-Caveat Lector-

December 26, 2002 edition -

Top Arab TV network to hit US market
By Cameron W. Barr | Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor
DOHA, QATAR - Coming to a screen near you: Al Jazeera in English.

The Arabic-language news network, notorious for broadcasting the statements
of Osama bin Laden and his Al Qaeda colleagues, plans to open an
English-language website in early 2003 and begin distributing
English-language news programming by satellite and cable late next year.

Since it began broadcasting in 1996, Al Jazeera has brought unprecedented
Arabic-language journalistic scrutiny to the regimes of the Middle East.
Now its executives and journalists say they want to provide English
speakers in the US and elsewhere with more accurate and informed reporting
about the world's most turbulent region.

Headquartered in this small, wealthy Persian Gulf kingdom, Al Jazeera has
won American praise for raising media standards in the Arab world, where
virtually all news outlets operate under some form of government control.
In efforts to address the Arab world directly, Secretary of State Colin
Powell and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld have granted the channel
interviews since Sept. 11, 2001. In mid-December, during a visit to Doha,
Mr. Rumsfeld scheduled another interview with the channel, but pulled out
following a testy exchange with an Al Jazeera reporter at a press

Al Jazeera, says Kenton Keith, a former US ambassador to Qatar, "no more
than other news organizations, has a slant. Its slant happens to be one
most Americans are not comfortable with.... But the fact is that Al Jazeera
has revolutionized media in the Middle East.

"For the long-range importance of press freedom in the Middle East and the
advantages that will ultimately have for the West, you have to be a
supporter of Al Jazeera, even if you have to hold your nose sometimes."

Oddly enough, Al Jazeera's journalists face severe restrictions in several
Middle East countries that are considered allies of the US. Saudi Arabia,
one of the US government's leading partners in the region, has never
allowed Al Jazeera to open an office; Bahrain, where the US Navy's Fifth
Fleet is based, has banned the network's journalists from visiting.

Two other US allies - Jordan and Kuwait - have shut down Al Jazeera bureaus
this year. "They hate Al Jazeera," says chief editor Ibrahim Hilal,
"because they hate transparency."

One explanation for the reluctance of these American allies to allow Al
Jazeera to function is that these regimes are defensive about media
coverage of their links to the US. At a time when many Arabs disparage the
US government's unstinting support for Israel and its moves against Iraq,
having America as a friend is delicate business.

"It's a misleading connecting of the dots," counters a Western official
here who spoke on condition of anonymity. "Al Jazeera has gone after
everyone, irrespective of their politics."

Syria - a country the US accuses of sponsoring terrorism - also has refused
to let the network open an office, and Libya withdrew its ambassador from
Qatar in last year out of pique with Al Jazeera, a step several Arab
governments have taken at one time or another.

On the other hand, Egypt, a leading US partner, allows Al Jazeera to
operate with relative freedom.

With the exception of Qatar - whose emir, Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa
al-Thani, provided $150 million to bankroll the network from 1996 to 2001 -
Al Jazeera does indeed practice a take-no-prisoners brand of journalism.
Although Al Jazeera denies going soft on Qatar, many observers in the
region says the network treats the country and its leader with kid gloves.

"In America, we have excellent relations with US officials," says Mr.
Hilal, a mild-mannered Egyptian who runs the news operations. "The problem
sometimes is that regimes in the region try to convince Americans not to
help Al Jazeera."

Managing Director Mohamed Jasem al-Ali says Al Jazeera in Arabic has
135,000 subscribers in the US; the network hopes many more Americans will
access the English-language services. The expansion - which will include
the launch of an Arabic documentary channel next spring - is partly a
matter of economic necessity.

Mr. Ali says Sheikh Hamad is no longer funding Al Jazeera, so the company
must find new sources of revenue. Although the channel is widely watched in
the Middle East, popularity doesn't necessarily translate into profits.
Traditionally in the region, says al-Ali, "advertising goes to channels
that have good relations with the government," something Al Jazeera rarely

Al Jazeera operated without a government subsidy last year, says Ali, but
he cannot say for certain that the channel will be able to pay its own way
this year. But opportunity - such as it is in the news business - is
presenting itself.

Just as CNN made its name during the 1991 Gulf war, Al Jazeera is gearing
up for extensive coverage of a possible war with Iraq. "We will try to be
different than the others," Ali says.

The essence of the Al Jazeera difference, says Hilal, is providing context
and history.

Mentioning the results of an opinion poll showing that 60 percent of
Britons are unaware that Palestinian territories are under Israeli
occupation, he says "the historical context is missing" in Western news
reports. Westerners need to be reminded, he continues, that their countries
armed and supported Iraqi President Saddam Hussein during the 1980s.

"We need to communicate frankly," he adds. "We need to start confessing
that we committed mistakes with each other."

Although Al Jazeera staffers are proud of what they have done to cover the
other side of the US "war on terrorism," Western officials are suspicious
of the channel's access. "They've skirted the line between journalism and
colluding with terrorists," says the Doha-based official.

"They are not totally happy with us," says Ali of US officials. Like any
government, he says, "they want the media next to them, not to tell the

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