-Caveat Lector-

USDA approves irradiation of raw beef, pork, lamb

 Copyright © 1999 Nando Media
 Copyright © 1999 Associated Press


WASHINGTON (December 14, 1999 8:27 p.m. EST
http://www.nandotimes.com) - Processors will be allowed to irradiate raw
beef, pork and lamb to eliminate deadly bacteria and other organisms, but
products will be required to carry labels informing shoppers of the
treatment, the government said Tuesday.

"While there is no single silver bullet to cure all food safety problems,
irradiation has been shown to be both safe and effective," Agriculture
Secretary Dan Glickman said.

Labels on irradiated products, including sausage made from irradiated
beef or pork, will have to carry the international symbol of irradiation, known
as a "radura," and a statement that they were treated. The symbol, colored
green on a white background, depicts two leaves resting in a semicircle,
with a green dot above it beneath a broken-lined semicircle.

Irradiation, which already was approved for poultry, is the only known
method to eliminate deadly E. coli O157:H7 bacteria in raw meat and also
can significantly reduce levels of other pathogens, including listeria,
salmonella and campylobacter.

Irradiation had to be approved by both USDA, which is responsible for
ensuring the safety of meat, and the Food and Drug Administration, which
has authority over food additives. The FDA approved irradiation in 1997.

The agencies are also being asked to include in the approved group ready-
to-eat products such as hot dogs and luncheon meats.

Irradiation is seldom used for poultry, but E. coli is more common in beef.
Initially, irradiated meat is likely to be most popular with hospitals and
nursing homes, because of the danger E. coli poses to patients with
weakened immune systems, said Carol Tucker Foreman, a distinguished
fellow with the Consumer Federation of America.

"I don't expect you're going to get it for sale at McDonald's any time soon. It
takes a while to build the facilities," she said.

Several companies, including ConAgra Inc., one of the nation's biggest
meatpackers, have said they plan to use irradiation. But processors say
the government needs to undertake a public education campaign to
convince consumers that irradiation is safe.

"If consumers embrace the product, the industry is in the business of
meeting consumer demand. And we will respond with more irradiated
products," said J. Patrick Boyle, president of the American Meat Institute.

E. coli O157 can cause serious illness and sometimes death, especially in
children and the elderly. An estimated 73,480 people are infected every
year, and about 600 cases are fatal, according to the federal Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention.

Tim Willard, a spokesman for the National Food Processors Association,
said the USDA decision was "long overdue."

Steve Wingate

California Director

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