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>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Conspiracy Shopping Cart: http://a-albionic.com/shopping.htmlFrom: Weldon Clark 
Subject: Waco Government by Child Murder
Date: Saturday, January 29, 2000 11:08 PM

Waco Government by Child Murder
By Weldon Clark

In order to win the fight to keep our guns we must mount an
offensive.  Instead of just asking Congress not to enact more
GUN LAWS, point out that the Federal Government is run by
a minority of people who are operating the government as if it
were a third world thugrocracy using GUN LAWS.  Ruby
Ridge was just such a case that NRA gave wide publicity to.
However NRA has not chosen to publicize Waco.

Please read all of the stories below.  That by Mr. Knox says
WARRANT".  The story by Vin Suprynowicz says they shot
Davidians trying to go into Mount Carmel who had nothing to
do with the raid. The "60 Minutes II" segment on January 26,
2000 hosted by Dan Rather said their expert says FBI fired
into the Davidian Compound.

I urge you to write and call your CONGRESSMAN AND
STATE LEGISLATORS now.  This can now be accomplished
at the speed of light, thanks to WorldNetDaily's new
Legislative Action Center. http://congress.nw.dc.us/wnd/
You can call your two Senators at (202) 224-3121 and your
Representative at (202) 225-3121 at the Capitol Switchboard.
Here is the URL for Congressional Telephone Directory:
Here's an e-mail link to Congress. http://in-search-of.org/
For legislative updates contact www.nealknox.com and go to
"Scripts from the Firearms Coalition Legislative Update Line"
What To Do If The Police Come To Confiscate Your Militia
Weapons see  www.2ndamendment.net
To spread the word call Rush Limbaugh at 800-282-2882 and
callers may call in from 12 noon to 3PM EST, M-F

If you can, contribute to pressing the civil suits brought by the
Davidians. Most of what they had went up in smoke, and
they're now faced with the need to finance lawsuits against
the government--which is defending with your tax dollars.
None of this money is for attorney fees.  The case requires
expensive depositions.  Contributions can be sent to (and
checks made out to) WACO JUSTICE FUND 5847 San
Felipe Suite 1450 Houston, TX 77057.
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Neal Knox)
Dallas Morning News Reporter Lee Hancock has three major
stories detailing internal FBI and Justice Department
criticisms of the Branch Davidian assault, which were omitted
from the Justice Department's public report.

Key negotiators (other than Byron Sage) and various
behavioral and religious experts criticized field commander
Jeff Jamar and the Hostage Rescue Team for torpedoing
negotiations -- such as by sending in tanks to destroy the
Davidians' cars on the morning that 20 people had been
expected to come out.

Former FBI Director Bill Sessions, a Waco native who had
been forbidden by the Clinton Administration to go to Texas
to try to resolve the standoff, had ordered that tanks not be
used without his permission -- which he never gave.

The documents show that Jamar and the HRT were
determined to punish everyone in the compound for killing
five BATF agents when the agency mounted a commando
attack, supposedly to search for illegal firearms -- though NO

Hancock's reports may be read at
>From THE LIBERTARIAN, By Vin Suprynowicz
Video contends Davidians were machine-gunned

Is it possible David Koresh didn't lose his confrontation with
the Godless state he and his followers identified as
"Babylon," at all?

Throughout their 51-day Texas standoff in the spring of 1993,
Koresh and his followers repeatedly compared their plight to
that of God's people facing the "flaming chariots" of Babylon
in the biblical prophesies of Nahum and Habakkuk. A follower
says Koresh believed he would be the one to "bring down
Babylon" by sacrificing himself and his denomination.

Will it turn out that -- like an earlier group of Texas martyrs
who died buying time for Sam Houston at the Alamo -- the
Branch Davidians still retain the power to reach out from the
grave and smite their oppressors?

After completing the documentary "Waco: The Rules of
Engagement' -- nominated for an Academy Award --
researcher Mike McNulty continued to delve into the central
mystery of Waco: Why would scores of perfectly sane and
decent Christian Americans apparently choose to condemn
themselves and their "unusually bright and well-treated"
children (per Texas child welfare authorities) to death in the
flames, rather than coming out and surrendering to the
federal tanks and helicopters that surrounded them?

