-Caveat Lector-

Tremors topple Tokyo's tranquillity

Japan's iconic Mount Fuji is rumoured to be close to blowing its top for
the first time in almost 300 years, writes Jonathan Watts

Thursday January 25, 2001

Just three weeks into the new millennium, Japan already seems to have
entered into a darkly apocalyptic mood. The newspapers are full of
political scandal, Tokyo stock prices have slumped on fears of recession
and economists are warning that the country could face a financial
crisis in March. And as if that was not enough to satisfy the
doomsayers, the word is now going round that Mt Fuji, the symbol of
Japanese serenity, may be about to blow its top.
Rumours about an imminent eruption of the long dormant volcano have
spread since signs of heightened magma activity under the mountain were
reported late last year.

On average, 10 low frequencies tremors are detected deep below Mt Fuji
annually. But according to the national meteorological agency, this
pattern changed dramatically in the autumn with 33 minor quakes detected
in September, 133 in October and 222 in November.

Scientists say this increase does not mean Mt Fuji will explode into
life any time soon, but they acknowledge that the change merits close

Their caution is understandable after a year of intense subterranean
movement that is unusual even for Japan, a land that is wrinkled by more
earthquakes and pimpled with more volcanoes than almost any other nation
on earth.

In the past 12 months, the archipelago has experienced three major
eruptions and several large earthquakes, including a trembler in
Tottori, western Japan, that registered 7.3 on the Richter scale, making
it bigger than the Kobe quake that killed more than 6,000 people in

Seismology and vulcanology are notoriously imprecise sciences, but many
experts in these fields say Japan could be entering a period of
heightened seismic activity.

Such vague warnings along with the stirrings nine miles below Mt Fuji
have been enough to prompt the weekly tabloids to raise the prospect of
a devastating eruption that could threaten the 12m inhabitants of Tokyo,
which sits 60 miles from the mountain's slopes.

It has also prompted the local authorities around the mountain to
conduct their first disaster prevention drills and to draw up hazard
maps of the areas that would be most vulnerable to pyroclastic flows of
molten rock and gas.

Such precautions represent a breakthrough. Until now, municipal
officials have refused to recognise the possibility of an eruption for
fear that it would damage the lucrative Mt Fuji tourist trade.
Rising 3,776 metres (12,388ft) from sea level in a nearly perfect cone,
Mt Fuji is not only Japan's tallest and most beautiful mountain, it is
also a national symbol and an object of worship.

During the two month climbing season each summer, about 150,000 pilgrims
and sightseers make the four and a half hour trek up the mountain's
ash-grey slopes to a peak that is home to numerous Shinto shrines as
well as a vending machine for soft drinks.

For most visitors, the main concern is the rubbish that has piled up on
the mountain's slopes rather than the possibility of an eruption.
Mt Fuji has not blown its top since 1707, when it devastated surrounding
villages and rained ash on Tokyo for two weeks. But every few years -
usually after an eruption elsewhere in Japan - there are warnings that
Fuji will be the next to go.

The most apocalyptic scenario was painted in the 1984 bestseller, "The
Great Explosion of Mt Fuji", which predicted that an eruption would
trigger a massive earthquake in Tokyo, similar to the one that killed
140,000 people in 1923.

That book was blamed for a 10% fall in tourist numbers in the Fuji area
the following year, which makes the move to stage a drill this summer
seem all the braver.

The decision appears to reflect an important change in attitude towards
disaster preparation in Japan. Despite the fact that the earth is rarely
still in this part of the world, the authorities have often been
criticised in the past for taking an overly rosy view of the likelihood
and potential impact of natural calamities. But that certainly was not
the case last year, when the government acted quickly and effectively to
prevent a single volcano or earthquake fatality.

In this sense at least, it would seem that the growing tendency to
assume the worst is proving to be one of the best things to have
happened to Japan in years.

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