This item was sent to me by a friend and by the way Joshua2 - you stated
you had some "friends" you would like me to meet - well here I am,
Joshua2 for I have some friends who said they, would like to meet you?

This all figures in from the bible code linked to the murders of JFK,
RFK, and even little John John and the Princess Diana all of whom were a
threat to this communist Zionist movement - and considering it was Meyer
Lansky and Carlos Marcello at one of their "board meetings" who stated
hey, we get Bobby we just get the tail, we get JFK and we get the
head....right Joshua2 for surely you have read of this.

And Larry Flynt long a figure in organized crime - who contnributes
heavily to the ADL who receives dirty money in fact laundered money -
well it begins to all add up ...... was surprised to find Goldie Hawn
fronting for ADL and Zionists - but then, considering her past
associations with oroganized crime figures - again it figures, for I did
not know she was Zionist....


And all the time I thought the Mafia, was Italian....

Copyright 2001 Asatru folk Assembly

 A Briefing for Law Enforcement Officials

The Watchers

Powerful forces in America today, owing allegiance only to themselves
and despising traditional American values and law, routinely and without
legal accountability spy on U.S. citizens, manipulate news media through
lies and distortion, and seek to corrupt and control law enforcement

While posing as respectable citizens concerned only with racial justice
and the dangers of hate, groups such as the Anti-Defamation League
(ADL), Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), and the Center for Democratic
Renewal (CDR) relentlessly push their own, hidden agendas which include
"... transform(ing) certain ethnic or racial groups into a privileged
class one criticizes at one's peril or, in the case of groups with a
Marxist background, the complete reconstruction of society..."(1) And
always, there is money involved - a great deal of money.

Law enforcement agencies have been particular targets of these groups -
not only does association with law enforcement lend much-needed
credibility to their efforts, but it also gives access to restricted
official files and records useful to those who would intimidate and
victimize the opposition. These groups also seek, through lies and
misinformation, to turn the police and courts into their "attack dogs"
with the goals of harassing and jailing members of "hate groups."

But let's get down to specifics.

Nazi Boogeymen
The principal way these groups raise money and gain influence for
themselves is by greatly magnifying the "threat" posed by neo-Nazi,
Klan, and militia groups. While the "watchers" paint a picture of
Nazi/Klan power, the reality is very different.

The few Klansmen or Nazis who dare to rally in public are reduced to
cowering behind police lines while being pelted by rocks and bottles.

Most racist "cells" are made up of 3 or 4 individuals who meet once in a
while to wistfully watch old Nazi videos. Many "national" racist groups
are only a post office box and and a mailing list. Others consist of one
member only, such as the "Farmer's Liberation Army," listed by the SPLC
as a "hate group"(2) The SPLC's own Mark Potok is quoted as saying of
these groups: "

The numbers are absolutely soft. We are talking about a tiny number of
Americans who are members of hate groups - I mean, infinitesimal." (3)

In 1994 the ADL reported 788 acts of anti-Semitic vandalism (one per
330,000 Americans, or slightly over 2 per day, in a country of over a
quarter-billion people).
Contrast this with the literally thousands of leftist protestors who
march regularly in support of convicted cop-killer Abu Jamal and the
846,428 overwhelmingly minority gang members in the U.S. who were
responsible for over 2800 homicides in 1996 alone.(4)

Somebody is being scammed.
While it is true that there are racist web-sites on the Internet, it is
also true that these are generally the work of one or two individuals
who, through technology, present a far more fearsome aspect than is
warranted. Racist groups, like other radicals, enthusiastically engage
in the game of inflating their numbers and potential. The SPLC and ADL
encourage this exaggeration by their need to justify their own existence
and raise funds, thereby joined to those they oppose in an unhealthy
symbiotic relationship. Strange bedfellows indeed!
Fleecing the Sheep
"It's a Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker operation," says Millard Farmer,
former partner of Morris Dees, speaking of Dees' SPLC fundraising
methods "You'd read his letters and you'd think he was on his last
penny." (5) But the SPLC, which has amassed coffers approaching $100
million, was ranked "the fourth least-needy charity in the country" in
1993, according to the American Institute for Philantropy.(6) In
February of 1994 the Montgomery Advertiser, in a series of articles,
called into question the fundraising tactics of the SPLC. Some
criticized Morris Dees, calling him a "phony," the "television
evangelist of civil rights who misleads donors."(7) According to Stephen
Bright of Atlanta's Southern Center for Human Rights, Morris Dees of the
SPLC is "...a fraud who has milked a lot of wonderful, well-intentioned

