-Caveat Lector-

The "train deaths"


Update: Tuesday, October 26, 1999


The true and complete story

By Linda Ives

In August 1987, the body of my 17-year-old son, Kevin, who had
been murdered, was left on a railroad track near our home to be
dismembered by an oncoming train. His best friend, also murdered,
was placed on the track beside him. The mutilation was a savage
attempt to destroy evidence of the murders. Other futile attempts
to thwart an investigation quickly followed--first in our county,
then in our state, and finally during federal investigations.
Even now, twelve years later, the FBI refuses to open its files
on this case.

Many news outlets over the years, including Dateline, the Wall
Street Journal, and the New York Times Magazine, have run stories
on the murders. But until now, there has been no comprehensive,
definitive book.

The Boys on the Tracks, by Mara Leveritt will be released by St.
Martin’s Press on November 1. It is the true and complete story
of how my son died and how law enforcement at every level did its
best to sabotage justice.

Mara is one of Arkansas’s most highly respected journalists, a
reporter who has devoted her career to investigating criminal
justice issues. When she told me she wanted to write this book I
gave her my unreserved cooperation, opened my files to her, and
welcomed her interviews. Having followed her work for quite some
time, I knew that her reporting would be accurate and her writing
would be vigorous. I have read the book. I am well pleased.

If you have followed the story of son’s murder, read The Boys on
the Tracks. It will fill in every detail you might have missed.
If you know nothing about this case, read The Boys on the Tracks.
It is a complete telling of the tale. And if you’ve doubted, even
for a second, the rationale behind our country’s “war on drugs,”
read The Boys on the Tracks. And see how the war has been on us.


* The Boys on the Tracks
   By Mara Leveritt

   Get it at Amazon.com

Review by Kirkus

The Boys on the Tracks

From: Kirkus Reviews

Award-winning investigative reporter Leveritts debut is a
wrecking-ball tale of tragedy, malfeasance, and machine politics
that resembles an all-true Arkansas Confidential. In 1987, Linda
Ives suffered a parental worst-nightmare when her son and a
friend were run over by a train, whose crew observed them supine
and covered with a tarp before impact. Local law enforcement
attributed the deaths to a massive overdose of marijuana and
dismissed the crews tale as optical illusion, in the first of
many suspicious official fumbles. Ives compelled a series of
investigations that began promisingly yet were inexplicably
stifled by such malign forces as the states notoriously
incompetent medical examiner (protected by then-Governor Clinton)
and an admired local prosecutor who championed her cause as
camouflage for his own criminal activities. As years passed, and
more unsolved killings occurred, Ives assembled evidence that the
boys had stumbled upon a diffuse conspiracy involving CIA-backed
air suppliers to the Contras, who ran an enormous
cocaine-trafficking operation from a remote airport. Fanciful as
this may sound, Leveritt documents how Ivess quest for
transparency was consistently stymied, first by local agencies,
then the state police, finally by the FBI. A portrait emerges of
state governance as a deeply corrupted good-ol’-boy network,
funded by drug money and protected by blackmail and violence.
Leveritts prose is less than taut, and she too often indulges in
repetitive emotional rhetoric regarding the Iveses loss. That
said, her investigatory efforts seem impeccable; little within
this page-turner reads as implausible conspiracy theory. Unlike
many works that have dug for the dirt of the Clinton
gubernatorial era, this is an authentically shocking, deeply
unsettling portrait of contemporary American power backstopped by
arrogance and callous greedand of the drug war as a weapon of
social control from which insiders enjoy impunity. One hopes for
sufficient outrage garnered to substitute for justice denied;
also, for an inevitable movie adaptation that wont dilute the
storys uglier civic dimensions.

Copyright ©1999, Kirkus Associates, LP. All rights reserved.




   * Jean Duffey:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
      mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   * Linda Ives: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
      mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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