-Caveat Lector-


The Jewish Online Research Center (JSOURCE)

Assistance to Israel
FY1949 - FY1999


Folks, I don't know about you, but it's pretty
clear to me, come 2000, some changes have to
be made.  Israel is only one of many Countries
that lobbies the D.C. thugs for "assistance".

While I haven't researched it yet, it's my
understanding we taxpayers are giving away
perhaps 200 billion each year;  could be on
the high side, not sure yet.

I have yet to read of any accountability for
this "assistance".

Don't' you think it's time we demanded an end
to this nefarious use of our tax dollars?

Come 2000 we can do it by NOT voting for the
candidates of the Jewish media lords;  or is it
going to be business as usual in January, 2001?

Is their campaign "hype" so penetrating to your
sensibilities and common sense that when you
enter the voting booth you succumb to their
"demand" for whom you are to vote "for"?

At what point do we, the middle class, vote for
"enough is enough!"??

Don't forget all those broken campaign promises.

You see Folks, we, the Voter, are in the driver's seat
on Election Day;  or don't you get it yet?

All you Whiners about high taxes and big government
who don't Vote are the Problem;  or don't you still
get it yet?  You people sit back and go to your sporting
events, have your six-pack and beat your wife and all
is well.  While the rest of us are forced by the thugs
to pay for the successes of the Lobbyists.

The insidious agenda of the Fabian Socialists is to
destroy our Culture and our Republic;
or don't you dummies out there get it yet?

No!  I don't consider myself a textbook "racist",
however, there is plenty going on in this Country
that could change my mind real fast;  and if these
injustices continue most assuredly will 'real soon'.

Bless each of you who desire limited government,
individual responsibility, and an immediate end to
the coercive roll the thugs are playing to please
the criminal lobbyists to ensure that the thugs
are re-elected.

Stop and think:  What caused our People to turn
against the Constitution which was designed for a
moral and religious people?

The Blame Game:  We all have to have a Culprit that
we can point to if "things" don't go right.

Folks, I'll tell you right now that you have been
victimized by the philosophy of the Demo/Repub coalition.

If your at all serious about overcoming your frustration
with performing the tasks of daily life (your natural
instincts) you will rise up from your easy chair and
go to the Poll and tell the tax-sucking thugs you have
had enough.

Caution!  Make damn certain you cast your
precious vote for a person that doesn't just give lip
service to the benefits of limited government.

And for you fickle voters, who gave us klintoon, remember
it's not how well a candidate looks physically;  it's what the person
has in the topside, and not what the person has below the
navel.  The corrupt media lords just love to play up
candidates who present an image to their liking.

You have to remember that when a newbie goes to Congress
the lobbyists eat them alive;  D.C. pressures being
almost unbearable to stay the course of the status quo.

Many, many bucks for the special interests are at stake,
Folks.  Remember that!  Also, Remember that it is Your
bucks the special interest find so appetizing when they
suck on them.

I know what I can change, and what I can't change.

But Brothers and Sisters I have one helluva a good time
attempting to educate you so "you will get it" finally.

Let Freedom ring .... (cast out the thugs once
and for all and repair their damage to the foundations
of our American Culture, American Morals, and
American Values.)

Multiculturalism is a Fabian Socialist concept.

The new immigrant's desire to come here to be free can
only be achieved by assimilation into our American Society.

The Fabian Socialist tactics of promoting the cultural values of
recent immigrants only serves to divide the Nation, and ensure
the vote of the new citizen is cast for those thugs that
promise them (and give them) benefits and subsidies coerced from the
dumbed downed citizenry.

Comments welcomed!

Would sure appreciate your considering distribution
of this Post to your friends and associates.


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The Center for Exposing Corruption in the Federal Government

Federal Government defined:
....a benefit/subsidy protection racket!

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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