The ADL, with an annual budget of over $34 million, also finds alarmism

"Anti-Semitic" incidents reported by the ADL include verbal harassment
and graffiti which, while alarming, are hardly the stuff of "domestic
terrorism." Furthermore, while attempting to justify its agenda and
raise money the ADL actually gathers reports of such anti-Semitism by
soliciting it's own mailing list - hardly a scientific and disinterested
polling practice.
But can anyone be surprised at such fraud, with millions of dollars to
be made?
Your Name is on a List
"I would say there are certain restrictions that law-enforcement
agencies operate under that organizations like the ADL do not have." Art
Teitlebaum, Southern-area director for the ADL.(9)

Those who disagree with the "watchers" will certainly have their names
added to an "enemies list." Spying on American citizens, some of whose
only "crime" is speaking out against the United Nations or questioning
Israeli policies concerning nuclear weapon development and the treatment
of Palestinians, is carried out by the ADL, the SPLC, and the Center for
Democratic Renewal (CDR), among others. And while U.S. citizens can
obtain their FBI files through the Freedom of Information Act, and
thereby challenge and correct errors, the "watchers" secret files are
not subject to review. "You will have no idea what information is kept
on you, where it originated, who obtained it and how, and what
implications it may have on your safety. You have no control over how
this information is disseminated, where it winds up and what decisions
are based on it."(10)

And what kind of person engages in this surveillance of U.S. citizens?
Leonard Zeskind, of the Center for Democratic Renewal (CDR) "gathers a
dozen fellow travelers in an apartment decorated with revolutionary
banners and a picture of Sojourner Truth. Led by him, the mostly white,
mostly female group study Lenin..." (11)

"They (CDR) operate in quasi-secrecy out of a basement in a southwest
Atlanta office building. They won't give out the street address. They
use real names and pseudonyms interchangeably. This bunker mentality
belongs to the CDR, one of the nation's principal monitors of far-right
hate groups" (12)

ADL spy Roy Bullock, well known in the San Francisco gay community, was
involved in the theft of thousands of confidential police files from the
San Francisco Police Department. Bullock was regarded as the ADL's "top
spy" and had worked for the ADL thirty-five years. (13)

How about Morris Dees, Director of the SPLC? Court documents (14) show
us a Morris Dees far different from the carefully contrived image of
"civil rights hero" and "brave, anti-hate crusader." Mr. Dees is shown
to be a misogynic serial sexual predator and wife-beater, encouraging
his wife to participate in group sex, and who attempted to force himself
on his step-daughter. "He's (Dees) not immoral, he's amoral..." says
Courtney Mullin, a Dees associate. (15)

These are the kinds of people who spy on American citizens, who keep
"enemies lists" - lists your name could be on.
Adventures in Journalism
Police officers need to be skeptical of news reports concerning Klan or
militia activities.

They are often erroneous stories "planted" by groups such as the ADL
which have a vested interest in alarming the public.

The "watchers" boast that they are the media's primary sources of
information regarding militia, patriot, and other "hate" groups, and
journalists are often fooled by their misinformation campaigns. Holding
themselves out as experts, the SPLC and ADL offer extremely biased and
often untruthful information to the media. News is even "manufactured,"
as was the case when television station WCCO in Minneapolis, Minnesota
was hoaxed by ADL operatives in July, 1981. Posing as members of the
"Christian Patriots Defense League," "John Austin" and "Jim Anderson"
were interviewed by WCCO as part of a documentary on rightist
paramilitary groups.

But "John" and "Jim" were actually ADL agents Kevin Reid and James
Rosenberg, whose real job was to spread the fear and paranoia on which
the ADL thrives. As part of their career as ADL agents provocateurs,
they infiltrated neo-Nazi, Klan, and militia groups, teaching techniques
of violent "street combat."(16) They were arrested and exposed as spies
when police found the men on the roof of a building with two rifles (17)
posing as paramilitary extremists for a photographic fabrication
exaggerating the threat from the far right.