Mr. McNulty appears to have found some answers -- at least
to the extent anyone still can, given the determined after-the-
fact efforts to bleach and bulldoze the "crime scene." Those
answers are offered in the new video: "Waco: A New
Revelation," directed by Jason Van Vleet.

The documentary is not strident. If anything, the new
evidence is piled up in such a measured and matter-of-fact
way -- superposed with the sneering denials of FBI
spokesmen and apologists like U.S. Rep. (now Sen.) Charles
Schumer -- that its full impact may not register without a
second viewing.

But at that point, any thoughtful viewer of conscience must
wonder how willfully the Congress and populace of this
country must WANT to ignore the truth, to be able to close
their eyes to facts like the following:

On the evening of Feb. 28, three Branch Davidians who had
not been present for the initial BATF raid and shoot-out
attempted to get home to their wives and children in the
Mount Carmel church. They were intercepted and fired upon
by 17 agents "dressed as trees." Two were captured, but
Michael Dean Schroeder -- not charged with any crime -- was
shot seven times and killed. As the other two Davidians were
led away – after Schroeder was down -- they report hearing
two final shots behind them, in quick succession. An autopsy
showed Michael Dean Schroeder had two neat bullet holes
immediately behind his right ear. His body was left lying in
the ravine for five days.

Far from inviting an exodus and surrender, tape recordings
reveal that by late March, FBI negotiators told the Davidians:
"No one is authorized to come out of there for any reason.
The patience of the bosses is no longer what it was. If
anyone tries to come out, they will be treated in such a way
that they'll be forced to retreat."

Former FBI Director William Sessions wanted to fly to Waco
to negotiate with David Koresh face-to-face, but the Justice
Department refused to let him board his plane. Sessions'
wife, Alice Sessions, explains: "The FBI did not want it
negotiated. They wanted to show they could win with military
type tactics; it was a paramilitary organization."

When the final government attack with toxic and disabling CS
gas finally began early on the morning of April 19, the buried
school bus was gassed first, forcing the women and children
to retreat to the reinforced concrete records vault, which the
FBI referred to as "the bunker." Gas was then pumped into
the bunker, which had no ventilation, for two hours. Rep.
John Mica, R-Fla., tells Congress: "At the very least that
resulted in the babies and children being tortured for at least
three to four hours."

Manning sniper post Sierra 1 in the "undercover house," Lon
Horiuchi (who eight months earlier had shot the unarmed
Vicky Weaver as she stood holding a baby in her kitchen in
Ruby Ridge, Idaho), "accompanied by most of the FBI team
from Ruby Ridge," swore he did not fire into the church on
April 19. But other FBI agents swore they heard fire from his
position, and four expended .308 shell casings were later
found there.

At 9:02 a.m. On April 19, a Branch Davidian is spotted trying
to exit the building across the roof. "Falcon 2," an FBI
helicopter, is seen approaching in ground-level footage. It
hovers, and muzzle flashes can be seen from its port waist
gun. Dr. Edward Allard, formerly of the U.S. government's
Night Vision Directorate, says his analysis shows at least
three, five-shot machine gun bursts. "It's indicative of a
machine gun firing 600 rounds per minute," he says. "It's
impossible for these to be solar flashes."

Other close-range video -- not high-altitude footage -- clearly
shows full-sized machine guns in cradle mounts in the waist
doors of the FBI helicopters, which the government long
swore were unarmed.

Branch Davidians Phillip Henry and Jimmy Riddle appear to
have been shot behind the building at this time. Neither had
soot in their lungs or carbon monoxide in their blood -- both
died before the fire. An autopsy showed half of Riddle's body
torn away, which the medical examiner said could have been
consistent with "an encounter with a tank tread."

However, when the family re-opened Riddle's casket for a
follow-up examination of his fatal bullet wounds, the
evidentiary portion of his skull was missing. The widow says
the local medical examiner was instructed by Texas
authorities and U.S. marshals not to release his autopsy
results to the family.

The film's researcher, Mike McNulty, tells me the most likely
scenario is that Henry and Riddle were shot behind the
building by government agents around 9 a.m. A lull followed,
as the FBI pondered what to do. Then, closer to noontime,
their bodies were bulldozed back into the church dining room
by tanks, and the final government assault -- with machine
guns and incendiary grenades -- began in earnest.

