-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Tzemach News Service
A weekly update of news and events regarding the nation and the people of

Week Ending: 7 July 2001/16 Tamuz 5761

"For thus says the L-rd, 'Sing aloud with gladness for Jacob, and shout
among the chiefs of the nations; Proclaim, give praise, and say, "O L-rd,
save Thy people, the remnant of Israel."'" Jeremiah 31.7

Highlights Of This Week:


:: CEASE FIRE STATISTICS: On 2 June PLO leader Yassir Arafat declared a
cease fire. Since then, up to and including 2 July, there have been 373
Palestinian terrorists attacks against Israelis, not including rock
throwing or fire bombs. Israel and Palestinians accepted the US-brokered
"Tenet Plan" on 14 June. Since then there have been 200 Palestinian
terrorists attacks against Israelis, not including rock throwing or fire
bombs. Between the acceptance of the "Tenet Plan" on 14 June and 26 June,
there were a total of 116 Palestinian terrorists attacks against Israelis,
not including rock throwing or fire bombs. Based on this data, US President
George W. Bush claimed that there had been much progress in the "cease
fire". On 2 July, after a total of 373 Palestinian terrorists attacks
against Israelis -- not including rock throwing or fire bombs -- Arafat
declared seven "quiet days" to end on 5 July.

Meanwhile, according to a report in the WORLD TRIBUNE, the Bush
administration is expressing frustration over its failure to stop the
Israeli-Palestinian war and is considering decreasing US efforts.
Administration officials said Bush has been dismayed that Secretary of
State Colin Powell and CIA Director George Tenet have failed in their
missions to stop the war. They said they are considering ending their
intensive efforts to mediate a ceasefire between the two sides.

lawmakers are urging Secretary of US State Colin Powell to publicize
rewards for the capture of Palestinian terrorists. Nineteen American
citizens have been killed in terrorist attacks in Israel since the signing
of the Oslo Accords in 1993. A State Department report released in April
stated that publicizing such rewards in the case of Palestinian
perpetrators of terror "would be detrimental to ongoing efforts to capture"
the terrorists. However, the State Department's "Rewards for Justice" Web
site (http://www.dssrewards.net) lists reward programs for terrorists
involved in all kinds of bombings and murders: the bombing of the US
Embassies in Africa; the bombing of the Khobar Towers in Dhahran, Saudi
Arabia; the bombing of the Marine base in Lebanon; the bombing of TWA
Flight 840; the Karachi, Pakistan Consulate Murders; the Karachi, Pakistan
UTP Murders; the TWA Flight 847 Hijacking; plus several others. The site
also lists several terrorists including Osama Bin Laden. If publicizing
such rewards is supposed to be "detrimental to ongoing efforts to capture"
the terrorists, then why does the US State Department list all these other
terrorist acts? Why it is that only listing the Palestinian terrorists who
have murdered US citizens in Israel is considered "detrimental to ongoing
efforts to capture" the terrorists? On our Web site,
http://www.tzemach.org/fyi/, is a link to a listing of addresses for the US
Congress and the US Senate. Maybe you ought to ask them why.

:: MORE MURDERS; CEASE FIRE CONTINUES: Aharon Obadyan, 41, father of four,
of Zichron Ya'akov was shot and killed Monday near Baka a-Sharkia, north of
Tulkarem, after shopping at the local market.

The body of Yair Har Sinai, 51, of Susiya in the Hebron hills, was found
early Tuesday morning shot in the head and chest. Har Sinai had been a
shepherd for the last 19 years and was well known to Israelis and
Palestinians in the area. Unarmed at the time of his murder, he did not
carry a gun as a matter of principle. He is survived by his wife, Dalia,
and their nine children. His oldest daughter, 21 years old, is married. His
oldest son is serving in the military. His youngest son is 18 months old.

Arab forces shot a handicapped Jew to death near Tulkarm Wednesday. The
victim was found on a road, outside of his car, shot in the back. Security
sources say it seems the man, who suffered from a handicap in his legs, was
attempting to run away from his attackers.

On Wednesday night, a 54-year-old Israeli Arab from Tira, suspected of
collaborating with Israel, was shot dead from a passing car at the entrance
to the town.

:: BOMBING IN TEL AVIV SUBURB: A double car-bomb attack was perpetrated in
the Tel Aviv suburb of Yahud Monday; six people were treated for shock. The
two bombs, each about ten kilograms (22 pounds) of explosives and nails,
exploded within ten minutes of each other, and 500 meters (0.3 miles)
apart. The two cars belonged to local residents, and it is assumed that the
terrorists broke into the cars, placed the explosives, and then escaped.

:: SETTLEMENT WEB SITE OF THE WEEK: Itamar: Gem of the Hills. Yishuv Itamar
is located in the Gav Hahar region, or literally, "the Hump of the
Mountain". Gav Hahar is crowned by two noble peaks that rise 3,000 feet
above the surrounding country, the mountains of the Blessing and the Curse
-- Har Gerizzim and Har Eval. In all Gav Hahar there are no more than 500
families. The Web site for Itamar is located at:

:: THE MACCABEAN ONLINE: The Freeman Center For Strategic Studies has
published the July edition of the The Maccabean Online. The Maccabean
Online, http://freeman.io.com/online.htm, is the Freeman Center's monthly
journal and contains about two dozen of the best Zionist Nationalist
articles and essays every month. Published since 1995, it is an excellent
resource for information on current and past events related to Israel and
the Jewish world. Check it out!