The SPLC also practices such deception. In June 1998 SPLC spokesman Mark
Potok denounced the "Four Corners Patriots," a militia group said to be
linked to the "viciously racist and anti-Semitic" Christian Identity
religion. Potok claimed the SPLC had "tracked" the group since 1995 and
that three men who killed a Cortez, New Mexico police officer and
wounded three others were members. Although Potok's claims were picked
up by wire services and the NBC Nightly News the "Four Corners Patriots"
did not exist, and was only manufactured by Potok to smear the militia
movement and scare the public. (18)

ADL and SPLC agents and their masters understand fully the importance of
news stories and will not hesitate to unscrupulously manipulate the
Target: Law Enforcement
It is extremely important that law enforcement officers understand the
nature of these "anti-hate" groups. That's one purpose of this report -
to illustrate how the "watchers" operate, who they are, what their
hidden purposes are.

We are confident that most officers think for themselves and examine all
sides, regardless of the currents of "political correctness." We can ask
of you no more than that.

It's vital for you to understand that, beneath the carefully woven SPLC
and ADL illusion of respect and assistance to law enforcement, the facts
present a far different and sinister picture.

There are three reasons the so-called anti-hate groups attempt to
associate themselves with law enforcement. First, a connection with
individual officers and departments lends an air of legitimacy to their
efforts. Second, access to confidential police files is important to
those who would use the information found there to harass, intimidate,
or blackmail their opponents.
Third, through the use of false or manufactured evidence, the groups can
hope to have those who disagree with them arrested by the police, their
lives disrupted, their finances ruined. This is facilitated by carefully
cultivated connections with influential police officers.

How the "watchdogs" infiltrate police agencies and what they hope to
accomplish thereby is best illustrated by what happened in San Francisco
in 1993. This isn't the only instance of ADL and SPLC infiltration of
law enforcement agencies but it's the most documented, so it's a good

Paid ADL operative Roy Bullock developed an illegal "intelligence
sharing" relationship with San Francisco police officer Tom Gerard, who
was paid $8,000 by Mr. Bullock for supplying him with confidential
files. With Gerard's help, Bullock compiled an ADL "enemies list" of
over ten thousand individuals and one thousand organizations.

After he was interviewed by the FBI, Gerard fled to the Phillipines,
leaving behind a briefcase in his police locker that contained
passports, driver's licences, and identification cards in ten different
names as well as blank birth certificates, Army discharge papers, and
official stationary from various agencies. Also found in the briefcase
were extensive information on death squads, a black hood apparently for
use in interrogations, and photos of blindfolded and chained men. (19)

Because of a lack of cooperation from the ADL, San Francisco police
raided the offices of the ADL on 8 April 1993 looking for illegally
obtained law enforcement information used in a "political spy network."
On 10 December over 12,000 computerized files were seized from ADL
offices in San Francisco and Los Angeles. (20)

According to Captain John Willett of the SFPD, this was not an isolated
incident - "This Gerard-Bullock thing is the tip of the iceberg - this
is going on nation-wide". (21)
One way the ADL thanks its friends and attempts to corrupt law
enforcement officers is sending them on all-expense paid trips to
Israel. Once there, they are wined and dined and encouraged to help the
ADL. (22) Officer Tom Gerard was one such visitor to Israel, in 1991.

The two-faced nature of the ADL, which poses as a friend to law
enforcement while working to corrupt it, is further illustrated by the
"Torch of Liberty" award the ADL gave to gangster Moe Dalitz in 1985.
During the Prohibition era Mr. Dalitz began smuggling whisky from
Canada. When sales of alcohol became legal in 1933 he and his gangsters
switched from smuggling to loan sharking, extortion, and prostitution.

Toward the end of World War Two Moe Dalitz began investing his wealth in
Las Vegas where he quickly became the undisputed "Godfather." Undisputed
that is, until 1989, when he and two others were killed in a gang
shoot-out. But Moe had contributed lots of cash to the ADL, so he had
been awarded the "Torch of Liberty."
Asatru and American Values
Has America changed? Are we now just passively led by popular culture
and political correctness into accepting without question whatever new
humiliation is expected of us?

