
Elian's Nightmare Team
Jack Thompson
June 2, 2000

The tragic ruling yesterday by the 11th Circuit yesterday
underscores what every lawyer knows: Good trial lawyers make a
lot of money because they know how to win.

And, as Jimmy Connors, the tennis great once said: "I don't like
winning as much as I simply hate losing."

Elian's lawyers just sustained their third loss in court, and
apparently they've grown to like it.

O.J. Simpson had a "Dream Team" comprised of skilled lawyers who
had one object in mind--winning.

Elian's compilation of third-rate lawyers, many of whom have
little trial experience and none of whom have any background in
fighting the government, must forever be known as his "Nightmare

But they'll sleep well knowing they went through the motions at
least. It's the boy who has a life of nightmares ahead of him.

These were lawyers more interested in process than results. This
is why Kendall Coffey, the head of the Nightmare Team, chose
after the ruling to go on, of all shows, Rivera Live, to praise
the three 11th Circuit judges "for their wonderfully thoughtful,
well-reasoned opinion."

At a press conference yesterdar Coffey spoke as if he had won the
case because the judges, while rejecting Elian's asylum claim,
had some criticism of the INS.

Earth to Kendall: The judges rejected your client's claim. Do you
get it?

Kendall should have atken the three judges to task for the INS'
claim that Juan Miguel, Elian's father, "is not under duress."

That is a finding of fact for which there is a great deal of
rebutting evidence. Where do you introduce such evidence? At an
asylum hearing, that's where.

Here is a court that never heard from Coffey or anyone else
before it that the boy was taken by an illegal raid,
unconstitutional on its face, and that there can be no hearing,
not even a hearing on whether or not to have an asylum hearing,
until the plaintiff in the case--the boy himself--gets to meet
with his counsel. Even Alan Dershowitz said by seizing the boy
the federal government had deprived him of his own lawyer. And
dershowitz noted that Coffey could not be Elian's attorney.
Indeed, Elian needed a counsel with some moxy and some skill.

Here is a court that found there was a loophole in Congress's
asylum laws, since they do not address the issue of whether a
minor boy can apply for asylum over a surviving father's

If Coffey was honest he shouldn't have even argued this case as
he has NO real experience in immigration law. The case should
have been argued by the likes of Roger Pilon, a lawyer, a man
interviewed twice by me for NewsMax, who was Ronald Reagan's head
of the asylum division at Justice, who actually wrote the
regulations closing that alleged loophole, delineating in detail
how a child as young as six years old could and should apply for
asylum over a parent's wishes.

But the court never heard this, because Elian had a decaffeinated
lawyer by the name of Coffey who didn't want to rock the
Democratic boat that seized the boy. Coffey has big plans for
himself that involve the good wishes of Miami's Democratic Party.
Remember, hsi lucrative law practice depends on his political
connections. Coffey knows that long after he dispoeses of Elian
he wants to continue making big bucks at his law firm. This is
why incompetence, welded to self-interest, spelled doom for the

Coffey's excuse for not raising the illegality of the raid to the
11th Circuit was that that "could always be raised later in
proceedings before the trial court in Miami."

Really? When are those proceedings going to occur?

The 11th Circuit didn't order them, because they were not asked
by the Nightmare Team to do so.

Too bad for this country and this boy that Kendall Coffey didn't
represent O.J. and Johnny Cochrane didn't represent Elian. If
that switch had happened, one murderer would be behind bars and
another wouldn't be on the verge of getting his propaganda
trophy, the significance of which will not be lost on the
butchers of Tianamen Square.

Elian, you need a new lawyer, as NewsMax told you the first week
of April.

Only God can get him to your side at what is nearly the stroke of

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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