"Seeing the System: Alan Greenspan, Unemployment, and the Validation of
Radical Analysis" - By Tim Wise

"What's the difference between a radical and a liberal?" It is a question
I'm regularly asked at lectures, usually by college students struggling with
their own sense of the world, trying desperately to figure out where they
stand on the seemingly endless spectrum from right to left. Often it is put
to me by College Democrat types: folks who are frustrated by their party's
lack of commitment to social and economic justice, but who can't quite bring
themselves to break with the group they consider the only alternative to the
far right.

Usually, I answer the question in the fairly predictable way: by explaining
that at the most basic level, the difference between radicals and liberals
is one of focus, and where one places the crux of the problem for our
current predicament, whatever that might be. In terms of economics, liberals
tend to believe that the larger system of which we are a part is basically
just, and that injustices and negative goings-on within that system are mere
unintended consequences of an otherwise well-oiled and beneficent machine: a
little tinkering here, a little reform there, perhaps a little more money
for those at the bottom, and everything will basically be O.K.

On the other hand, the radical believes that the system itself is the
problem: in terms of economics this means that the system of profit does not
create hardship as the unfortunate sidelight of an otherwise warm-and-fuzzy
social order; rather, we believe that the pain experienced by people under
such a system is very much inherent to that system, and is in fact required
by it in order to function. People are out of work in such a system, and
thus poor and even destitute, not because the system is breaking down; but
indeed, because it is working exactly as intended.

Now at first, this is an analysis that most don't want to accept. And that's
no surprise, as "seeing the system" goes against everything most of us have
been taught since we were young: the idea that one can be whatever one wants
if one simply tries hard enough and plays by the rules. The notion of the
U.S. as a pure meritocracy where individual failings are just
that-individual, is a very seductive ideological posture, and one that few
have ever subjected to real challenge.

The good thing for those of us who are radicals however, is that every now
and then we get a little help in proving the larger point from the most
unlikely of sources, and this week was no exception. For as I write this,
Americans have just been told that we must brace for a ratcheting up of
interest rates: three times in one day as we enter May, and another likely
hike in the middle of the month. And why? Well, as Federal Reserve Chair
Alan Greenspan explains, the economy is too healthy, unemployment has fallen
too low, and wages-God forbid-have started to inch upward for too many,
thereby raising the specter of dreaded price hikes. As such, it has now
become necessary according to the worldview of the Fed-one that is shared by
all major players in both the Democratic and Republican parties and
certainly by their Presidential candidates-to raise the cost of borrowing
money, thereby cooling off the expansion and hiring spree, and perhaps even
nudging the unemployment numbers back up a bit.

But wait: what was that? Intentionally slowing down job and wage growth?
Intentionally doing something to push unemployment up-and thus, put folks
out of work? Exactly right, and thus, it is Alan Greenspan who has
demonstrated this week the accuracy of radical analysis as to the nature of
the economy under which we labor and live. This former devotee of the
market-worshipping, pseudo-intellectual cultist, Ayn Rand, now demonstrating
clearly that pain and suffering, low wages and poverty are not the result of
individual moral failings or a decline in the Protestant work ethic, but
rather, are built-in to the nature of modern capitalism.

The fact that wages for most workers are still at lower real dollar values
than they were in the late 1970's, or that most of the wage gains have been
at the top of the employment structure and that over 40 million working
people still lack health insurance is of no consequence: according to
Greenspan, things are too good for too many people, and now it is time to
tighten our monetary belt. But what does it all mean, outside the confines
of economists' models and reserve bank meeting rooms?

Well consider this: when the Labor Department says the unemployment rate is
3.9 percent-the current official rate and a 30-year low-this is hardly an
accurate depiction of the joblessness picture in the U.S. After all, the
official unemployment rate doesn't include those who have grown so
discouraged by their job prospects that they've stopped looking for work,
nor does it include the many who work only seasonally and so they don't
actively seek employment for much of the year, nor does it count those
persons who are able to pull down only a handful of hours-perhaps
temping-and instead counts these as if they were every bit as employed as
the full-time salaried employee. If these persons were counted in the
official unemployment/underemployment rate, the number of such folks would
at least double, coming to around 8%, or perhaps even as high as 10%. That
the Labor Department does in fact keep this number-called the U-7 rate but
never reported to the general population-is only further confirmation that
the propaganda system in this land requires intentional obfuscation of the
true state of economic affairs.

And so it is essentially a matter of official monetary policy to maintain
unemployment at around 8-10% of the potential workforce-around 9-11 million
people in all-so as to keep the economy from "overheating," which really
means to keep wages from rising too high, thereby forcing companies to
either raise prices or suffer a loss of profitability as workers pocket more
of the value produced by their output. If we assume that many of these 9-11
million unemployed and underemployed persons have dependents, and that
lacking steady income they likely also lack bankable wealth-producing
reserves to call on in hard times, it is fair to estimate that over 20
million Americans are stuck in the ranks of the poor and near-poor thanks to
the conscious decisions of economic elites to keep them there.

The doors that this simple and readily apparent fact of American life has
the power to open are substantial: after all, if people are out of work and
poor (and thus, often in need of public assistance) because of a deliberate
economic policy; and if, indeed, the destitution of these individuals is
something which is required so that the rest of us may enjoy lower prices by
maintaining a certain degree of slackness in labor markets, then not only
should we not disparage the poor for their poverty, but indeed, we should
perhaps consider them among our most noble citizens: sacrificing their own
good for the well-being of us all.

To witness what the Fed is doing this summer to interest rates-all because
workers are supposedly doing too well-is to witness perhaps one of the
central organizing issues of the new decade: simply put, that working people
are hurting and will continue to hurt in this system so long as the
interests of the owning class are put ahead of those of everyone else. As
long as jobs and wages are seen as zero-sum games-and profit maximization
seen as the penultimate goal of a national economic policy-working people
will continue to be played off against one another, rotating in and out of
financial instability. To highlight the structural nature of economic
hardship-and the Fed's actions make this much easier for radicals to do
effectively-is to provide a new way of discussing so many of our most vexing
political and social issues. It is to allow citizens to potentially rethink
their stereotypical and negative views about the poor, about people of color
(blamed for "taking" jobs from whites), and the real sources of whatever
pain and insecurity they may be experiencing in their lives. It is to launch
a frontal assault against the myth of meritocracy and the "magic" of the
marketplace, and it is to make clear the overlapping worldviews of the two
dominant political parties in America: a clarity that will be desperately
needed if we are ever to build an effective alternative to the status quo.

So this week, let those of us who are radicals do something we probably
never expected to find ourselves doing: thanking Alan Greenspan for making
the nature of our economic beast more apparent than any army of sociologists
could ever hope to do. And let us go forward, using the facts pulled from
the very headlines of the mainstream press, as we strive to make the public
"see the system" for what it is so they may join in an effort to replace it.

Tim Wise is a Nashville-based activist and educator. He can be reached at


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