-Caveat Lector-

VIDEO: Sir Rudy admits WTC7 fed black-op center


TRANSCRIPT from Fox News Sunday May 13, 2007:

WALLACE: Nine-eleven. No one questions your courage or your leadership in
the days after 9/11, but one question has come up that I'm very curious

You put the emergency response command center in the World Trade Center in
1997, even though your director of emergency management suggested —
recommended that you not put it there because it had been a target in 1993.
Why'd you do that?

GIULIANI: My director of emergency management recommended 7 World Trade
Center, and that was...

WALLACE: I have got a copy right here of Jerry Hauer's directive to you. And
there were meetings in which Jerry Hauer said that it's a bad idea. And the
police chief, Howard Safir, said it was a bad idea.

GIULIANI: Jerry Hauer recommended that as the prime site and the site that
would make the most sense, and he recommended it because...

WALLACE: Then why did he say the building — he said it's not — the place in
Brooklyn is not as visible a target as buildings in Lower Manhattan.

GIULIANI: He recommended that site as the site that would be the best site.
It was largely on his recommendation that that site was selected.

And the reason that that site made sense was it was also the location of the
customs service, the Secret Service and a number of the federal agencies,
some of which I'm not even sure I can mention at this date, that we had to
be in contact with.

And we also had backup centers at the police department. In Brooklyn, we had
another backup center, and we had a virtual command center. So when that
command center was inoperable, within a half hour of September 11 we were
able to move — or within a half hour on September 11 we were able to move
immediately to another command center.

So the way you're interpreting it, it was as if that was the one fixed
command center. It was not. There were backup command centers, and it was a
virtual command center, and it was selected because that's where all the
federal agencies were that we would have to be in contact with, including
some that would give you the intelligence that you needed during an attack.


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