APRIL 25

                  TESTING THE FAITH
                  Tufts shuts out
                  Christian group
                  Religious club de-funded in secret meeting
                  because it wouldn't accept lesbian leader

                  By Julie Foster
                  © 2000 WorldNetDaily.com

                  Tufts Christian Fellowship was stripped of its
                  official "student organization" status in a secret,
                  midnight meeting because the group would not
                  allow an admitted homosexual to hold a
                  leadership position.

                  Though Tufts University administration says
                  Tufts Christian Fellowship has not been
                  "banned," organizers of the group -- an affiliate
                  of international college ministry InterVarsity
                  Christian Fellowship -- say the decision to
                  de-recognize TCF has the same effect as a ban.

                  In fact, TFC is no longer allowed to refer to itself
                  as "Tufts Christian Fellowship," it has been
                  stripped of its student organization funding,
                  meetings may not be held in regularly reserved
                  rooms and the group may not advertise its
                  meetings or events on campus.

                  The decision to divest TCF of its organizational
                  rights came from a student-run governing body
                  called the Tufts Community Union Judiciary.
                  Tufts' administration gave the TCUJ authority to
                  recognize student groups; however, no student
                  group has ever been derecognized.

                  According to a statement from the office of Tufts
                  President John DiBiaggio, "the Tufts Christian
                  Fellowship has ten days to appeal the TCUJ
                  decision to the Committee on Student Life. The
                  Committee on Student Life has members of the
                  faculty and undergraduate students."

                  "The Tufts Christian
                  Fellowship has indicated,
                  through its counsel, that it
                  will file an appeal. While the
                  matter is proceeding through
                  the students' judicial system,
                  it would be inappropriate for
                  the administration to
                  comment on the case," the
                  brief statement concluded.

                  The TCUJ's decision was
                  prompted by a complaint
                  against the Christian club by
                  Julie Catalano, who claimed she had been
                  discriminated against because of her sexual

                  Catalano sought a leadership position within
                  TCF and asserted her belief that homosexual
                  practice is a biblically acceptable lifestyle.
                  Current leaders in the club, who choose leaders
                  for the next academic year, did not consider
                  Catalano, saying her beliefs do not reflect the
                  "religious tradition" of the group.

                  Curtis Chang, TCF's leader and affiliate chaplain
                  at the university, told WorldNetDaily, "TCF's
                  religious tradition ... believes the Bible is clear
                  on the topic of homosexual practice. It is listed
                  along with a long list of practices that are
                  deemed to not be in accord with God's wishes
                  for human relationships."

                  Chang noted "the TCF senior leadership's
                  position on homosexual practice does not stem
                  from homophobia. [Leaders] have consistently
                  affirmed their desire for homosexuals in
                  general, and Julie in particular, to be members
                  of the group. They affirm the dignity and worth
                  of every human being, created in God's image.
                  They also distinguish between homosexual
                  orientation and homosexual practice."

                  According to TCF's chaplain, no one from the
                  group's leadership was invited to the
                  "emergency" meeting called by Tufts
                  Community Union Judiciary chair Jessica
                  Branco to answer accusations of discrimination.

                  However, campus media were present at the
                  two-hour hearing, which began around 10 p.m.
                  on April 13, and TCF was notified by voice mail
                  of the decision at 12:39 a.m.

                  "But more importantly than the secretive and
                  rushed nature of the judgment," said Chang,
                  "the ruling threatens the freedom of all campus
                  religious groups to practice their respective

                  "The TCUF has essentially acted to legislate
                  religion on campus," he continued. "Barring
                  religious groups from using religious-based
                  values in leadership selection is the same as
                  prohibiting them from practicing the religious
                  nature of their group. It is a fact that, in general,
                  the senior leadership of a group shapes the very
                  beliefs and practices of that group."

                  "What if the Democratic Club demanded that
                  they be represented in the Republican Club's
                  executive committee?" Chang asked. "What if
                  some very liberal student activists insisted that
                  'The Primary Source's' senior editors must all
                  write the same liberal views which they held?"

                  "The freedom of groups to live out their beliefs
                  rests in their right to set the criteria for
                  leadership. This is why the TCF constitution has
                  the outgoing senior leadership select next year's
                  leaders. This process of leadership selection
                  was approved by the TCUF last academic year
                  and is similar to the way that many student
                  organizations insure ongoing consistency with
                  their underlying purposes."

                  Campus publication "The Tufts Daily" reported
                  that neither Catalano nor TCF membership was
                  present at the "officially open" meeting.

                  Branco is quoted in the publication, defending
                  her decision to hold the hearing without
                  notifying the parties involved.

                  "They both submitted documents," she said.
                  "The documents are standing for themselves.
                  While their presence is welcomed, it is not

                  The TCUJ is authorized to take action without a
                  formal hearing "in situations where an accused
                  individual or group does not deny an
                  accusation or where the evidence available is

                  "We're obviously going on the appeal part of
                  the [regulation]," Branco continued. "If we feel
                  that the nature of the situation is endangering
                  the Tufts community and this is a special
                  circumstance, we can prevent the Tufts Christian
                  Fellowship [from] using Tufts' resources."

                  Hadley Arkes, a jurisprudence professor at
                  Amherst College, wrote a letter to Chang after
                  the decision was handed down.

                  "What the University has done is nothing less
                  than declared orthodox Christianity and
                  Judaism -- and Islam -- as illegitimate, as
                  religious traditions that should have no
                  legitimate place in the life of the University, or
                  in the lives of the students collected there," he

                  "That is, altogether, a remarkable position for
                  anything that calls itself a University, for the
                  universities usually pride themselves for being
                  enclave of free discussion" Arkes added.

                  Branco did not return repeated calls from

                  Julie Foster is a staff reporter for WorldNetDaily.


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