Viewing the government's high-altitude infrared footage of the
final battle, Dr. Edward Allard, formerly of the U.S.
government's Night Vision Directorate, explains: "What we
have here is a tank-infantry type of operation. As the tank
advances, two men have dropped out of the escape hatch.
They then roll over, and as they roll over they open up with
automatic gunfire. The shots occur at one-thirtieth of a
second. There is absolutely nothing in nature that can cause
thermal flashes to occur in a thirtieth of a second."

Dr. Allard reports he stopped counting the gunshots into the
dining room -- the last available escape route from the
building after the fire broke out -- "after 62 individual shots."

The filmmakers report Maurice Cox, a former analyst with the
U.S. intelligence community, determined that for an aircraft
circling at 9,000 feet to pick up rhythmic flashes at a rate of
600 per minute from "reflected sunlight" as the government
claims, the reflective surfaces would have to be placed in a
precise array, and the aircraft would have to be traveling at
the absurd speed of Mach 1.8.

FBI officials have refused to respond to Cox's findings, and
have dragged their feet in the face of demands that they re-
create the footage to see if sunlight reflections can be made
to look like the flashes in the Forward-Looking Infrared (FLIR)
footage. Absurdly, the FBI claims cameras like the one used
in 1993 can no longer be obtained.

Meantime, ground level footage -- not distant aerial shots –
clearly show men in Kevlar army helmets firing projectiles
from an M-79 grenade launcher into the church's storm
shelter the morning of the final assault.  Seconds later, white
smoke pours from the shelter.

Although the government has consistently denied the Army's
Combat Applications Force -- the "Delta Force" -- was
present at Waco, previously classified Army documents
reveal that four Delta Force "observers" were deployed to
Waco on March 21. Gene Cullen, a senior case officer with
the CIA's Special Forces Group, reports on camera he was
"initially told they would just be observers. But at (an April 14)
CIA briefing, we were told there were more than 10, and that
they would be actively participating" in the April 19 attack.

March Bell, who headed the staff of the last congressional
investigation into Waco, tells the filmmakers: "They were in
the tanks and the sniper posts. They were not giving advice
back in some conference room – they were working shoulder
to shoulder with the (FBI's) Hostage Rescue Team."

Rep. Stephen Buyer, R-Ind., explains that it is a federal crime
– a violation of the Posse Comitatus Act -- to use any part of
the Army or Air Force "to enforce the law in this country."

But CIA agent Cullen says he met Delta Force operators in
Europe who "told me not only were they forward deployed at
Waco, Texas, but they were actually involved in a gunfight
with the Branch Davidians."

Steven Barry, a retired Special Forces sergeant, concurs: "I
did talk to some Combat Applications Group guys, and they
did confirm that, yes, portions of B Squadron were there
pulling triggers."

Most chilling of all, Sgt. Barry reports: "Their operators had
penetrated the building on several occasions, and on one
occasion, late April 17 or early on the 18th, they saw Koresh
within six feet of them. They radioed back to the Tactical
Operations Center for permission to grab him, and within
minutes the word came back from the Justice Department,
'No, we already have a plan in place,' that being what
happened on April 19."

"People ask why we didn't let the children out," sobs Davidian
survivor Clive Doyle. "If they saw all that was happening, and
they were there with their children, would they have sent
them out to the animals outside that were shooting at them
and doing all those terrible things? No. ... When there was
shooting going on it's kind of tongue in cheek to then turn and
say, 'Well, why didn't you come out?' "

Although the government long denied its agents fired any
incendiary projectiles into the church -- which was lined with
hay bales against government gunfire, heated with kerosene
heaters after the government shut off the electricity, and then
flooded with combustible propellant for the CS gas --
photographs taken after the fire clearly show a U.S. military
Mark 651 pyrotechnic CS gas projectile lying in the ashes.

When researcher McNulty finally broached the evidence
room with the aid of the Freedom of Information Act in 1998,
the pyrotechnic devices visible in those photographs were
missing from the evidence boxes. But two additional
pyrotechnic 40mm devices were found. The film's
investigators also found -- mislabeled as gun parts or
silencers -- six spent government flash-bang grenades, which
were recovered from the dining room, the chapel, and the
southwest corner of the building -- "all three points of origin of
the fire."

