-Caveat Lector-

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From:                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date sent:              Tue, 9 Feb 1999 20:12:45 EST
To:                     John Hammell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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Subject:                SNET: U.S. Military Conducting TOXIC Biological-Chemical 
Warfare Against Civilians
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->  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

(sent to USCMike1's 29,959+  readers - please repost to your own mailing

"U.S. Military Conducting TOXIC Biological-Chemical Warfare Against Civilians"

 U.S. feds well on their way to reducing population to further New World Order

Dear Citizens, Patriots, and Veterans:

   For the past 3 weeks I have been receiving first hand reports of U.S.
Military jets spraying toxic substances over populated urban areas testing the
effectiveness of their biological and chemical warfare protective suits and
monitoring equipment.  The substances are SUPPOSEDLY "harmless" simulants
which have extremely toxic effects of their own.  To date, literally thousands
of civilians have been made very sick mostly with respiratory illnesses and
distress and even scores of deaths.

    The military has deceived the public and other authorities by saying that
what they are spraying are harmless simulants while in actuality they are
really conducting chemical and biological warfare with weapons of mass
destruction under the guise of meerly a "test."  Yes, a test, to see how many
people will be made ill, contract respiratory diseases, and how many die.  So,
do you call that at "test" or actual warfare?

   We do not have to wait any longer for Clinton to antagonize the Middle
Eastern countries to the point of them lashing out with international
terrorists against U.S. cities and U.S. citizens, as Clinton is doing what he
is told to do by the Insiders, the Elites, the bosses of the Illuminati and
New World Order.  As I posted to you all numerous times in the past, if
Clinton can't get the Islamics to attack the U.S. then Clinton will just go
ahead himself and do it.  That is exactly what he is doing now.

   Citizens, Patriots, and Veterans, no need to wait for these NBC - Nuclear,
Biological, and Chemical warfare attacks against us because they have been
going on for quite some time  now.  Why?  Because the New World Order's
Elites' plan is to reduce the population of the world by 25% by the year 2000
(Y2K is truly an appropriate crisis), 50% by 2025, 75% shortly after that, and
by 85% to 95% as a final goal to leave only 200 million people alive world
wide.  Of course these surviving people will only be comprised of the Elites
and their prison labor slaves incarcerated in Clinton's Civilian Concentration
Camps here in the U.S. and in other concentration camps around the world.
Why? Because the Elites want to "save" the world's natural resources for
themselves. They don't want other people using them as they think our
resources are running out when in actuality all we have to do is use our
technology to use them more efficiently and produce replaceable natural
resources.  Like why use up our finite petroleum resources  when we can use
bacteria and yeasts to grow on discarded organic matter to produce alcohol for

   England has had 6,000 deaths in the past two weeks from respiratory failure
caused by this Military spraying currently.

  Please read the following post forwarded by [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Hammell) and
by William Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> regarding the information from Leanard
Cole's  "Clouds of Secrecy: The Army's Germ-Warfare Tests Over Populated
Areas," by Leonard A. Cole (http://amazon.com) and from numerous personal
reports nationwide about the criss-cross spraying by our U.S. Military.

Please take care and prepare.  The NBC attacks against U.S. Citizens are
occurring NOW.


Date:   2/9/99 3:18:51 PM Pacific Standard Time
From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Hammell)

IAHF LIST: I have hesitated, until now, to forward this information about
contrails, because it seemed just too bizarre and outrageous. But look at
the information below from Christine Smith, Will Thomas, and Ian Goddard.
Listen to the audio file of Will Thomas discussing this on the Art Bell
Show, and read what Will has to say below. Read the testimony below of
Dr.Cole from Rutgers University re Military Experiments involving spraying
of toxic substances on civilion populations.
Draw your own conclusions. This is Genocide, and WE, the people of the
world, are clearly being targetted. You think I've lost it? Don't take my
word for it, read this:

>Date:  Mon, 8 Feb 1999 20:46:03 -0800 (PST)
>To: John Hammell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>From: William Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>A retired friend in Santa Fe--one who reads your information that I print
>out, but doesn't have a computer--just called me to say that planes have
>been making contrails in the sky there since 7am this morning.  Her comment,
>People need to know about this!"  She's staying inside. -Christine Smith
>John, yes, absolutely!
>        Tell everyone to STAY INDOORS when contrails are being woven
>overhead. I've got a BBC photo of a freezer-semi filled with dead bodies in
>England - all from sudden respiratory ailments. We're talking (according to
>the BBC) 6,000 deaths from respiratory failure in two weeks.
>        People are VERY SICK here. And spraying continues after heavy
>spraying last Friday over Asheville, Knoxville, Dallas and other US centers.
>I have this morning received reports of "many deaths" from a "cough that
>never leaves" in Louisiana.
>        This is big. This is real. I have positively verified that Emergecny
>Rooms are overflowing with acute respiratory cases from coast to coast.
>        Doctors are telling the New York Times that this is NOT the flu.
>People are dying they say far more quickly and at rates far beyond "flu".
>        The only lab test I have shows JP8 present in soil samples after
>spraying. The ethylene dibromide in JP8 is banned by the EPA as a known
>carcinogen and an extremely toxic substance that attacks the respiratory
>system at very low doses of exposure.
>        There may be a viral component to the spraying, as well. I am
>tracking this and will get back to...
>        STOP PRESSES! I have just this minute received a call that confirms
>my worst fears. According to a source within the Canadian Intelligence
>Service, heavy spraying taking place over Victoria, BC (near me) and other
>population centers throughout North America are classified "tests". I now
>know what the "tests" are aimed at achieving. And it is not pretty.
>        This is a MAXIUMUM RED ALERT for everyone on your list, John. TAKE
>COVER! Stay indoors during spraying. This is NOT "woo-woo". This is NOT a
>        Check my website for upadtes:  www.islandnet.com/wilco
>Good luck to all of us,
>William Thomas

With respect to the question of the nature of widespread
reports of jets (many identified as U.S. Air Force) that
are spraying something that dozens of people around the
nation claim makes them and their communities sick, the
following testimony of Professor Leonard A. Cole is most
relevant and alarming. In the following testimony before
the U.S. Senate, Dr. Cole covers facts regarding the U.S.
military's spraying of HUNDREDS of populated areas in the
U.S. with harmful chemicals and infectious pathogens as
part of biological warfare experiments. Dr. Cole has
a book on the topic that has received much praise:

"Clouds of Secrecy: The Army's Germ-Warfare Tests Over
Populated Areas," by Leonard A. Cole (http://amazon.com)

Environmental News Service reports on U.S. Air Force
jets seen spraying something that makes people sick:

============== BEGIN DR. COLE'S TESTIMONY ===============


United States Senate Testimony before the
Committee on Veterans' Affairs May 6, 1994

Open Air Testing with Simulated Biological
and Chemical Warfare Agents

By Leonard A. Cole, Ph.D.

My name is Leonard A. Cole, and I teach science and public
policy at Rutgers University in Newark. My research interests
include biological and chemical warfare policies, and I have
written in particular about testing done in the U.S Army's
biological defense program.

I appreciate your invitation, Senator Rockefeller, to testify
about experiments involving simulated biological and chemical
warfare agents. These agents, which the army calls simulants,
are intended to mimic more lethal bacteria and chemicals that
might be used in actual warfare.

As described in my book, Clouds of Secrecy, the army began a
program in 1949 to assess the nation's vulnerability to attack
with biological weapons. During the next 20 years, the army
released simulant agents over hundreds of populated areas
around the country. Targets included portions of Hawaii and
Alaska, San Francisco, St. Louis, Minneapolis, New York City,
Washington, D.C., Key West, and many other cities. The purpose
was to see how the bacteria spread and survived as people went
about their normal activities.

Evidence suggested that the tests may have been causing illness
to exposed citizens. Nevertheless, as army spokesmen subsequently
testified, the health of the millions of people exposed was never
monitored because the army assumed that the bacteria and chemicals
were harmless.

Vulnerability testing continues at Dugway Proving Ground, 70
miles from Salt Lake City. Several smaller communities are closer
to the base, and Dugway itself is home to hundreds of civilians
and military personnel and their families. The stated purpose of
the tests is to evaluate biological detector systems and
protective gear.

