Woe to you, ye perverted in heart, who are watchful to obtain an accurate
knowledge of evil,
and to discover terrors.
No one shall assist you.”
The Book of Enoch
Chapter XCIX: 6

Jun 30, 2000 - 02:43 AM

'A Gift' - Gay Couples Prepare for Union Ceremonies in Vermont
By Ross Sneyd
Associated Press Writer

HARTLAND FOUR CORNERS, Vt. (AP) - Pierre Fournier has been in a committed
relationship for the last 12 years, but marriage plans have always been on
hold because his partner is another man.
That's all about to change.

Late Saturday afternoon, Fournier and Richard Waddell will stand before 45
friends and neighbors in the lush gardens behind their house and recite vows
of commitment they wrote together.

With that simple ceremony, they will be among the first same-sex couples in
the country whose relationship receives the official sanction of a state
government under Vermont's landmark civil unions law.

"We see this as an acknowledgment of our very close friends and neighbors in
town who have supported us from the minute we moved here," said Waddell,
who, like Fournier, is 53.

Vermont lawmakers, asked to respond to a state Supreme Court ruling that gay
couples were being unconstitutionally denied the benefits of marriage,
stopped just short of allowing gay marriage in April.

Instead, they created civil unions, a legal institution parallel to marriage
that will provide the same rights, benefits and responsibilities. The law
takes effect Saturday.

For the first time in America, gay couples will be recognized by their state
government as next of kin for the purposes of survivor benefits, taxes,
medical decision-making and some 300 other state rights that automatically
flow to opposite-sex couples when they marry. Federal benefits, such as
Social Security and some tax measures, remain off limits.

Even though the Legislature chose to call it something different, the
ceremonies that will be taking place across Vermont will have all the
trappings of marriage.

Couples will be obtaining licenses from their town clerks and then will have
their civil unions "certified" by a justice of the peace, a judge or a
member of the clergy.

For Fournier, a piano teacher, and Waddell, who's on the infectious disease
research faculty at Dartmouth College in nearby New Hampshire, the ceremony
will be a community celebration and an opportunity to publicly declare their
love and commitment. They had a commitment ceremony a decade ago, but the
event was simpler and without legal meaning.

The couple settled on ties and sports jackets for the ceremony after much
debate. They will exchange rings crafted by their local state
representative, Democrat Derek Levin, who voted in favor of civil unions.

Their union will be "acknowledged" by the local justice of the peace who
agreed to preside, and party guests will gather back by the house for food,
wine and music.

"It's a gift," Fournier said. "I have always wanted to get married, but I
long ago gave that up. So it's much more than just legal elements. This is
my one time."

AP-ES-06-30-00 0243EDT


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