August 24 2000  BRITAIN
Was Simpson a lady who lunched for Hitler?


THE tone is snooty, misogynistic and occasionally hysterical. But the
anonymous informant whose memorandum has now come to light in the Special
Branch files believed he knew a scheming dominatrix when he saw one, and he
saw one in Wallis Simpson.
Advising him on gardening and making him wrap-up warm when playing golf may
not now be considered conclusive proof of her designs to ensnare the future
King Edward VIII as it did to the informant but, for historians, the more
important contention concerns allegations about her malign political

The document insists that Mrs Simpson was friendly with Nazi agents and was
surrounded by a social set that every Cabinet member knew to be closely
identified with a "certain foreign power". The Cabinet records concerning the
Abdication period remain closed to public scrutiny under a 100-year rule, but
it is well-known that Mrs Simpson's association with Joachim von Ribbentrop,
the German Ambassador to Britain, created talk at the time.

It was his blandishments that mattered, rather than those of supposedly
sympathetic German-Americans referred to in the file. "Brickendrop", as
society wags dubbed the gaffe-prone ambassador, who became Hitler's Foreign
Minister, had deduced that the British social and political elite were one
and the same.

He sought to further the cause of Anglo-German friendship through attempts to
make the German Embassy, off The Mall, the centre of a social world. Instead,
his charm offensive soon attracted only the hangers-on and social alpinists,
of which Mrs Simpson was the prime example. At least in her case he had a
route to the heir to the throne and it was reported that he had taken to
having her sent flowers by the armful.

In fact, politicians were fussing needlessly that Mrs Simpson was being used
to cement pro-German sentiments in her royal lover's mind. But the extent of
her psychological control on him naturally led to fears that she was a
latter-day Mata Hari, who had learnt unusual practices during a suspiciously
ill-documented period in the red-light area of Shanghai. All the evidence
suggests that Edward had come to the same political conclusions even before
he became fixated with Mrs Simpson.

His decision in 1937, after his abdication, to visit Germany and take tea
with Hitler showed the direction in which he wanted to see British foreign
policy moving. In 1939 his views and those of the British Government parted

While the Duke and Duchess of Windsor were in Spain and Portugal in 1940,
Ribbentrop expressed an interest in taking them back to Germany from where
they could be installed as puppet-rulers of Britain after its defeat.

Churchill's assessment, that they were caught up in the "backwash" of Nazi
intrigues, could equally describe the cocktail politics that enchanted Mrs

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