-Caveat Lector-

United Airlines Flight 93 Unanswered Questions

Minutes before the 10 a.m. crash, an emergency
dispatcher in Pennsylvania received a cell phone call
from a man who said he was a passenger locked in a
bathroom aboard United Flight 93. The man repeatedly
said the call was not a hoax, said dispatch supervisor
Glenn Cramer in neighboring Westmoreland County.
``We are being hijacked, we are being hijacked!''
Cramer quoted the man from a transcript of the call.
The man told dispatchers the plane ``was going down.
He heard some sort of explosion and saw white smoke
coming from the plane and we lost contact with him,''
Cramer said.

Did Dan Rather mention this?
"If you were here to see it, you'd have no doubt,"
Decker said. "It was a jet plane, and it had to be
flying real close when that 757 went down. If I was
the FBI, I'd find out who was driving that plane. "
Late Thursday afternoon, federal agents who spoke to
reporters at the crash site said "there was no
evidence as of yet" that a second plane was nearby
when Flight 93 plunged into a strip mine. Entire Story
I have linked to local reports that have never been
reported by the mainstream media. A one ton engine
part survives a near vertical impact and is found far
from the crash. Burning debris falling from the sky,
clothing, books and human remains found miles away
An air traffic controller reports an F-16 "must have
seen the whole thing
You can verify it by reading the original stories
yourself. 95% of the accounts I've linked to have full
witness names and reporters names.
Looking at all the details so far - nothing really
adds up neatly for me, except that Flight 93 had a
midair crisis that caused debris to fall before it
crashed. I remain skeptical of all the theories...
except one. We are not being told what happened - and
the Government knows exactly what happened.
Important news...
The FBI has declined to release the Cockpit Voice
Recorder to the families:
Comment: They say the tape is too horrible. Then they
say the voices are indiscernible, then they say the
families will find no comfort there. Indeed.
The FBI has never stated heroes were ever in the
cockpit. No official ever has. If you find such a
statement please email
<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> me a link.
My question is this: why not release the Flight Data
Recorder info? There is nothing horrific on it. There
is nothing there that will aid and abed terrorists.
It's simply data about the aircraft as it flew and
crashed. There's only one reason. Because it shows the
plane losing an engine, flipping upside down and
crashing in a way that they don't care to explain.
Why did Air Traffic Controllers in a Nashua Telegraph
article report an F-16 was circling Flight 93 and was
in visual range at the time of crash - and why does
the Government currently DENY that?
The white mystery jet
<second-plane-at-flight93-crash-site.htm>was witnessed
by dozens - was that what this controller saw on his
screen? Clearly, no controllers are talking to the
media about that white jet - but a lot of civilians
3) What caused an entire engine and human remains
<flight93_secondary_debris_field.html> to be found a
considerable distance from the main crash site?
4) How did metal scraps, clothing and garbage bags
full other debris gathered by residents and turned
over to the FBI float on the breeze from a 35 foot
deep muddy hole through wet, muddy fields for between
2.5 and 8 miles in 9 knot(10.4 mph) winds as the NTSB
has declared? Why hasn't this happened in any other
airline crashes that did not have mid-air traumas?
) What was the explosion and white smoke that the
first cell phone caller reported? And the explosion a
911 dispatcher heard shortly after talking to a
passenger right before the line went dead? Ground
witnesses report hearing several explosions.

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credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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