-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

>It is now embarrassingly clear that Michael is a failure on his own terms.
>Scottish Parliament has opened up civic life by showing that tuition fees
and a
>laughable "freedom of information" act can no longer be imposed by the
>dictatorship in Westminster on the whole of Britain. Wales, which admittedly
>has far fewer powers, has done nothing.

this view is contrary to my own on the effectiveness and relevance of
devolved government in the uk ie. the scottish parliament if it has
demonstrated anything - it is a wierd anxiety to implement the most radical
new world order policies on an experimental basis - before they get
introduced to the population of england and wales.
To explain, the treaty of union which held together the uk by an historic
joining of the old kingdoms - asserted that no tax could be introduced in
any one kingdom - it had to be multilateral.
Thatcher broke the treaty when she introduced the dreaded poll tax into
scotland.... an experiment to see if the rebellious scots could handle it -
and if they did - then england and wales were to get it in the neck next.
Scotland endured with barely a whimper - so it was introduced into england
and wales - suddenly mass riots in english cities - to the famous battle
cry of ..
'maggie, maggie, maggie .... out ! out ! out! '
next good idea - lets dump everybodys nuclear waste in scotland
next good idea - lets make everybody in scotland pay lots and lots for
their water - shall we say that water is an overabindant resource in scotland.
next good idea - lets put an additional tax and toll on important roads -
but we will only do this in scotland first - and if there's too much fuss -
we can screw our mates in england and wales more efficiently if we learn
from the scottish mistakes.
next good idea - lets actually promote minority gender lifestyles in schools
lets extensively add fluoride to the uk supply
lets close all heavy industry in northern britain

there is no passion in uk politics - just big homogenous tony
who has a total monopoly on uk politics

neither first minister of either the welsh or scottish assembly would go
to the toilet without his permission.



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