Since tests involve spraying simulants outdoors, it is important
to understand how much risk they pose to humans who are exposed.
Official statements have not always been dear on this matter. A
July 1993 news release by the Dugway Public Affairs Office
indicates that "no specific safety controls or protection are
required for testing with simulants." The statement implies,
erroneously, that the simulants are harmless.

In fact, during 45 years of open air testing, from time to time
the army has stopped using certain simulants for reasons of
safety. In each instance the army belatedly recognized they
could be causing disease and death, although such information
had long been available in the medical literature. This was
the case in the 1950s when it ceased using the fungus
Aspergillus fumigatus as a simulant. The fungus had long been
known to cause aspergillosis, a disease that can be fatal.
Similarly, in the 1960s the army stopped using zinc cadmium
sulfide, a chemical that had been known for years to cause

In the 1970s, the bacterium Serratia marcescens, a source of
infections that can lead to death, was taken out of service as
a simulant. And in the 1980s, dimethyl methylphosphonate, a
chemical known as DPP, was removed from use as a simulant
because of its carcinogenic and other toxic potential. I
understand that one of today's witnesses, Earl Davenport,
was exposed to DMMP at Dugway in 1984 and may still be
suffering health problems as a result.

Indeed, simulants now used at Dugway continue to pose risks.
The chemical ethylene oxide, which is present in some of the
mixtures used in outdoor spraying, is a known carcinogen. The
bacterium Bacillus subtilis, while not generally seen as
dangerous, is cited in medical textbooks as able to cause
serious infections. In truth any microorganism that seems
harmless under some circumstances may cause illness under

Exposure to high concentrations of any microorganism can be
critically dangerous to people in weakened conditions. The
elderly, the very young, people with AIDS and others who
have weakened immune systems are more susceptible to life
threatening infections. Nevertheless, the army has not
monitored the health of citizens who may have been exposed
during its tests while maintaining that its bacterial
agents cause no harm.

In addition to people who are unwittingly exposed to the
army's bacteria and chemicals, human research subjects may
not be receiving appropriate information. A test at Dugway
in November 1993, for example, raises important questions
in this regard. The test was intended to assess the ability
of chemical agents to penetrate protective clothing.

Test subjects wore special outer garments and were then
sprayed with chemicals in simulated battle conditions. An
army Environmental Assessment before the test indicated
that some of the chemicals could be toxic. Yet the consent
form that the subjects signed in advance of the test said
nothing about any of the chemicals.

Subsequently, two of the test subjects said they were asked
to sign another consent form sometime after the test had
been completed. The second form described the chemicals.
But having the subjects sign a consent form after an
experiment, rather than before, makes little ethical sense.
The procedure renders meaningless the notion of informed

Finally, several physicians at the University of Utah
Medical School in Salt Lake City continue to express
concern about the tests at Dugway. They do not feel they
have information that would enable them optimally to
handle infections and complications that might be caused
by the tests. Dugway officials have thus far not satisfied
their concerns either about field tests involving simulants
or indoor tests with highly pathogenic agents.

These are a few of the disconcerting issues associated with
testing at Dugway. If such tests must continue, several
policy suggestions seem appropriate:

--Inform people in the area before each test that they may
be exposed to the army's biological and chemical agents.

--For a substantial period after each test, monitor the
health of the exposed population.

--Provide comprehensive information in understandable
language to human subjects before they participate in
any test.

--Fully inform the neighboring medical community about
the nature of each test and its possible medical

--Above all, strive for safety, candor, and openness.


============== END OF DR. COLE'S TESTIMONY ================

  Witnesses a dozen or more witnesses of massive spraying
    and sickness call in on the 1/25/99 Art Bell show:

Visit Ian Williams Goddard  -------->  http://Ian.Goddard.net
GODDARD'S JOURNAL ----> http://erols.com/igoddard/journal.htm

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Steve Wingate
California Director

"An entirely new arsenal of weapons, based on devices designed to
introduce subliminal messages or to alter the body's psychological
and data-processing capabilities, might be used to incapacitate
individuals. These weapons aim to control or alter the psyche,
or to attack the various sensory and data-processing systems
of the human organism. In both cases, the goal is to confuse
or destroy the signals that normally keep the body in equilibrium."
 -- TIMOTHY L. THOMAS, US Army War College Quarterly

Today's Midi

Anomalous Images and UFO Files

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