-Caveat Lector-

Sunday night 21st of feb on radio 702(owned by mr William Kirsch) a panel
discussion is held between an advocate of Israel (David),the announcer(Kate
Turkington), and Jon Qwelane.
Jon Qwelane is a leading black journalist closely tied with the ANC and the
was involved in the black consciousness movement.
Although willing to criticise the ANC government, he is better known for his
long and multiple diatribes against whites. He denies being a racist and
declares that he criticises only things that deserve criticism. He is a
close associate of Nelson Mandela and was the only journalist invited as a
guest to his recent wedding

The conversation goes something like this

Qwelane-        Judaism is a racist religion and the talmud is a racist
David -         (interrupting repeatedly)-How can you say that
Qwelane-        In the talmud it says that to kill a gentile is not a crime.
David-          (interrupting repeatedly)- this is nonsense
Qwelane-        In the Talmud it says that if a gentile falls into a pit you
do not have to help him. A Jew may not Kill him but if there is a
ladder in the pit that could save him,a Jew can remove it. To kill a gentile
is not a crime . It is a crime against against                  God. That is
its up  to the Jews own conscience to choose
Kate                    how can you say that Jon.(in a rising  voice) I've
never heard such a thing.
Qwelane         I stand by everything I say and am willing to debate with
any Rabbi. I dont hate Jews. I just hate it when they deny
what is there in their book.
Etc Etc


A letter appearing in the black press is given below,word for word . These
days to see anti white writing is fairly common. In order to give it some
more impact I have slightly changed some words to give it  a different
it is appropiate to considers that the whites in southern africa are a small
and very vulnerable minority.
Letters such as given below are not common. But they are starting to appear
with much greater frequency as are
anti-jewish comments such as given above.

One wonders who legalised the white man in Africa while our brothers are
labelled immigrants
When the former pirates landed in Africa they raped killed and captured our
ancestors and still have them in captivity to this day.
Have you Tom Singiswwa asked yourself ehy our people in the USA are called
african americans.It was through the white man who you adore as saviour,
Singiswa. wake up and emancipate yourself from mental slavery.

Africans for Africa, europeans for europe. Ungodly as you sound Tim you can
never liberate africa and you will never find peace with jah(god) as long as
you hate your brothers and prefer your white oppressors.

Black people are the choldren of one man, jacob, the father of the 12
tribes. Read your bible and tell which land was invaded and tormented by
people from the west

Your education must not strip you of your africaness. Ubuntu. Africans
unite, one black nation
Skhumbuzo Ngwenya, Soweto

City Press, 29,Jan 1999

One wonders who legalised the Jew in germany while our brothers are labelled
When the former pirates invaded in Germany they raped killed and captured
our ancestors and still have them in captivity to this day.
Have you T.S. asked yourself why our people in the USA have forgotten their
birthrite.It was through the Jews who you adore as saviour, TS. wake up and
emancipate yourself from mental slavery.

Germany for the Germans, Israel for the jews. Ungodly as you sound Tim you
can never liberate Germany and you will never find peace with jah(god) as
long as you hate your brothers and prefer your Jewish oppressors.

Aryans people are the children of one man, jacob, the father of the 12
tribes. Read your bible and tell which land was invaded and tormented by
people from the east

Your education must not strip you of your Aryan nature. Brotherhood. Aryans
unite, one aryan nation
A. H., Berlin

All the dominant english press is now in the hands of black owned companies
aligned with the ANC(eg Times media is owned by Johnic which is run by Cyril
Ramaphosa, the former no3 in the ANC) or owned those sympathetic to the
ANC(ie The independent group run by mr O'reilly) . Both paper groups were
formerly owned by Harry Oppenheimer and he sold them to parties dominated by
government aligned groups. He had also previously dominated the press in
Rhodesia and likewise sold the major paper group to Mugape's party. It
should be noted that anglo american have listed on the london stock exchange
and the top of anglo american have now left the country. Mr oppenheimer
remains but is well into his 90's. (Mr Oppenheimer although of jewish origin
is an anglophile. All his top management come from oxford or cambridge. One
of the top anglo american executives-clem sunter qualification in the mining
world was to have read medieval philosophy at either oxford or cambridge)


What is also happening with increasing frequency is example such as given
below. similar crimes in urban areas are not given prominence as there is no
active pressure group for the urban situation. This is not defined as a hate
crime in South africa

