-Caveat Lector-

 * News Release Issued by the International Secretariat of Amnesty
 International *

 26 February 2001
 ACT 40/009/2001

 Torturers are arming themselves with increasingly sophisticated
 equipment, and -- according to a new report released today by
 Amnesty International  -- the trade in these devices is growing.
 The equipment includes high voltage electric shock stun weapons
 and chemical crowd control devices, while torturers continue to
 abuse old-style equipment such as restraint devices.

      Amnesty International's report, "Stopping The Torture
 Trade", reveals that the international trade in high voltage
 electro-shock batons, shields, stun guns, and stun belts has been
 expanding throughout the 1990s. This includes 'tasers', which can
 shoot 'fishhook' darts on wires into victims up to thirty feet
 away, and stun belts, which are strapped to prisoners and
 operated by remote control devices. The belts have been known to
 set off accidentally thrusting about 50,000 volts through the
 prisoners' kidneys for up to eight seconds. This technology began
 in the United States, and has spread to Asia, Europe and South

      "In the 1970s there were only two companies known to
 market high voltage electro-shock stun weapons, and now there are
 over 150 world-wide," said Brian Wood, one of the Amnesty
 International researchers who worked on the report.

      "In the absense of stringent controls to prevent this
 equipment ending up in the hands of torturers, responsible
 governments must ban its export immediately," he added.

      In the last two years, over 150 companies operating in 22
 countries have been making or marketing electro-shock weapons.
 Now, Taiwanese, South Korean and Chinese companies probably
 manufacture more electro-shock stun weapons than companies in the
 USA.  German, French and Israeli companies are also amongst the
 key manufacturers, and recently Polish, Russian, Czech, Mexican,
 Brazilian, and South African firms have joined in.  The German
 government does not allow the weapons to be used in German
 prisons or by German police on German residents, but allows
 German companies to market and sell them for use abroad. The
 South African government is now actively promoting the sale of
 electro-shock belts in Asia, as well as using them on prisoners
 at home.

      In one case cited in the report, Mohammed Naguib
 Adu-Higazi was arrested in Alexandria, Egypt, in 1997 by a State
 Security Investigations officer.  While held at the SSI office,
 he was stripped of his clothes and given electro-shocks from a
 "cylinder-shaped stick with a spiral metal wire." He was
 reportedly deprived of food for three days, kept blind-folded
 throughout his nine-day detention, and threatened with sexual
 assault. Between 1997 and March 2000, the United States approved
 the export to Egypt of shock batons, stun guns and optical
 sighting devices valued at more than $40,000.

      "Stopping the Torture Trade," one of a series of reports
 to be released in Amnesty International's year-long campaign to
 Stop Torture, also highlights the trade by more than 40 companies
 in more conventional security devices that can be used for
 serious abuse of human rights, such as mechanical restraints and
 chemical sprays. A British company, Pains-Wessex, made tear gas
 grenades used on peaceful demonstrators  -- many of them women
 and children -- in Zambia in 1997. Despite this, the UK
 Government's most recent annual report on arms exports reveals
 that in 1999 the UK granted licences for the export of CS
 grenades and tear gas/irritant ammunition to Zambia.  When UK
 tear gas was misused in Kenya and its supply was suspended, the
 Kenyan police were supplied from France. Some chemical weapons
 such as pepper gas sprays have been associated with many deaths
 in the USA and  their international transfer must be suspended
 pending proper independent tests. A US company has supplied
 police with bursting pepper gas projectiles, used for the first
 time on protesters in Seattle in 1999.

      Military, security and police expertise taught
 internationally has also been used for torture, according to the
 new report.  Hundreds of graduates of the US School of the
 Americas have been implicated in human rights violations in South
 America.  This military school is one of over 150 centres in the
 USA and abroad where foreign officers are trained.  Public
 information on the human rights content of the training is

      Amnesty International's report also cites French security
 training used in Togo for torture and intimidation of the
 civilian population. A high-ranking officer in the Togolese
 gendarmerie, accused by Togo's National Commission for Human
 Rights of ordering the torture of four people in August 1990, was
 subsequently awarded the decoration of the National Order of
 Merit by the French government.  In another case, Israeli
 security officers paid and trained the guards and interrogators
 in the notorious Khiam detention centre in southern Lebanon until
 it was closed in May 2000, and the Israeli officers then used the
 information extracted under torture.

      " Unless security training is strictly controlled and
 independently monitored, there is always a danger that it will be
 used to facilitate human rights violations," said Amnesty

      "There is a crying need for concrete changes to be made
 to the way governments licence and monitor the manufacture,
 transfer and use of security equipment and know-how," added the

 In particular, Amnesty International calls upon governments to:

 1) Ban the use of police and security equipment whose use is
 inherently cruel, inhuman or degrading. Ban the manufacture and
 promotion of this equipment and its trade to other countries.
 This should include leg irons, electro-shock stun belts and
 inherently painful devices such as serrated thumb-cuffs;

 2) Suspend the international transfer of electro-shock,
 leg-cuffs, thumbcuffs, shackle boards, restraint chairs and
 pepper gas weapons pending the outcome of a rigorous and
 independent review into the effects of these devices. Suspend the
 use of high voltage electro-shock weapons pending the outcome of
 this review;

 3) Ensure that the training of military, security and police
 personnel of another country does not include the transfer of
 skills, knowledge and techniques likely to lend themselves to

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