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>From http://www.iea.org.uk/books/env15.htm


Tropical Rain Forest: A Political Ecology of Hegemonic Mythmaking
Philip Stott
Normal Price £8.00 (excl. p&p)
Offer Price £4.00

Our attachment to the tropical rain forest has grown over the past hundred
years from a minority colonial pursuit to mainstream environmental obsession.
The tropical rain forest has variously been assumed to be the world's most
important repository of biological diversity and 'the lungs of the planet'. As
Philip Stott shows in this magnificent monograph, neither claim has any basis
in fact.

The Northern environmentalist conception of the tropical rain forest is far
removed from the ecological realities of the places it purports to denote. Most
of the 'million year old forest' to which environmentalists sentimentally refer
turns out to have existed for less than 20,000 years. During the last ice age
the tropics were colder and drier than today and probably more closely
resembled the savanna grasslands of East Africa. Most of the abundant plants
and insects of the so-called tropical rain forest are equally novel, having co-
evolved with the trees.

Claims regarding the fragility of the ecosystems in tropical areas are
similarly awry. Recent research suggests that a clear-cut area will return to
forest with a similar level of biological diversity to the original within
twenty years. Ironically, the mythical 'climax rain forest' would be a barren
place: no new species would evolve because there would be no new environmental
niches to be filled.

The myth of the tropical rain forest suits the purposes of Northern
environmentalists, who are able to justify demands for restrictions on the
conversion of 'virgin forest' to other uses. Yet the history of the world has
been one of evolutionary change. If we attempt to maintain stasis, we risk
limiting our ability to adapt to change when it inevitably comes. Calls for the
tropical rain forest to be preserved are founded on the implied presumption
that the people living in tropical regions are merely there to protect a
western construct. This denigrates their rights and dehumanises them.

If people in developing countries are to escape from the mire of poverty in
which so many continue to live, it is essential that they have secure rights of
tenure and are free to do with their land what they will. Some may make
mistakes, some may fail in their attempts to manage the land, but many will be
successful and those successes will be emulated. Through a process of
experimentation -- trial, error and emulation -- people will come to learn how
best to manage the land. The environment will then be managed in ways that are
best for humanity as a whole, not according to the whims of a minority of eco-
imperialists. Giving rights to people, not to the environment, is not only best
for the people, but is also best for the environment.

Philip Stott, Professor of Biogeography at the School of Oriental and African
Studies, University of London, provides an eloquent deconstruction of the ideas
that have led to the mythical western idea of the tropical rain forest, which
has constrained our ability to understand the environments of developing
countries and has enabled the eco-imperialist vision to flourish.

ISBN 0-255 36485-7
Studies on the Environment No.15
Published November 1999


Integrity has no need of rules. -Albert Camus (1913-1960)
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The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
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it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your
own reason and your common sense." --Buddha
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It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
prevents us from living freely and nobly. -Bertrand Russell
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information and ideas through any media and regardless
of frontiers." Universal Declaration of Human Rights
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teach you to keep your mouth shut." Ernest Hemingway
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