Elderly farm couple found with throats slit
Northern Province police and a defence force helicopter yesterday searched
for three suspects in the murders of an elderly farmer and his wife on a
smallholding near Naboomspruit.
One of the suspects was an employee of the victims, Gert van der Merwe (73)
and his wife Fransina (68).
They were ambushed on Sunday night as they returned from town after a church
Police spokesperson Captain Blackie Swart said Mr van der Merwe drove his
bakkie in through the farm gate and dropped his wife in front of the
couple's house.
He drove around the house to the garage, parked his car and was ambushed by
three men when he got out.
"The attackers shot and wounded Mr van der Merwe, but he ran towards the
house, probably in an attempt to warn his wife about the men," Swart said.
Mrs van der Merwe walked outside, at which point both she and her husband
were grabbed and dragged on to the veranda, where their throats were cut.
The murderers ransacked the house, but did not steal any of the vehicles on
the farm, Swart said, presumably because none of them could drive.
"It was a dreadful sight when I arrived on the scene. The first thing I saw
was Mrs van der Merwe's false teeth, which had obviously been knocked out of
her mouth during her struggle."
Two wheelbarrows used to transport the stolen property were found abandoned
a few hundred metres away.
The victims' bodies were found early yesterday by a neighbour, Jaco Gouws,
who called the police.
He said the victims had not been particularly wealthy, and that they had
only kept a few sheep and a couple of pigs.
Swart said the search for the suspects would continue at first light today.

In the old south africa , for better or worse crime was contained within
each population groups and the police went chasing
after political opponents of apartheid. Since the de facto fall of apartheid
in 1990 the old black violent crime, which is approximately
15x that of the white and indian levels has now spread to all communities.
The black community still however bears the brunt of crime.

One of the ANC's policies is to promote " transformation" and wide spread
affirmative action. this has meant not just widescale
displacing of whites from government positions ( which happened to the
english when the afrikaners took over in 1948)but widescale
strict quotas on population groups that any company (over 50 people) can

The government has also taken the power to define what the maximum ratio of
income that can occur in a company. This power has not yet been applied.

In effect the ANC is using the national socialist route in handling the
economy. Rather than nationalising all industries it is implementing
legislation that forces the companies to carry out its social and ethnic

>From a number of independent sources I have heard that the future president
of south africa, mr Thabo Mbeki hates whites and hates them(us) with a
passion. mr Mbeki is a suave ,sophisticated and very clever politician who
does not reveal his emotions and so his attitudes are not well publicised.
This attitude is very common amongst the black elite who regard the whites
as parasites and a block to their progress(various attitude surveys) The one
notable exception (as far as I can discern) is Cyril Rhamaphosa. He comes
from the minority Venda tribe which prevented him becoming the heir apparent
of Mandela and although a radical socialist was always rational in his
objectives and with the advent of black dominated democracy has become a
leading business man.
Thabo Mbeki was a lifelong member of the communist party and dropped his
membership only when he arrived back in the country.
 Regarded a sa Gucci communist it will be interesting to see how radical he
remains -early legislative signs are not promising.Mbeki is at the moment
being tutored by Vice president Gore.

One of the present political developments is the rise in the paranoid style
of politics(its what you get from reading to many conspiracy theories!).
Even aids as a conspiracy to kill blacks has appeared on the maintime
english news broadcasts. The increase in racial politics is likely to
increase as the elections approach and whites can become a scapegoat if the
economy continues to fail to perform.
Will the paranoia proceed to a full san domingo option. I doubt it but a few
rough years ahead are likely.

The ANC is these day more secure in its power and much less threatened by
the right white which has effectively been neutered and no longer a viable
political opponent.
Business Day    22 February 1999

Mugabe turns his wrath on Cyril
Michael Hartnack

HARARE - President Robert Mugabe has accused Johnnic chairman Cyril
Ramaphosa of disowning his African roots by failing to silence newspapers
which criticised the detention and torture of two journalists.

He told Harare's diplomatic corps on Thursday that Ramaphosa was "a white
man in a black man's skin". Diplomatic sources said they understood Mugabe
to be referring to Johnnic's indirect interest in Business Day and the
Financial Mail through Times Media Ltd, which has a 50% holding in BDFM.
In a television interview with state media heads on Saturday, Mugabe
returned to the theme.

He was told: "There are some blacks who have acquired these media
conglomerates. It appears they have joined these whites in attacking
Zimbabwe." He replied: "Well, these are black white men and they are really
putting on the master's cap. In some cases, you will discover that the
wealth they say they have they have acquired through some bosses or through
some conduit leading from some multinational benefiting them, and it's not
really the wealth of the majorities."
Mugabe said he was "good friends" with President Nelson Mandela, and when he
remonstrated with Mandela and Deputy President Thabo Mbeki about the
hostility of SA's media towards him, he was told they had called Mbeki

Mugabe said the media in SA remained committed to apartheid as the
independent press in Zimbabwe was to Rhodesia's 1965 unilateral declaration
of independence.