Asked at a press conference whether she is embarrassed
that independent filmmakers could find this evidence, when
the FBI had been unable to turn it up in six years, Attorney
General Janet Reno responds: "I'm not embarrassed. I'm
very, very upset."

At 12:10 p.m. on April 19 the overhead FLIR footage shows
at least two automatic weapons being fired into the rear of
the dining room, the only remaining undamaged exit from the
now-burning building. According to a Justice Department
report, at least 15 people were found shot to death at this
location. The FBI conducted ballistic tests which the DOJ
later termed "inconclusive and rudimentary at best."

"I cannot remember anything more sickening" than watching
that gunfire into the building's last exit, comments Dr. Allard.

Asked whether the Davidian gunshot victims appeared to
have committed suicide, a former FBI forensic crime scene
analyst who preferred to be filmed only in silhouette
responds: "The majority of people, the bodies that I saw,
were clear-cut homicide victims. ...I don't know who fired the
bullets into their bodies. So in fact what we have here is an
open homicide."

Congressional investigator March Bell says the treatment of
those bodies was "very troubling. The bodies were preserved
in a semi-frozen state in two trailers for the purposes of
investigation. For some reason those trailers under the
control of the FBI were allowed to not have any electricity
running to them and the bodies deteriorated beyond the point
where any sort of forensic evidence could be gathered. We
were very disturbed by that."

Indeed, the scene of the massacre was declared a "bio-
hazard," and since the FBI had predetermined this was a
mass suicide, "The FBI investigators were instructed to sift,
wash, and bleach the evidence associated with the
bodies, destroying much of its evidentiary value."

The large hole in the roof of the concrete records vault where
the women and children were sheltering -- the rebar bent
downwards as though from an external blast -- has never
been explained. Military explosives expert Brig. Gen. Benton
Partin, USAF retired, says "What it tells me is that you had a
demolition charge that went off on the roof."

The FBI bulldozed the "bunker" to rubble. Six years later, in
1999, when Davidian attorneys were granted permission to
recover the portion that might bear traces of the explosive
used, that portion of the bunker ceiling was found to be
missing. Gen. Partin concludes the rudimentary gunpowder
possessed by the Branch Davidians would not have been
capable of blowing that hole through six inches of reinforced
concrete. Special Forces Sgt. Steven Barry reports the
damage inside the records vault was "consistent with a
shaped charge," as does retired USAF ordnance engineer
Col. Jack Frost.

"In military operations, it's standard procedure to do this,"
Barry explains, in order to reduce casualties among the
attacking forces.

The FBI's White House contact during the Waco operation
was presidential aide Vince Foster, who committed suicide
90 days later. His widow told the FBI that the Waco tragedy
was "very high on his list of concerns." She says he told the
FBI he "believed everything was his fault," though Foster also
commented: "The FBI lied to me."

After his suicide, the White House kept the Department of
Justice and the Parks Police from reviewing Foster's files.
Witnesses saw Maggie Williams -- Hillary Clinton's chief of
staff -- removing Waco files from Foster's office. The staff
was told "The contents of the box needed to be reviewed
by the First Lady."

Sgt. Barry of the Special Forces: "If the Special Combat
Applications Group were on the ground that day actually
pulling triggers, the origin of that operation would have come
from the White House. It would have come from the
president. Because the Special Combat Applications Group
is, for all intents and purposes, the president's private army."

So: The ATF, the FBI, and the Army Combat Applications
Group (the "Delta Force" -- which can only have been
dispatched to the scene by the special authorization of
William Jefferson Clinton) stand accused of murder at

Why are there still no trials?

"Waco: A New Revelation" is $30.90 postpaid.
Dial 1-877-GET-WACO; or go to web site

Vin Suprynowicz is assistant editorial page editor of the Las
Vegas Review-Journal. His new book, "Send in the Waco
Killers: Essays on the Freedom Movement, 1993-1998," is
available at $24.95 postpaid from Mountain Media, P.O. Box
271122, Las Vegas, Nev. 89127; by dialing 1-800-244-2224;
or via web site http://www.thespiritof76.com/wacokillers.html.
Vin Suprynowicz,   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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