----- Original Message -----
From: "Soren" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, August 19, 2000 2:22 PM
Subject: (50 Years) delegation to cochabamba, bolivia - site of WB/privatization

> From: Neil Tangri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Invitation to Join An International Delegation to Cochabamba, Bolivia
> The Coordinadora de Defensa de Agua y de la Vida (Coalition for the Defense
> of Water and Life), the Federación de Trabajadores Fabriles de Cochabamba
> (the Cochabamba Federation of Factory Workers, the Federación Departamental
> Cochabambino de Regantes (Federation of Traditional Water District
> Committees) and 1world communication invite you to join the people of
> Cochabamba in solidarity on September 26, the day the World Bank and the
> IMF will hold their semi-annual joint meeting in Prague, the Czech Republic.
> "This Water is Ours, Damn it!" was the battle cry for the "water wars" an
> uprising last April in Cochabamba to force the reversal of the
> privatization of the city's water system and the imposition of draconian
> legislation that would have expropriated traditional rural communities of
> their customary water usage. The 1999 privatization concession to a Bechtel
> Corporation of California affiliate, and regulatory reform was done under
> pressure from the World Bank.
> A coalition of labor, human rights, and community activists under the
> leadership of "La Coordinadora'' initiated protests that brought the city
> to a halt in January, February and April. They refused to back down despite
> the government's declaration of a "state of siege" and the sending in of
> troops. After months of protests resulting in the total shut down of the
> city, and days of street battles with federal troops, in mid-April the
> Bolivian government officials were forced to nullifying the contract they
> signed with the Bechtel Corporation's affiliate, and make immediate reforms
> to water legislation.
> By their heroic actions the people of Cochabamba have become what
> governments, institutions like the World Bank and the IMF, and
> multinational corporations fear the most: a clear indication that local
> communities can fight back against neo-liberalism.  Cochabamba today is the
> "threat of a good example", and a source of pride and inspiration for
> activists all over the world fighting against the privatization of some of
> the most basic necessities of life.
> The residents of Cochabamba believe that the fight is not over. Already
> there are reports of back door negotiations occurring to revive the
> contract by orchestrating a "gentler" takeover, while the government
> backslides on commitments made to those wounded in the "water war".  The
> people of Cochabamba, however, are determined to not let that happen.
> While activists from all over the world will be in Prague protesting as
> the World Bank and the IMF will hold their semi-annual joint meetings, we
> will be learning of one extraordinary example of successful struggle
> against the neo-liberal agenda imposed by the World Bank and the IMF.
> The World Bank and the IMF, two of the cornerstones of the international
> financial system, claim to be working to eliminate poverty, but their real
> purpose is to force developing nations to embrace corporate globalization.
> The result is rampant abuse of workers' rights and the environment and the
> further impoverishment of the very people the World Bank and IMF are
> supposedly there to help.
> Our hosts and guides in Cochabamba will be movement leaders Oscar Olivera,
> Omar Fernandez and Carmen Peredo.  Oscar Olivera is a worker n the local
> Bata shoe plant, Executive Secretary of the Cochabamba Federation of
> Factory Workers, a central leader of "La Coordinadora'', and this year's
> recipient of the Institute for Policy Studies' Letelier/Moffitt Human
> Rights Award.  Oscar awed audiences in Washington with his accounts of the
> uprising in Bolivia during the April 16 mobilization against the IMF and
> the World Bank.  Omar Fernandez and Carmen Peredo are leaders of the
> Federation of Traditional Water District Committees, and also central
> leaders of "La Coordinadora'', and  extraordinary rural organizers.
> The purpose of our delegation is two fold:
> to build international solidarity for their fight against the
> privatization and the construction of local alternatives, and
> to address the Bolivian Government's grievous inattention to the
> helping
> those wounded in the struggle
> The wounded must not be forgotten.  By getting Bechtel out and forcing
> legislative changes, their sacrifice and struggle opened up the possibility
> for the people of Cochabamba to construct their own alternative to the
> neo-liberal order, starting with the regulation and provision of that which
> is central to life itself: water.
> We will meet with leaders from the different sectors of society that were
> key to the victory, to learn of the struggles to outs Bechtel, and the
> current work to build alternatives. We will meet with members of small
> farmers' irrigation cooperatives and indigenous leaders who have developed
> complex systems of sharing water under their "customs and traditions";
> young people who were the front-line "water warriors" in the street battles
> against Bolivian troops; union leaders; those wounded in the battles;
> neighborhood committees that were instrumental in organizing the resistance
> and now are working to build their water systems; and local analysts who
> are supporting the movement in reforming legislation and building real
> local alternatives for the provision of water.
> We expect that you will come home inspired by what ordinary people in
> Cochabamba were able to do, and stand by them in the next round of their
> struggle to keep the water in the hands of the community, and heal their
> wounded.
> During the uprising last April, the people felt isolated when very little
> news about the "water war" reached the outside world. Our presence in
> Cochabamba will help change that. It will let the people know that they
> have allies around the world, and the authorities in Bolivia know that we
> will be watching and will act in solidarity with the people.
> You can read some articles on the uprising on 1world's web site with is
> located at http://www.1worldcommunication.org (follow the link to the
> Bolivia page).
> Details of the Trip:
> Date of Departure: September 25
> We will be departing from Miami International Airport
> Return Date: September 30th
> The Cost of the Delegation: $1,600
> This will cover your air fare from Miami, your food and lodging in
> Cochabamba and local transportation, and the expenses of the organizations
> organizing the delegation.
> For more information please call: Ravi Khanna, Director of 1world
> communication at 413-323-7629 or send an e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ===========================================================
> 50 Years Is Enough Network           http://www.50years.org
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