"You know the mentality, it is dying hard.... This is the fight: it is black
and white, pure and simple," he said.

Mugabe renewed his demand that judges critical of the illegal detention and
alleged torture of journalists should quit, despite his attack on Thursday
on the foreign and independent local media for "fomenting rumours" of a
constitutional crisis involving the judiciary.

Contradicting assurances that International Monetary Fund (IMF) delegates
said Zimbabwean treasury chiefs gave them during talks on further $55m-$88m
budget support, Mugabe said 841 white farms would be taken over despite
setbacks in the courts, and their white owners would be given IOUs. Last
week the Administrative Court ratified pledges that the Oppenheimer family
would within 60 days be paid the full Z$2,35m sought for its 5000ha ranch
400km southeast of Harare.

Mugabe accused the IMF of "being political" in delaying aid and said: "If we
have to do without them, we will have to. It will be nothing new."

Th Star  22 February 1999
Mugabe blames West and white plot for woes

Harare President Robert Mugabe fiercely attacked his critics and scorned
Western governments in a TV interview at the weekend.
He blamed his country's economic crisis on a white plot and accused Western
embassies in Zimbabwe of trying to subvert his regime. He denounced the
judiciary and the foreign and local independent press.
He also backtracked on promises a month ago to Western donors that he would
halt his threatened radical seizure of white-owned farms, a move which is
expected to see the International Monetary Fund again hold back on
desperately needed concessional finance.
Observers said Mugabe appeared tense and nervous during the interview
screened on state television on Saturday night, on the eve of his 75th
Mugabe strongly denied he was out of touch with political reality, and also
refused to discuss retirement.
The political situation, he said, "is good, in respect of the black
community". Asked about the large number of outspoken black critics, he
said: "It's a black white man, just really wearing the master's hat."
He also slammed the country's internationally respected judiciary over
petitions that he commit himself to the rule of law. He called the four
judges who signed the petitions on behalf of the judiciary "the gang of
four", and urged them to "pack up and go".
When it was pointed out to him that he had no power to dismiss the judges,
he said: "We haven't looked (into) that."
When it was pointed out that a special land court was in the process of
dismissing government moves to take over 841 farms because of legal
blunders, Mugabe responded: "What the (land) court decides is its own
affair. What we decide is in the interest of the people and that is
paramount." Sapa
All Material © copyright Independent Newspapers 1999

Out of touch' Mugabe goes off pop over press

HARARE: President Robert Mugabe fiercely attacked his critics in a
television interview this weekend and scorned Western governments.
He blamed the country's economic crisis on a "white plot" and accused
Western embassies here of trying to "subvert" his regime. He denounced the
judiciary and the foreign and local independent press.
He also backtracked on promises he gave a month ago to Western donors that
he would halt his threatened radical seizure of white-owned farms, a move
expected to see the International Monetary Fund again hold back on
desperately needed finance which has been frozen for the past nearly four
Observers said Mugabe appeared tense and nervous during the 50-minute
interview screened on state television on Saturday night on the eve of his
75th birthday.
He even appeared to be unsettled by mild questions from the heads of the
three state media organisations interviewing him.
"He cannot go on like this," said Mike Auret of the Catholic Commission for
Justice and Peace in Zimbabwe. "The two public appearances in the last two
weeks have been disastrous.
"He is unable to accept responsibility for the crisis we are in. Everything
that has gone wrong has been the fault of somebody else. He is totally out
of touch."
Mugabe strongly denied he was out of touch, and refused to discuss his
retirement. "Three years I have done, three years to come," he said of his
six-year term which expires in 2002.
The political situation, he said, "is good, in respect of the black
But he said whites "trying to relive their Rhodesian past" were responsible
for a lot of clandestine activity. "They want to hold on to economic power
and they are trying everything in their power to fight back. That is why we
have the present concerns."
Asked about the large number of outspoken black critics challenging him, he
said: "It's a black white man, just wearing the master's hat."
He also attacked the press in South Africa, saying Deputy President Thabo
Mbeki had complained to him that South African papers were "calling me
stupid". He added: "This is what we must fight together."
Mugabe also slammed the country's judiciary over petitions sent to him which
demanded that he commit himself to the rule of law, condemn torture and
order an investigation into the illegal detention and torture last month of
two journalists by military personnel. Sapa
All Material © copyright Independent Newspapers 1999.

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