Preliminary thesis - that "Conspiracy Theory" is political plant by the
Vatican for the purpose of its Global Religio-Political paradigm and
dominion over humanity.

The Vatican's contribution, promulgation, and political manipulation of
"Conspiracy Theory" can be traced over many decades.

It has particularly been endorsed, propagandised, and applied by what has
been termed the Vatican's "Storm Troopers", who originally modelled
themselves on a military order - and are known as the Jesuits. Nazi Germany'
s Himmler himself remarked on his modelling the SS on the Order of his
backers - the RC Jesuits.

A common byword for Jesuits was Jesuitism, which term was associated with
the adage "The End Justifies the Means".

In recent history, we have the Vatican's political application of
"Conspiracy Theory" in such creations and mechanisms as follows:

In the not to distant past, we had the Jesuit incubated forgery, ala French
Jesuit named Abbe Barruel and the subsequent "Protocols of Zion" which was
reverenced by the Nazi's and which today's Neo Nazi's deem as a veritable
work of biblical proportion that "exposes" the evil plans of the fabled
worldwide "Jewish Conspiracy" to enslave humanity.

The conceptual inspiration for the Protocols can be traced back to the time
of the French Revolution at the end of the 18th century. At that time,
French Jesuit Abbe Barruel, representing reactionary elements opposed to the
revolution, published in 1797 a treatise blaming the Revolution on a secret
conspiracy operating through the Order of Freemasons - another favourite
Vatican scapegoat.

Barruel's idea was nonsense, since the French nobility at the time was
heavily Masonic, but he was influenced by a Scottish mathematician named
Robison who was opposed to the Masons. In his treatise, Barruel did not
himself blame the Jews, who were emancipated as a result of the Revolution.

However, in 1806, Barruel circulated a forged letter, probably sent to him
by members of the state police opposed to Napoleon Bonaparte's liberal
policy toward the Jews, calling attention to the alleged part of the Jews in
the conspiracy he had earlier attributed to the Masons. This myth of an
international Jewish conspiracy reappeared later on in 19th century Europe
in places such as Germany and Poland.

Though proved in a court of law to be a forgery that is, a fakery - certain
conspiracy devotees non-the-less revere the "Protocols" as a genuine
blueprint for the planned conspiratorial method of a Jewish elite for a
complete global take-over.

In an even more recent era, to the quote the author's term, "inspiration"
from the General of the Roman Catholic Jesuit Order, "the Black Pope" Pedro
Arrupe was what Gary Allen received for his enormously populist mega-hit
bestseller, "None Dare Call it Conspiracy".

Allen therein attack's every imaginable evil and ungodly foe that his
"inspirer", Jesuit General Pedro Arrupe - who was himself a proponent
Marxist Liberation Theology - condemns as globalist devils of "freedom".

Of course, we would be amiss not to mention Vatican Jesuit Georgetown
University and the conspirators Hercules - Professor Carroll Quigley, who
wrote the mega-tome, and the conspirator's grand saga; "Tragedy and Hope",
now also adored as one more holy book of those that hold to the Cosmic Grim
view of the universe.

The work is all the more venerated due to its now apparent rarity, and hence
its relic-like attraction for the "Conspiracy Theory" faithful who ardently
sermonise from its weighty writ.

US president Clinton, who was trained in Global Politics at the Vatican's
Jesuit Georgetown University, has also heaped praise on Quigley.
Undoubtedly, the Vatican, and its Jesuits concept of "moral theology" has
rubbed-off onto Mr Clinton who has since expounded and put into practice the
Jesuits elevated "moral theology" in the Office of President.

Quigley, highly esteemed by his former student, William Jefferson Blythe
Clinton, indoctrinated the future leader of the world's most powerful nation
with Vatican ideals, and also Jesuit notions of the "vast Right Wing
Conspiracy" theory, of which his sturdy, victimised by his very infidelity,
but stalwart mate would one day expose to the panting media as the cause of
the paranoid pairs many vicissitudinous misfortunes.

It has been an oft attempt to discover in Quigley's conspiracy tome, where
in fact he indicts his own University's Jesuit Order in the Grand and Global
Conspiracy schema.

After all, it is common knowledge that the Vatican for a time itself
suppressed the Jesuit Order for its vast political intrigues and asserted
attempted and delivered assassinations of heads of State. Quigley's pallid
silence on the Jesuits appears ominously indicative.

Shall it not also be made mention of another nefariously known Jesuit - an
infamous fellow, said to be another "rogue" from the stable of the "Eternal
City" of Roma, one Jesuit inspired and trained Adam Weishapt.

No serious Conspiracy Theorist's aural sensibilities would be complete
without having paid their way into the conspiratorial opera and savoured the
tones of the life and times of the founder of the fabled and diabolical -
[play X-files theme jingle] - the notorious Illuminati Society!

Indeed, the leaven of the Jesuits does appear ubiquitous; perhaps at this
point it may be proposed that truly - it does thus far appear that "all
roads lead to Rome".

Perhaps a final mention for now, of another modern papal conspiracy, no -
not the Balkans et al for now - this will be covered later - but a
mid-twentieth century conspiracy propagated by another supposed "rogue" RC
Jesuit, one Teilhard de Chardin.

Interestingly, as a side note, this same Jesuit is highly reverenced by
devotees of the Neo-Gnostic New Age movement of which, not a few scholars,
have diagnosed to be virally infected, and also exhibit full-blown Neo-Nazi

The penetration of the New Age movement by the Vatican has yielded much
fruit. Historically, for near two millennia the papacy has become adept on
how to manipulate both Gnostic-rooted asceticism and airy mysticism. Hence,
it is well practiced on how to undermine such movements until they succumb
to its Siren-like voice. The New Agers are so possessed and obssessed with
"Conspiracy Theory" that a complete internet, publishing, talk circuit, and
et al industry has been manufactured to pander to their paranoia.

However, this aside, back to Teilhard de Chardin who may be described as the
prime apostle of theistic evolution of the 20th century. Hitler himself was
influenced by a Roman Catholic monk, who melded evolution with religious
verbosity, and taught Hitler that the Aryans had evolved into a higher
racial consciousness than the Jews whose god was a vicious tyrant.

Teilhard de Chardin's contribution to the continued Vatican conspiracism and
forgery was primarily by way of his responsibility for the most infamous
fraud known as the "Piltdown Man hoax" - a deception described as the
greatest scientific hoax of the 20th century.

In this fraudulent fakery, the cranium of a human and the jaw of an ape were
deliberately and fictitiously forged together into a manufactured
evolutionary "discovery" in a fossil site in Piltdown England and then
promulgated as authentic find. The Jesuits conspiracy was so remarkable;
that scientific experts were fooled for 40 years.

Additionally, Jesuit Teilhard de Chardin was further linked with the
discovery, and strange disappearance of another ape-man: Peking Man.

To conclude for now, dig deeper, and may you discover - not the "missing
link" or ape-men - but Jesuit priests.

To be continued .

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