-Caveat Lector-

UPDATE/Video: Condit in DC sex/murder ring

UPDATE: A Total411.info VIRAL VIDEO -- a RealVideo clip of the Fox
report plus a couple of visual aids -- has been added. Further
distribution via P2P, etc. is encouraged.

New movement on the Condidit front...

>From Fox News' Big Story with Rita Cosby August 28, 2004:

RITA COSBY: There is new information tonight into the investigation
into the unsolved murder of former Washington intern Chandra Levy,
whose skeletal remains were found in May of 2002, in a Washington D.C.

Fox News has learned that recent tips given to law enforcement working
on the Levy case have caused FBI agents to revisit several old leads.

In fact, in recent weeks, several individuals who had been previously
questioned in the case have been revisited by FBI agents who have
shown them two photos of a man who lived in Maryland and has done work
for the Defense Department. Sources tell me that this man had a
reputation for throwing parties that several members of Congress would

One of the people recently questioned by the FBI about this man was
Gary Condit's former driver, Vince Flammini. Two FBI agents recently
showed up at Flammini's California home and asked him if he ever saw
this man with the former Congressman. He did not. Flammini refused to
comment about this visit to Fox News.

It is important to point out that Gary Condit, who had an affair with
Chandra Levy, has always denied any involvement with her disappearance
and also her murder.

Several individuals working on the Levy case tell Fox News that
although it's been two years since Chandra Levy was found, this case
now has some promising new leads and they're hopeful that it may
finally be solved, possibly in the near future.

And now to another major story with ties also to Modesto, California,
the Scott Peterson double-murder trial.

>From Globe magazine May 14 2002:

Disgraced Congressman Gary Condit conspired with two famous
politicians - including a one-time presidential candidate - to kill
intern Chandra Levy in a cold-blooded bid to cover up a kinky sex club
for Washington power-brokers.

That's the explosive charge leveled by a top attorney who represented
one of Condit's former mistresses and has extremely close ties to the

"I will expose Gary Condit for conspiracy to commit murder," Jim
Robinson tells GLOBE.

"Condit didn't need to hire a hit man to kill Chandra - his political
pals had her done away with to protect the sordid little secret of
their sex club. Two high-profile political players and a
Washington-based Saudi with direct links to the royal family are
directly involved with Condit's sex club and Chandra's disappearance.

"They know who they are and I know who they are... when Chandra
threatened to expose them, panicky members of the sex club told Condit
to 'maker her disappear - or we will.'"

The alleged conspirators, says Robinson, are names everyone will know:
"One is governor of a large state. The other is a former congressman
and one-time presidential candidate."

Robinson also identifies "a Saudi with royal connections" as being in
on the 24-year-old intern's disappearance on May 1, 2001...

Says Robinson, "Condit is a sexual predator and so are many of his
friends. Young girls were supplied to these four people and to other
politically connected men, and Chandra flat out didn't want to play
the game.

"She threatened to blow the whistle and was made to disappear." ...

His investigation included meetings with Metro D.C. detectives, FBI
agents, sources from the U.S. Attorney's Office, sources from the
Justice Department and confidential police informants.

Robinson says he also met with members of Congress who were both
directly and indirectly involved in the sex club, which Condit and
others audaciously code-named "TLG" - for "The League of Gentlemen."

"It was all about their own sick, sexual gratification," adds
Robinson. "We're talking about men in their 50s -- political heavy
hitters -- using girls in their 20s as sex toys."

Robinson clearly has vast knowledge of both Condit and the continuing
investigation into Levy's disappearance. He represented one of
Condit's ex-lovers, Anne Marie Smith, and has since become a confidant
of the Levy family.

Now, he promises to rip the lid off the Levy case in an explosive book
to be published in November. Among the shocking charges he plans to
level in the book are how:

* Condit seduced starry-eyed Levy, prompting her to move from
California to Washington, only to realize later on that her "Prince
Charming" was a wolf in sheep's clothing.

* Condit begged Levy to bed his political cronies and Arab
businessmen, causing her to become disillusioned at being treated like
"just another bimbo" in the congressman's sex club. That, in turn, led
her to threaten to expose them all.

* Condit and his bisexual political pals aroused each other while
young, attractive women "talked dirty" to them.

Robinson says his book also will allege that following her abduction,
the tragic intern was executed in the back of a luxury sedan with
blackened windows.
Robinson further charges that Condit had his Washington apartment
steam-cleaned from floor to ceiling in the hope that evidence of sex
orgies would be destroyed.

"My understanding is that he failed," says Robinson, "and
investigators were able to establish irrefutable DNA links in the form
of sperm samples from Condit, his three co-conspirators and other
prominent politicians and Saudi businessmen. Chandra's affair with
Condit began long before he admits to even knowing her," the author

"Because she loved him, she didn't run as she should have when he
introduced her to the players at his sex club.

"These were desperately kinky goings-on, with middle-aged men
exploring homosexuality and exhibitionism, but still needing the
presence of young women to show they weren't really gay.

Robinson's book never did come out. The politicians who fit the
profiles in the Globe article are Condit's friends former Gov. Gray
Davis (D-Ca.) <http://www.newsmax.com/cgi-bin/showinside.pl?a=2001/8/7/80314>
and former Rep. John Kasich (R-Oh.)

A couple weeks after the Globe article, Levy's skeleton magically
appeared in the well-searched Rock Creek Park (found by a
still-anonymous supposed "turtle-hunter"). Robinson followed up later
that month with two interesting appearances on Fox News' Hannity &
Colmes; transcripts of which are available here.

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