-Caveat Lector-



Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

U.S.-Israel joint exercise tests `Iraqi scenario'

By Amos Harel

Israel and the United States held a large joint exercise last month deploying
the Arrow and Patriot missile defense systems. The exercise played the "Iraqi
scenario" in which the rogue state fires surface-to-surface Scud missiles at
Israeli population centers.

Hundreds of soldiers from the U.S. Army's anti-aircraft units based in Europe
came to Israel for the drill - similar exercises have been held in the past,
once every year or so, but this one was important, given developments in the
Gulf area.

Belief is widespread in defense quarters that President George Bush's recent
comments signal that Iraq will be the next target in the American war on
terrorism. Israel believes the Americans will step up pressure on the regime
of Saddam Hussein with an aim of toppling him.

In such a scenario - which could evolve around May - it is highly likely
Iraqi would fire missiles at Israel, especially if Saddam felt a real threat
to the survival of his regime. The Israeli military believes the U.S. will
give Israel a warning, albeit a short one, of its plans for Iraq. The U.S.
would also deploy Patriot missile batteries around Israel.

Last month's exercise included a simulation of Scud missiles being fired at
Israel, and an Israeli-American effort to intercept them using a combination
of Arrow and Patriot systems.

A senior Israeli military source told Ha'aretz "we concentrated on testing
the ability of the Arrow and the Patriot systems to work together. We have a
very good ability to make the most of the deployment of forces and intercept
the missiles. We know how to work together with both systems and this was
obvious a year ago."

Israel needs additional Patriot batteries in the center of the country, in
addition to the Arrow and Patriot batteries it already has, if it is to
successfully fend off the threat of Iraqi missiles. The American systems are
thus also necessary.

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