-Caveat Lector-

U.S. nuclear labs to focus on security next week
(releads, adds details, quotes throughout)
By Tabassum Zakaria
WASHINGTON, June 16 (Reuters) - The U.S. Energy Department, under fire for
security lapses at its nuclear weapons research laboratories, ordered a
two-day ``stand-down'' next week to focus lab employees on security issues,
Energy Secretary Bill Richardson said on Wednesday.
Richardson also announced retired four-star Gen. Eugene Habiger will take
the newly created position of ``security czar'' at the Energy Department
with a mandate to improve security throughout the agency and the labs.
On Capitol Hill, the Senate voted to boost Energy Department funding for
security operations. The Senate bill would boost funding for
counterintelligence to $39 million from $15.6 million and funding for
security investigations, such background checks on foreign visitors to the
labs, to $45 million from $30 million.
Those provisions were included in a broader $21 billion bill for assorted
energy and water programs. The House has not moved its version of the
The Energy Department was criticized by members of Congress for lax security
because of allegations of Chinese espionage at U.S. nuclear labs over the
past two decades.
The most recent report on lab security, by the President's Foreign
Intelligence Advisory Board, recommended the nuclear labs be partially or
fully severed from the Energy Department, which often refers to them as its
``crown jewels.''
Richardson has repeatedly said he was taking strong steps to improve
security at the labs, but would not support removing them from the Energy
Department's jurisdiction.
``What I don't find acceptable is a separate agency, that to me is something
that is not productive,'' Richardson said.
All employees of Los Alamos, Lawrence Livermore and Sandia laboratories will
participate in the two-day security program on Monday and on Tuesday,
Richardson said.
``What this basically means is all normal operations will cease at the
national laboratories during this period, as the employees will participate
in intensive review of personal responsibilities for security,
counterintelligence and cybersecurity,'' Richardson told reporters.
It will be the second stand-down this year at the national nuclear labs. The
first one, in early April, focused on security of classified computers and
the three labs suspended work using computers holding highly classified
material in an effort to improve security.
That came after a scientist was fired in March at Los Alamos National
Laboratory under suspicion of passing secrets to China. The scientist, Wen
Ho Lee, has not been charged with any crime.
A congressional report in May said China, during 20 years of espionage,
targeted the labs and obtained secret information on seven U.S. nuclear
warheads and the neutron bomb. China repeatedly denied it stole U.S.
For the two-day security program, Richardson asked lab management to review
security procedures with all employees.
Habiger, who will take up his new post on July 6, said, ``I will work very
quickly, very aggressively, and we'll get this thing fixed.''
Before retiring from the Air Force in 1998, Habiger was commander-in-chief
of the U.S. Strategic Command in which he was responsible for ``the security
and effectiveness of the entire U.S. nuclear arsenal,'' Richardson said.
``I am a security czar and that's called in my view a dictator and I'm going
to be a dictator in terms of implementing policy and making sure it's
carried out,'' Habiger said.

The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with
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