only to what we could have done with our five
senses--which would, by philosophical necessity, have to be blinded by the
negation of any pertinent yet non-observable phenomena.

The modern political equivalent of the objectivist, the conservative, thus
would have us believe in, or have "faith" in, the noblest and consequent
absolutes of individualism and of the fallacy that all that is wrought of
an individual comes from the solitary effort of that individual. The
objectivist touts the "self-made" man or woman as the pinnacle of human
achievement and existence. No wonder he or she has to deny the existence or
reality of a creator other than him or herself. To accept the possibility
of any opposing reality, even if that reality were in the form of natural
evolution, would require the subscriber to such a philosophy to realize
that he or she was DEPENDENT upon the creative potential of a being other
than him/herself. Such believers would discover that they, no matter how
much they believed they had accomplished through their stoic efforts, were
still leeching, nay MOOCHING off of someone or something else's creation.
The objectivist would have to accept the fact that she or he, just like
every other form of life that we are aware of, would be no more than a
"parasitic welfare recipient."

Knowing this in the core of the objectivist consciousness is, I suspect,
why he or she tries so hard to live by the personal, social and political
equivalent of a lie. In the objectivist's denial of a reality s/he
says--but cannot prove--does not exist, he or she begins to fashion a
complex system of deception to, ironically,  guard against facing the very
reality to which he or she so strongly adheres. The objectivist realizes
that his or hers is a system of deception which leads down the same path of
mysticism (*belief* in the existence of any phenomena which cannot be
immediately perceived, observed or quantified) that he or she so vehemently

As one may imagine, all manner of philosophical chaos is the result.
Consider the crowning glory of perhaps the most notable objectivist, Ayn
Rand, in her work Atlas Shrugged. In the telling of an otherwise marvelous
story--which has become, more or less, the Bible of conservative
thought--Rand attempts to render credence to her objectivist philosophy by
means of the dishonest and cowardly practice of crippling her opponent's
arguments in anything resembling rational, literary dialogue. Her cause and
need to deny reality is readily apparent to any reader who finds him or
herself marveling at the engineered stupidity of her villains.

Consider the need for the objectivist to ignore, or render as invalid,
human emotions--especially as manifest through altruism--regardless of the
REALITY that we are every bit as much of an emotional animal as a rational
one. Why the need to negate this element of the natural state of humanity?
Could it be that the objectivist finds him or herself too busy trying to
fight the most basic attributes of human existence in order to support his
or her "ray screen" of personal deception?

Consider the socio-political ramifications of such a massive need for
denial. Consider that, despite the clear evidence of the destruction of the
planet (e.g., Bophal, India and Love Canal) resulting from allowing those
poor, persecuted objectivist pioneers of capitalism (the objectivist's
version of the "ideal man" and of economic Utopia) free reign, the
objectivist, in his or her denial of environmental reality, insists that
such damage does not occur and has never occurred. Even if such damage had
occurred, such "mysticism" would be irrelevant.

Consider that, despite the objectivist's "moral outrage" over the "theft"
of "income re-distribution," crying for the freedom of individuals to
pursue their own happiness, the objectivist sits idly by while the
government grants preferential treatment to the COLLECTIVE corruption of
capitalism: the modern corporation. As their denial of reality negates a
rational look at their fascist desires, their blindness to same ensures the
fruition of fascism. All government which favors capitalism--even its
corruption--is OK with the objectivist, but hell will be to pay for anyone
who even suggests a more altruistic use of government.

Consider that, despite the scientific evidence proving that all life
becomes increasingly MORE DEPENDENT the further up the food chain a species
gets, the objectivist somehow manages to hold on to the MYSTICAL
(religious) belief that all he or she is and has comes about as the result
of his or her own efforts. Never mind the REALITY of such "mystical"
details as technological progression, which clearly indicates the
DEPENDENCE of all current technology UPON all the achievements of the past.
Only the objectivist may suppose that she or he may bring to existence a
universe out of his or her own individualistic efforts.

Ultimately, throughout our lives, we make a choice regarding what is of
primary importance to us. ALL philosophy is designed specifically to
bolster that choice. There are as many philosophies as there are choices
and, while I may not take particular exception to anyone else's choice or
philosophy, I do ask that they be honest in its presentation if they expect
me to become a partisan of that choice/philosophy.

Conversely, I do not expect anyone to accept my philosophy whatever that
may be. The best I can offer, to GIVE or CONTRIBUTE to the development of
human existence is to suggest that people do their own thinking. To that
extent, I can agree with the objectivist insofar as she or he promotes a
similar endeavor.  I do not accept any system of thought or any ideal which
asks me to ignore what I already know to be reality or a portion thereof. I
look for patterns within all philosophies which provide me a greater
glimpse at not only the truth, but also of the motives of those who propose
that theirs is the only one. I look for what they say as well as what they
do not say. I look for patterns in the answers of philosophers to my
questions as well as for patterns in the questions they refuse to answer.
When I detect a lie or denial, I suspect their cause is evil.

John Galt is a lie. He was born of cowardice and lives in the minds of
those who accept a lie as the truth. Only the "motor" of such a lie is in

Edward Britton   ><+>
"Of course, this is just my opinion. I could be wrong." Dennis Miller
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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