Have our hearts and souls been sold for cute trinkets from the mall? Is
our nation and our culture now to be defined by Larry Flynt, Barney
Frank, Madonna, Oprah, and Eminem? We of the Asatru Folk Assembly don't
think so.
We sons and daughters of those who fought for, and won, America through
courage and hard work have not surrended our values. The

American wolves have not become sheep. Our ancestors still live on in
our hearts, and their values are still our own.

American values are the values of Asatru. A sense of fairness and
justice...a belief in freedom and self-determination for all...good
returned for good given...hard work and self-sufficiency, but also
generosity...courage and determination in the face of for the weak and innocent.

How can it be otherwise? American values are, at heart, European values,
and the ways of Asatru are those of our ancient forebears of the
European tribes. To call this "racist" is to bend the meaning of that
word beyond all recognition. "Racist" to honor our ancestors? "Racist"
to love our heritage, and to want to pass it on to future generations?
"Racist" to also honor people of other heritages, and wish them well in
a world with true diversity and variation?

It is our hope that morality and truth will again to be accepted as
common American virtues, regardless of whatever faiths and creeds are
found in this land. We hope that America will reject the lies and crimes
of those who seek to advance their hidden agendas, who selfishly try to
enrich and glorify themselves at America's expense.

American law enforcement officers give a lot - putting yourselves in
harm's way to protect our communities, and you are often the best and
brightest America has to offer. We present this report to inform you and
challenge you - review the facts closely, research carefully, and fairly
judge the facts for yourself.
1) Laird Wilcox, The Watchdogs (Editorial Research Service, 1999) pg. 14
2) ibid., pg.49
3) Arlene Levinson, Associated Press (July 1999)
4) 1996 National Youth Gang Survey (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Dept. of
Justice: 1999)
5) Drew Jubera, "A Wealth of of Contradictions," Atlanta Constitution
(26 October 1989)
(6) Dan Morse and Greg Jaffe, "Charity of Riches," Montgomery Advertiser
(November 1994)
(7) ibid.
(8) Andrea Stone, "Morris Dees : At Center of the Racial Storm," USA
Today (3 August, 1996)
(9) Maria T. Padilla, "Racial Violence Leads to Rise in Anti-Racism
Groups," Knight-Ridder News Service (22 Aug. 1999)
(10) Wilcox, pg. 10
(11) Bruce Rogers, "Radical Chic, Kansas City Style," City (Jan. 1991)
(12) Alan Sverdlik, "Keeping an Eye on the Hate Groups," Atlanta Journal
and Constitution (3 Nov. 1989)
(13) Richard Paddock, "San Francisco Probes Private Spy Network," Los
Angeles Times (26 Feb. 1993)
(14) Maureen Bass Dees vs. Morris S. Dees case no. CIV 2114 Alabama
Court of Civil Appeals
(15) Dan Morse, "Marketing the Klan," Montgomery Advertiser (November
(16) Wilcox, pp. 40, 41
(17) "Nabbed with Weapons," Daily News (8 Oct. 1981)
(18) Wilcox, pg.49

(19) "Rachel Gordon, "Supervisors Seek Probe in Spy Case," San Francisco
Examiner (27 Jan. 1993); K. Bradley Hudson, "Big Brother in San
Francisco," San Francisco Sentinel (4 Feb. 1993); "San Francisco Cop
Probed For Sale of Intelligence to Israel," Israeli Foreign Affairs (5
Feb. 1993); Richard C. Paddock,"San Francisco Probes Private Spy
Network," Los Angeles Times (26 Feb. 1993); Dennis J. Opatrny and Scott
Winokur, "Police Said to Aid Spying on Political Groups," San Francisco
Examiner (9 March 1993)
(20) ibid
(21) ibid

(22) Robert J. Friedman, "The Anti-Defamation League is Spying On You,"
Village Voice (11 May 1993)
(23) Philip Matler and Andrew Ross, "Former S.F. Cop Target of Probe,"
San Francisco Chronicle (15 Jan. 1993)
Next:  Facts about the Asatru Folk Assmbly

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