-Caveat Lector-


"Less than a month after the crisis first surfaced, the PUC voted
3-2 to
authorize long-term supply contracts at about 5 cents a
kilowatt-hour --
slightly higher than wholesale prices had been, but ridiculously
cheap by
contemporary standards. Publicly owned utilities saw the looming
escalation and quickly locked up long-term supplies, but Lynch
denounced the
commission action as "a wrong turn" that could lead to higher
bills, and within days it was scuttled in legislation signed by

Bee Column
Dan Walters: One year later, we know it wasn't just a simple game
of golf

(Published May 20, 2001)

California will mark -- but certainly not celebrate -- an
anniversary this
week. It was exactly one year ago that a late spring heat wave
swept over
San Diego, and as air conditioners began drawing heavy amounts of
power, San
Diego Gas & Electric Co. began charging its customers high,
rates for juice.

It was the beginning of the California energy crisis, or at least
of public
and political awareness that something was wrong. And a year
later, every
aspect of the crisis continues to grow worse. We are paying 10
times as much
for power as we were two years ago. We have amassed more than $20
billion in
private and public debt that will grow even with sharp increases
in consumer
power rates. And we face potentially life-threatening summer

Certainly the roots of the crisis extend much further than one
year. They go
back to decisions in the 1970s to stop major power plant
construction and
rely on conservation and alternative generating sources. And they
include a
momentous decision in the mid-1990s to adopt a "deregulation"
plan that was
an unworkable hybrid of open markets and price controls that left
us at the
mercy of out-of-state generators. Of more currency is what was
and wasn't
done in the last 12 months to fan that spark into a uncontrolled,
perhaps uncontrollable, firestorm.

Gov. Gray Davis once said that he was approaching energy just as
he plays
golf, "one hole at a time." Unfortunately for Davis, and for the
state, it
was not a golf game, but one of three-dimensional, and perhaps
four-dimensional, chess. To manage the crisis effectively, the
governor needed the ability, either personally or through trusted
aides, to
pull together its disparate elements into a cohesive whole.

The golfing approach was evident from the beginning, as Davis
dealt with
only the most immediate aspects of the situation as they evolved,
than embracing it wholly and actively. Private and public energy
warned that what was happening in San Diego was a harbinger of a
crisis and proposed that the 1996 "deregulation" be suspended,
that rates be
raised slightly and that private utilities be given broad
authority to enter
into long-term supply contracts to stabilize the market. But
Davis and his
handpicked state Public Utilities Commission president, Loretta
stalled for time.

Less than a month after the crisis first surfaced, the PUC voted
3-2 to
authorize long-term supply contracts at about 5 cents a
kilowatt-hour --
slightly higher than wholesale prices had been, but ridiculously
cheap by
contemporary standards. Publicly owned utilities saw the looming
escalation and quickly locked up long-term supplies, but Lynch
denounced the
commission action as "a wrong turn" that could lead to higher
bills, and within days it was scuttled in legislation signed by

Rather than face the issue comprehensively and proactively,
Davis, Lynch and
the Legislature opted for an expedient fix in San Diego, rolling
back retail
rates without addressing either supply or cost issues. Within
weeks, private
utilities were beginning to take on billions of dollars in debt
as wholesale
costs skyrocketed.

Last summer's failure to act was compounded by other errors of
It's clear now, for example, that it was a mistake for the state
to continue
buying power at sky-high rates when the utilities had exhausted
credit. Having a new deep pocket encouraged the generators to
whatever the market would bear.

A year after he could have nipped the crisis in the bud, but
didn't, Davis
is busily rewriting history and blaming others, principally
Republicans, for
the dilemma. But the governor cannot, or should not, escape the
responsibility for approaching this very complex situation like a
game of
golf, or like some routine political dispute, and thus failing to
apply the
aggressive and sophisticated managerial touch that this crisis
demanded from
the onset.

As Gen. George McClellan discovered at the Battle of Antietam
during the
Civil War, the unwillingness to take risk often leads to greater

The Bee's Dan Walters can be reached at (916) 321-1195 or

                           Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

          FROM THE DESK OF:

                          *Michael Spitzer*

          The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To

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