-Caveat Lector-


The strange case of the Suffolk spaceship

It is Britain's most celebrated UFO encounter: the sighting in 1980 of
'alien' craft in a Suffolk forest. Now, it has been revealed that the
Government tried to hush up the affair. So what, asks Mark Lucas, really
happened in the strange case of the Rendlesham Incident?

04 December 2002

Brenda Butler paused at the barbed-wire fence separating us from the field
where the spaceship had landed. It was 2am. In the gloom I could just see
the outline of the 60-year-old grandmother and UFO expert as she watched her
partner, Peter, disappear into the darkness. He had gone in search of Marek,
another of our party, who had stepped over the barrier and walked into the
field a minute earlier.

Not long afterward, a lone figure loomed out of the darkness, stumbling over
the ploughed earth towards us. Peter was back. "It's your mate," he
whispered to me urgently. "He's passed out."

Half a mile behind us, down the Forestry Commission logging-road known as
track 10, was RAF Woodbridge. This small Second World War airfield used by
the US Air Force until 1993, hidden in the depths of Rendlesham Forest, in
Suffolk, had been back in the news recently after two decades of anonymity
with the release of the Ministry of Defence's Rendlesham Files. Now
available for public inspection, the files contain information about
Britain's most celebrated UFO sighting; their release was followed on Monday
by the parliamentary ombudsman's announcement that the MoD had repeatedly
suppressed information about what had happened in the forest. Particular
secrecy has surrounded a "restricted file", the contents of which have been
whispered about for years.

Over three nights around Christmas 1980, it is said, several spaceships
visited the airbase after one of their number ran into trouble and had to
stop and make repairs. What makes the Rendlesham Incident unique is the
subsequently released memorandum from the base's deputy commander, Lt Col
Charles Halt, to the Ministry of Defence. In the memo, Halt, who was later
promoted to full colonel, described how two airmen, investigating strange
lights in the forest, came across a "metallic, glowing object", which
"manoeuvred through the trees and disappeared", whereupon the animals on a
nearby farm went "into a frenzy". Two nights later, he reported, the object
returned. Halt was out in the forest with a patrol when they saw a "red,
sun-like object". After they had followed the light through the trees, it
divided into five, and part of it "beamed down a stream of light from time
to time". Here, at last, was the evidence that the ufologist community had
been waiting for: official endorsement of an extraterrestrial encounter.

On the third night, Halt made a tape on his micro-cassette recorder,
covering several hours on just less than 19 minutes of tape. The greater
part is taken up by Halt's patrol of four officers assessing the site of a
suspected landing, checking radiation levels and having trouble with their
electrical equipment.

In the last few minutes of the tape, at around 2am, the men start to see
lights moving through the trees. Their initial composure suddenly gives way
to breathless panic: "It's coming this way. It's definitely coming this
way... There's something very, very strange," says the deputy commander at
one point.

At 3.15am, the light-show is still going on as Halt exclaims: "Here he comes
from the south! He's coming in towards us now!"

Right beside him, another officer says: "Shit!", and a moment later, beams
of light start hitting the ground around them.

"This is unreal," Halt gasps.

Almost 22 years have passed since the Rendlesham Incident, but the
enthusiasm of ufologists has only intensified in that time, with one author
calling the area "Black Hole Disneyland". Several books and hundreds of
websites about the events either confirm Rendlesham's status in the
international ufologist community as being second only to Roswell in
importance, or debunk the notion that anything out of the ordinary happened
at all.

The first book to be published, entitled Skycrash, was co-written by my
guide on the expedition into the forest, Brenda Butler, who has spent two or
three nights a week out in Rendlesham Forest since the alleged landing.

I had phoned Butler, who could hardly be described as a sceptic, in the hope
of discovering more about this tantalising chapter in the history of UFO
sightings and official secrecy. But it soon became apparent that I would
need someone to show me the landmarks in the 3,500-acre forest, so I asked
if I could accompany her on one of her sky-watches. As their popularity had
increased, she had had to divide the group into two parties that patrolled
different areas of Rendlesham; she was happy for me to join hers. On the
night we were due to meet, I had been fortifying myself at a party when I
ran into a hypnopsychotherapist, Marek Sinski. When the quietly intense
40-year-old learnt of my plans, he expressed a strong desire to come along,

We met Butler at midnight beside the barrier to track 10. Behind me was the
perimeter fence of the airfield; the disused runway lights loomed into the
night sky. Ahead, the logging-road stretched away like a canyon, with its
black walls of 70ft-tall Corsican pines. By the dull glow of a car's
interior light, I could make out the small, dark woman surrounded by three
regulars on her sky-watches - Terry, Paul and Jonathan - and her partner,
Peter Parish. Her pure-white German shepherd, Mason, galloped around us,
chasing his ball.