:: UN TO TURN OVER VIDEO TAPE: On 7 October 2000, Hizb'Allah terrorists
kidnapped three IDF soldiers. For the past several months, the defense
establishment has been receiving reports that a videotape filmed the day
after the kidnapping is in the hands of the United Nations. After many
denials of the existence of the videotape by the UN, senior UN sources have
recently informed Defense Minister Binyamin Ben-Eliezer that this
videotape, filmed by UNIFIL soldiers, is at UN headquarters. UN officials
said the video demanded by Israel of the area of the abduction would be
relayed to Israel. The video was said to have been taken 18 hours after
three Israeli soldiers were attacked and kidnapped by Hizb'Allah in the
disputed Sheba'a plateau. Officials said the video does not shed new light
on the abduction. Israeli sources said the video shows the UN vehicles used
by Hizb'Allah during the kidnapping and demonstrates that Hizb'Allah posed
as UN peacekeeping troops to gain access to Sheba'a. The videotape --
recorded by a member of the Indian peacekeeping contingent -- will be
handed over to Israel after the faces of Hizb'Allah members are blurred.
The officials said this was done for security reasons.

Agency's Board of Governors last week approved an unprecedented resolution
to double the number of olim (immigrants) directed to Jerusalem, within the
framework of a special project to be run jointly by the Jewish Agency, the
Jerusalem Municipality and the Israeli government (Ministry of Absorption).
The olim will receive assistance for housing, education, employment,
further education, learning Hebrew and social and cultural activities.
7,500 olim from all parts of the world are expected to be absorbed in the
city through this project during 2002, including students and families.

:: ISRAEL STRIKES BACK AT LEBANON: Israel Air Force F-16 planes attacked
targets in Lebanon yet again Sunday, in retaliation for the Hizb'Allah
attack on two bases in northern Israel earlier last weekend. Sunday's raid
destroyed a Syrian radar installation in Lebanon, in the heart of the
Ba'albek region. Hizb'Allah responded with a barrage of dozens of mortar
shells on Har Dov, and Israeli combat helicopters responded. No Israelis
were hurt. An Israeli Security Cabinet statement said that "the government
of Israel has determined that these criminal activities of Hizb'Allah's are
being carried out with the full knowledge and sponsorship of Syria, whose
army is present in Lebanon. Syria's position has prevented - and continues
to prevent - the deployment of the Lebanese army on the border with Israel
according to the UN resolution. Syria enables the accelerated arming of
Hizb'Allah in Lebanon.

Over the past weeks, as Arab forces in the employ of the Palestinian
Authority have murdered and injured Jewish residents of Yesha [Judea,
Samaria, and Gaza], PM Sharon and his spokesmen have parroted over and over
the mantra that "restraint is strength". The practical meaning of this
slogan as a response to terror attacks has been no response at all. The
questions that today run through the minds of many Jews living in Yesha
are: If "restraint is strength", did Sharon consciously act with "weakness"
in his military retaliation against Syria? If this is not the case, and
Sharon has decided the "restraint is weakness" and retaliation is the
proper response to military aggression, will he now apply this policy to
protecting Jewish families who live in Yesha? If Sharon does not apply this
policy in Yesha, will the mantra now change from the disingenuous
"restraint is strength" to a more honest "the blood of Yesha's Jews is cheap"?

Meanwhile, Israeli officials and Western diplomats said Hizb'Allah has
blocked UN peacekeepers from entering many areas along the Lebanese border
with Israel. They said Hizb'Allah has established roadblocks to prevent UN
patrols from monitoring the border. The UN has not challenged Hizb'Allah,
the officials said. "UN commanders have acknowledged that they can't do
their job," an Israeli military commander said. "The issue has been raised
quietly, but the Hizb'Allah won't budge." The UN has refused to raise the
issue publicly.

:: DOES ISRAEL USE "PALESTINIAN" WATER? In recent years press accounts have
charged Israel with unfairly and illegally draining water from "Palestinian
aquifers," enabling Israelis to enjoy green lawns, clean cars and full
swimming pools, while leaving Palestinians with barely enough to drink.
Despite these reports, and similar ones from the BBC, the AP, etc., the
facts tell a different story. For one thing, Palestinians have their own
swimming pools. For another, Israel has never "helped itself" to water
"beneath Palestinian lands." Israel obtains roughly 50 percent of its water
from the Sea of Galilee and the Coastal Aquifer, both of which are entirely
within Israel's pre-1967 borders. For further details, see CAMERA's
background story at: http://world.std.com/~camera/docs/backg/water.html

[Sources: IMRA, IDF Spokesperson, ICEJ, Arutz-7, MENL]


"For Zion's sake will I not hold my peace and for Jerusalem's sake I will not
rest." Isaiah 62.1

Lee Underwood

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