-Caveat Lector- http://www.straitstimes.asia1.com.sg/cybernews/story/0,1870,138193,00.html?

US war game 'rigged to suit military agenda'

Retired general says 'enemy' forces were not allowed to defeat friendly forces for fear of upstaging military's new combat techniques

WASHINGTON - A retired general who commanded 'enemy' forces in a recent US war game says the exercise was rigged so that it appeared to validate new war-fighting concepts it was supposed to test.

General Paul Van Riper, who headed the Marine Corps Combat Development Command when he retired in 1997 as a three-star general, said he became so frustrated with undue constraints on his command of 'enemy' forces that he quit the role midway through the three-week Millennium Challenge 2002.

It ended on Aug 15.

The US$250-million (S$436 million) exercises involved a wide range of US military commands across the country linked by computer networks to simulated troop, air and sea units with 13,500 actual military personnel fighting a war scenario.

Gen Van Riper, who was in command of the Red forces, meant to simulate the enemy, said exercise officials denied him the opportunity to use his own tactics and ideas against the Blue, or friendly, forces.

The Red forces were often directed not to use certain weapons against the Blue forces.

His complaints were reported on Friday by the Army Times, a private newspaper that covers army issues, which had a copy of an e-mail by Gen Van Riper telling his colleagues why he quit.

Mr Robert Oakley, a retired ambassador who played the role of civilian leader of the Red forces, told the Times that Gen Van Riper was outhinking the Blue forces.

For example, during computer simulations, he used motorcycle messengers to transmit orders, negating the high-tech eavesdropping capabilities of the Blue forces.

When the Blue naval forces sailed into the Gulf, the Red forces surrounded the ships with small boats and planes and sank many of them.

Gen Van Riper said he was concerned that the military would implement new war-fighting concepts on the basis of what he considers to be false conclusions. --AP

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