As we set off down track 10 on foot, Butler spoke, in her soft Suffolk
accent, of some of the experiences she had had here, seeing glowing orbs and
meeting extraterrestrials. "Last year, the yeti was down here," she said
matter-of-factly, "looking very, very sad." The yeti, she explained, had
followed the group on many occasions: "We had some people from Blackpool
down here, and they also saw him. He freaked them out, actually."

Butler indicated a drain cover to our right. "It leads to an underground
installation," she said. One day she was sitting on top of it when she
"lost" four hours, a phenomenon known as missing time. We turned down a
side-track. After a hundred yards, Parish led the way into the undergrowth
off to the side, and we scurried through, bent over to avoid low branches,
which we politely warned one another about, and only straightening up when
we emerged into a clearing. "This", said Butler, "is Colonel Halt's

We sat in silence, contemplating the events that took place there more than
two decades ago: Halt and his fellow officers had been taking radiation
readings and measuring imprints in the ground when they suddenly saw a
bright light moving near by.

"What can you feel?" Butler asked.

My new friend Sinski broke the silence. "It's strong, isn't it?" he said.

Butler's dog, Mason, began dashing around us, growling happily. "He always
goes mad where there's energy or there's been contact," she remarked. "On
several occasions he's been chased by strange lights which engulf him." Her
online journal goes into more detail: "Mason had disappeared for several
minutes", it states, of one typical evening, "during the time when Brenda
spoke in an unknown language. He returned covered in red, green and blue
fibre-optic-type lights, and licked each person, still in the circle, by
placing his paws on their shoulders."

Leaving Col Halt's place, we returned to the small avenue, veering right
toward track 12. As we walked in single file along the narrow pathway, I
asked Butler about her life. She had been a clairvoyant, she told me, with
her own circle, and had been involved "in a lot of things - paranormal,
ghosts, poltergeists" ever since being contacted by an alien named Ra when
she was five.

"I've been abducted on several occasions," she added. Her kidnappers, she
had learnt since undergoing regressive hypnosis, were the "greys" -
"classic" small aliens. She now worked in a home for people with learning

We came out into a clearing at the edge of the forest and saw the flash of
the Orfordness lighthouse on the horizon. "This is Larry Warren's
landing-place," Butler declared, indicating a field. It was then that Sinski
stepped over the barbed-wire fence and strode purposefully into the

Larry Warren's extraordinary book Left at East Gate was published in 1993.
The former airman, a member of the security forces at RAF Woodbridge,
claimed to have witnessed the overall commander of the twin-base complex,
Squadron Leader Gordon Williams, conversing with extraterrestrials. After
that, said Warren, a New Yorker, he was taken to an underground installation
and introduced to an alien "who had an accent I couldn't identify". His
description of the visitors had clearly struck a chord with Butler: "Little
tiny ETs dressed in white jumpsuits!" she exclaimed. "I've seen them

"Do you ever worry that people may think you're a bit strange?" I asked her.

She cheerfully dismissed my suggestion. "I don't care what they think," she
replied. "It's better than sitting at home drinking coffee and watching
television day in, day out." But if I was finding things weird, Sinski was
taking to it all like a duck to water.

When Butler's partner came out of the field to tell us that the
psychotherapist had passed out, ufologists were quickly dispatched to carry
him back, but he returned with them on foot without saying a word, and in
the awkwardness of the situation, we found ourselves moving on.

As we struggled through a dense patch of undergrowth, I recalled the 1956
Incident - in which up to 18 objects apparently combined to form a single
radar echo, which was then clocked, and witnessed from the air and on land,
doing roughly 12,000mph over the airbase - and wondered why UFOs were rarely
seen nowadays.

