-Caveat Lector-

 an extract from:  The Russell Bloodline

 Wackenhut - The Illuminati's SECURITY SYSTEM

 Russell Trust is the legal corporation that is the Order of the
 Skull and Bones, financed the creation of a host of security cos.
 under the Wackenhuts, incl. a Security Service called Wackenhut
 Corporation.  Another part of this is Wackenhut World
 Technologies, Inc. or WWT Inc.  Wackenhut operates worldwide.
 Their headquarters are in Florida.  They have branch offices
 even in places like Portland, Oregon.  Wackenhut handles all
 Intelligence-related and Super Secret work-classified ULTRA for
 the U.S. worldwide.  They are the ones who guard the UFO bases
 topside, along with the CIA's Delta Teams, and various MP units,
 etc.  Their branch in Las Vegas provides security for the Groom
 Lake UFO facility.  Las Vega's Review Journal on Fri. 7/26/91,
 p. A1 & 3A had an article about 3 Wackenhut agents who lost their
 lives in a helicopter crash near the Groom Lake.  The telephone
 number to Wackenhut World Technologies, connects first through
 the Russell Trust -- it is 702-646-4406, and it will be answered
 by the Russell Trust.  Wackenhut's board of directors are CIA,
 FBI Div. 5, NSA, ISA, and NRO officials.  The girls who answer
 the various local Wackenhut Corporation numbers are not in the
 know about what Wackenhut Wd. Tech.  are all about.  Their 1-800
 # is 929-2431.  Their San Reme Ave, Cerel Gabels, FL 33146 # was
 305-666-5656.  Their local no. here is 256-3996, and one of their
 local CA # is 714-979-4966.  George Russell Wackenhut is their
 security services executive.  He is also the Chrm & Chief Exec.
 Officer.  He worked for the FBI, and is a Christian Scientist.
 Richard Russell Wackenhut is the President & Chief Oper. Officer.
 Wackenhut has in the neighborhood of 40,000 employees.


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