-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-08-02 17:59:22 EDT, you write:

<< This page was originally found on the http://www.motorists.com/ and all
 is given to them.

 The purpose of insurance is to cover unusual risk. Since the act of
 exceeding an unreasonably low limit is hardly unusual or dangerous, the risk
 assumed by the insurance company is nearly non- existant. Therefore, any
 surcharges issued for speeding tickets are almost pure profit.

 The profits that an insurance company generates from speeding ticket
 surcharges allow them to purchase more radar and laser guns to give away
 free to law enforcement agencies. This allows the police to ticket more
 people, which in turn ensures a constant flow of revenue to the insurance
 company. The units will perform their revenue-enhancement duties for 3-5
 years, having paid for in less than one.

 Thousands of speeding tickets are issued by traffic law enforcers who
 don't know or care how to properly operate radar, VASCAR, or other
 speed-measurement devices. They are ignorant of proper operating procedures,
 performance characteristics, and common malfunctions or errors.

 Traffic ticket fines are the cash cow of the court system. No other class
 of "crime" is as profitable for state and local governments as is that of
 traffic tickets. Traffic courts cannot be fair and unbiased when their
 financial welfare depends on traffic fines.

 It is not true that writing more tickets will result in fewer accidents. A
 1995 Memorial Day ticket-writing binge in Connecticut resulted in a 67%
 increase in accidents over the same time period in the previous year. The
 federal government paid $750,000 to the state for that.

 Many speed limits are deliberately set well below the prevailing speed of
 safely-driven vehicles. Doing so does not slow traffic but it does make a
 greater number of motorists eligible for a speeding ticket they don't

 There is no connection between receiving an occasional traffic ticket and
 the likelihood of being in an accident. Therefore, there is no justification
 for charging a person more for auto insurance just because they were
 for a traffic violation.

 Trivial or concocted traffic law violations are frequently used as an
 excuse to stop, detain, and search persons for whom the police have no
 otherwise legitimate reason to do so. "Probable cause" or "reasonable
 suspicion" are inserted after the fact and only if the motorist lodges a
 formal complaint.

 A large proportion of the stop signs erected by local governments are
 illegal and in violation of state traffic regulations. They know that people
 don't stop for them since the intention is to use the signs as speed control
 devices. This proliferation of stop signs merely increases the number of
 motorists who can be cited for failing to stop when there is no reason to.

 The best protection against the "good ole boy" system where the judge,
 district attorney, and the arresting officer are on a first-name basis is
 jury trial. Jury trials are time-consuming, expensive, and diminish the
 profitability of the traffic ticket system. Therefore, state-by-state, the
 right to a jury trial is being incrementally denied to traffic ticket
 defendants, all under the guise of being more fair when actually it is less.

 Only a small fraction (about 2%) of all traffic tickets are seriously
 contested. The vast majority of these contested tickets are dismissed or the
 defendant is given a significantly reduced penalty. If just 10% of the
 who received citations fought their tickets, the entire system of government
 extortion would collapse within a matter of months.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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