"You're joking, aren't you?" Butler asked, before telling me about her last
sighting, less than three weeks previously. Unfortunately, her partner had
turned his flashlight on the spaceship, and it had disappeared.

"I won't be doing that again," he told me, sheepishly.

As we headed down track 12, Butler explained why she had had contact there.
"There's a portal," she said: "they come through on interdimensional
energy." On occasion, the ETs had pulled her hair, put things in her pockets
and hit Parish on the back of the head. One night, the Dark Shadow pushed
her backward, and she fell over on to her partner, who collapsed on top of
their companion, Terry. "We have a laugh with them," she said.

At 3am, we returned to the Woodbridge runway lights at track 10. Leaving
Butler deep in conversation about UFO organisations' finances with the
second group, which had appeared from track 1, Sinski and I walked over to
our cars, discussing the night's events. There was a hesitancy in his
manner, but finally he leant toward me: "Something very important happened
here tonight," he told me, though an explanation would have to wait until

Driving home, I pondered the various theories that had been used to explain
the incidents, mostly by people who weren't present. Georgina Bruni, author
of the most recent book about the events, You Can't Tell the People,
believes that there were three nights of activity, with a full-blown close
encounter of the third kind. At the other end of the spectrum is Ian
Ridpath, editor of The Oxford Dictionary of Astronomy. In his view, excited
airmen were merely chasing the beam of the Orfordness lighthouse, and the
starlike objects of Halt's memo "were just that - stars."

Ridpath's scepticism is persuasive. In particular, he has shown that it is
at least possible that when Halt's patrol came out of the forest, they, like
the first night's witnesses, were confused by the lighthouse. But another
airman says: "If Charles [Halt] says a beam of light shone down at his feet,
then a beam of light shone down at his feet. You can take that to the bank."

Halt retired from the air force in 1991 and now lives in Virginia, in the
USA. I managed to obtain an e-mail address for him and wrote several times
without response before he was finally persuaded to answer. He was, he told
me rather pointedly, "tired of being pestered" by what he described as "most
unusual people".

Though he refused to talk about the Rendlesham Incident, we began a
tentative exchange on the neutral subject of the airbase's history as a
"crash-recovery" runway for damaged aircraft returning from raids over
occupied Europe. He told me that "more than one young cop" swore he had seen
East End Charlie - the ghost of a Second World War airman - from the
guardhouse at East Gate, where the events of December 1980 had begun. "On
one particular Friday night, late," he recalled, "I drove out the back gate,
and the guard was trembling so badly, I ended up having a replacement sent
out." In 1983 - 32 years after the Americans took over the airbase - they
discovered that dynamite had been buried under the runway in case it was
overrun by invading Germans. Despite the clean-up operation, Halt wrote, "we
never were completely sure that all the explosives had been removed."

Sinski appeared after breakfast the following day, and we settled down to
talk. I asked why he had been apparently unconscious in Larry Warren's
landing-place, but he was annoyed that I'd thought he might have been. "I
had a very powerful experience," he explained, "and I was recovering." He
told me of a message he had received while out in the field. He assured me
that, although it might not have meant much to someone like me, there were
people for whom it was of great importance. "I can confirm that it is the
greys out there, and that they are the ones responsible for the abductions,"
he told me, in his quietly compelling manner. "What they have been doing up
until now has been very, very bad. I learnt last night that they are
changing their ways."

In search of further guidance, I approached Reg Presley, lead singer with
the Sixties pop group The Troggs and now an expert in the paranormal, and
asked for his opinion of the Rendlesham Incident. He was very interested in
the case and said that they were "all good sightings". Clearly not a man who
had trouble believing in the possibility of abductions, he even mentioned
his surgeon friend who removed pieces of alien hardware from people's feet
and hands. "You wouldn't believe what he took out of them," he reflected,
adding that the objects had "the teeniest-weeniest little wires".

The MoD has finally made a decision on the airbase after its nine years of
neglect and has announced that two army regiments will be moving in after a
£100m refit. The soldiers may be surprised at some of the visitors - alien
and otherwise - they receive outside the perimeter fence. "Once you start
coming here," Butler told me, "you can't keep away." For, although
Woodbridge's role as an airbase may have been in doubt, its status as a UFO
tourist shrine has never looked more assured.

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